Hey gang! Hope your week is off to an EXCELLENT start. Here’s a 10 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout video that I shot in Central Park NYC. The workout is intense and efficient! You need to 2 medium/heavy dumbbells (at least 8 pounds for women and 15 pounds for men). To get the most out of the workout, do NOT take breaks unless I say so! 🙂
HIIT works because it forces us to push to our highest level of perceived exertion for short periods of time. This increases our anaerobic threshold, which burns a TON of calories during and AFTER the workout. Try the workout for yourself and let me know what you think. It’s a great way to get sexy for summer! #heygurlhey #heyboyhey
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUs5sGt87RY]