Happy Healthy Spring! Sponsored by #AirborneHealth

Spring Into Shape - Brit Rettig Blog

Ah springtime…out with the old and in with the new. I love spring because it feels like a fresh start! I usually try to rev up my workout regimen, get super strict about taking my daily multivitamin and drink 2 liters of water per day. I recently discovered Airborne® Everyday, which is a dietary supplement that has similar immunity boosting benefits as the traditional Airborne effervescent tablets PLUS a multivitamin.

I’ve always been a fan of Airborne® effervescent tablets. I started taking them back in college to boost my immune system through the extreme winters in Ithaca, NY. Every morning before practice, I’d drop one of those bad boys in a cup of water, watch it fizz and gulped it down. A good sweat session, lots of water and my daily Airborne® was my go to solution for staying fit, happy and healthy.

Ready to start the day with gummies in hand!

I tried Airborne® Everyday the past week and I really like it. Each morning I chewed up 2 gummies in place of my daily multivitamin – much more enjoyable than swallowing a giant horse pill. Also, I didn’t feel nauseous as I often do after taking my multivitamin. The amount of vitamins and minerals are pretty similar to those in my multivitamin so I wasn’t missing out on any nutrients. Plus, I received the Airborne’s® crafted immune support. On the down side, there are 6 grams of sugar per serving. (I figured I’d make up for it by adding some extra burpees to my classes at GRIT Fitness – wink wink). Overall, I think I’m going to make Airborne® Everyday a part of daily routine this spring.

What’s your daily immune support solution? Post a comment with your answer and you can win a 3-pack supply of Airborne® Everyday! Here’s to a happy, healthy spring! xoxo, Brit

Disclosure: I have been compensated with free product but the opinions are mine.
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Fitness Friday: Pink & Black Everything

HAPPY FRIDAY!  It feels so good to wrap up another wonderful week filled with good friends, sweaty workouts and continued business success!

First off congrats to Amanda Robinson and Laura (50by25) – you two won my Honest Fizz Giveaway!  I love that you both have discovered new, fun ways to stay active this Spring!  Email me to brit@gritbybrit.com so I can get your mailing info to send your prize.

As I look around my studio this week, I notice how perfectly my clients align their workout attire with our business colors – I’m talking a sea of pink and black.  Everyone looks so cute, I must share a few pics 🙂

…and in honor of “flash back friday,” here’s and pic of my DREAM TEAM from the grand opening of GRIT Fitness – I love these ladies SO very much.

I wish you a wonderful weekend!  Until the next post, stay sweaty!  xoxo, Brit

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Spring Into Shape + Honest Tea Giveaway

Spring Into Shape - Brit Rettig Blog

Have I mentioned that I LOVE Spring?!  (almost as much as I love Summer)  Check out the beautiful tulips I got for my studio – they instantly put me in a good mood.  I also love rockin’ fun sports bras when teaching my classes.  Recently I went on a mission to find fitness gear and heathy treats to help me “Spring Into Shape!”  Here are my 5 healthy finds to get you in tip top shape this Spring!

Brit’s Spring Fitness & Health Favorites

  1. Health Warrior Chia Bars
  2. Fabletics Taylor Tank
  3. Onzie elastic bra top in seafoam / citron with long legging in lotus
  4. Lorna Jane Dynamite Sports Bra
  5. Honest Fizz zero calorie beverage (perfect mixer with vodka)

GIVEAWAY: My friends from Honest Tea hooked me up with some goodies – yay!   Post a comment below sharing 1 healthy find you’ve discovered this Spring.  I’ll pick 2 winners this Friday to each win a case of Honest Fizz – ENJOY! xoxo, Brit

Loving this yummy, zero-calorie beverage from Honest Tea
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GRIT HIIT – 30 Minute Calorie Blasting Interval Circuit

Hey hey friends!  Last week I launched my newest class at GRIT Fitness, GRIT HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)!  Here’s the official class description…

Our signature high intensity interval training (HIIT) class designed to push you to your max! We utilize 6 or 8 pound medicine balls to take you through a tabata-style interval circuit that’s sure to spike your heart rate while building muscular endurance. Enjoy a jamming playlist to energize your workout and leave feeling fit and fierce!  Sneakers required 30 minutes

GRIT HIIT was very well-received by our clients so I wanted to share some “home-HIIT” goodness with you.

Photo op after my 1st GRIT HIIT class at GRIT Fitness

To complete this workout, you will need a medicine ball between 6-10 pounds, depending on your strength.  Complete 4 rounds of each circuit below for a 30 minute workout.  Be sure warm up with a 5 minute brisk walk or jog and stretch for at least 5 minutes after the workout.

GRIT HIIT- 30 Minute Workout 

Circuit 1

  • Jumping Jacks (no medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Medicine Ball Squat Jumps – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 20 seconds

Circuit 2

  • High knee run in place (no medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Wood chop swings, holding medicine ball – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 20 seconds

Circuit  3

  • Football run, quick feet drill (no medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Alternating split lunge jumps, holding medicine ball – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 20 seconds

Circuit  4

  • Mountain Climbers (no medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Medicine Ball Plank Hold (stabilize with both hands on medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 20 seconds

Circuit  5

  • Tricep Push Ups (no medicine ball) – 20 seconds
  • Seated Russian twists, holding medicine ball – 20 seconds
  • Rest – 20 seconds

I hope you enjoy the workout!  If you have any questions about the exercises just post a comment below.  Wishing you wonderful week ahead.  xoxo, Brit

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Happiness is…

Good morning friends!  I’m loving this quote that I stumbled upon this morning via Instagram browsing.  It’s a great reminder of why I love mornings and why I love Mondays.  I encourage you to take this new week as a fresh opportunity to make your dreams come true and to be happy!  Remember, YOU hold the power 🙂

Happy Monday!  xoxo, Brit

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25 Women to Know + Body Sculpt Workout

Photo by Hello Beautiful & Sharea Antoinette Photography


Happy hump day my friends!  This week is a bit of a bear – lots going at the studio and in my life!  On the bright side, Hello Beautiful, a leading pop culture site for today’s Black Women recently named me as one of their “25 Women to Know” – yay!  CLICK HERE to read the full article and my interview.

On an unrelated topic, I’m really proud of the playlist I put together yesterday for my BODY SCULPT™ class, so I want to share it!  Here’s a link to it on Spotify.  Who would have known that Bills, Bills, Bills by Destiny’s Child is the perfect song to power through continuous bicep curls? 😉

Also, I created a home-version of my signature BODY SCULPT™ workout that you can do on your own.  This class is designed to fatigue each major muscle group and keep your heart rate elevated with a couple of cardio intervals.  Here’s the full class description.  BODY SCULPT™ is a very popular class format at my studio!  Give this home workout a whirl and let me know what you think.  You will need two 5-8 pound dumbbells to complete the workout.


Have a wonderful rest of your day!  Remember, you hold the power the make it great!  xoxo, Brit

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lucy Dallas Studio of the Month

Lucy Studio of the Month Dallas GRIT Fitness

Hello friends – happy Spring!  I’m so excited to share that my studio, GRIT Fitness, has been chosen as lucy’s studio of the month in Dallas!  For the entire month of April, lucy will show lots of GRIT Fitness love at their store – yay for more marketing of our new business.  Last week I got to decorate their bulletin board in the store window with GRIT Fitness stuff…what do you think (see below)?

After decorating the bulletin board at lucy Dallas – GRIT Fitness represent!

They also let me put flyers and business cards at their front desk for customers to pick up during check out.  The BEST part is that all of my clients get to join me for a discounted shopping day on April 18th!  We’ll stock up on cute workout clothes at 20%  mark down from the full-price.  This should be a fun opportunity for us to hang out outside of the gym.

And I got to leave flyers and business cards at the front desk

After placing our GRIT swag at the lucy Dallas store, Maria and I enjoyed a yummy lunch next door at True Food Kitchen.  Maria teaches Flexin’ Flow and GRIT HIIT at our studio.  We enjoyed the food so much I wanted to share some pics…

My SPRING VEGETABLE GARDEN salad with grilled chicken
Maria enjoying her Farmers Market Salad and “Hangover RX” juice consisting of Coconut Water, Pineapple, Vanilla & Orange

I always feel good about myself when I find real, natural food that’s tastes great.  If there’s a True Food Kitchen near you, I highly suggest you give it a try!  After our shopping day next Saturday, we plan to have brunch at True Food.

Well gang, that’s my good news for the day.  I’m off to make my playlists for my classes this week – I’m teaching 10!  Eeeeek.  Wish me luck and have a Marvelous Monday.  xoxo, Brit

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Happy Easter 2015

Me and my dad at Easter lunch (photo credit: Mom - Kay Rettig)

Happy Easter, Passover and Sunday my friends!  I hope you enjoyed a nice day with your family or friends.

Last night I enjoyed a lovely Passover Seder hosted by my friend Amanda (author of Glitter & Spice blog).  It was my first time to partake in this Jewish tradition and I really enjoyed it.  We started off the dinner with a toast of red wine and then listened to Amanda recite traditional readings that recounted the events of the Exodus.  The food was delicious – Matzah ball soup, brisket, potatoes and a yummy blueberry dessert – we enjoyed it all!  (We also drank plenty of red wine).

My homemade Easter breakfast: Black coffee, fresh berries, whole wheat french toast, sugar-free syrup

Early this morning I made myself a delicious breakfast and did a bit of work before heading to church with my parents.  Yesterday, I kicked off training for our 2nd round of GRIT Fitness instructors – yay!  We have 8 in our training class.   While I try to keep Sunday’s “work-free” I ended up sending some follow-up emails to the group this morning.  On the bright side, I’m pretty proud of the whole wheat french toast I whipped up – looks pretty good huh?

Here’s a pic of the 8 lovely ladies who started instructor training yesterday!  So excited to work with them over the next 6 weeks and coach them to teach their first class!

8 new instructors in training at GRIT Fitness

After church today, my parents and I went out to lunch.  Here’s a pic of me and my dad.  He’s not great a looking at the camera but he’s a really great dad and friend.   There’s no way I would have been able to start my business without his guidance, coaching and day-to-day support.  My mom’s pretty awesome too.  She’s probably the most positive and encouraging person in the whole world – 4 realz (she also took this pic).

Me and my dad at Easter lunch (photo credit: Mom – Kay Rettig)

Now I’m cleaning up my place and getting  ready for the week ahead.  Stay tuned, I have lots of new workouts and playlists to share with you this week.  I promise you will like.  Talk to you tomorrow. xoxo, Brit

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Spring Shape Up Circuit: Running & Strength Interval Workout

Hello friends!  Spring has officially sprung here in Dallas, TX.  We enjoyed a gorgeous weekend of sunshine and 75 degree weather.  Some of my friends even enjoyed time by the pool.  I’m so glad that Winter is over and cannot wait to spend more time outside, especially partaking in outdoor workouts.  This week I plan to hit up the Katy Trail and knock out this running and strength training circuit.  I made the perfect 40 minute playlist to energize my sweat session – you should too!

In addition, my friends from Studio Hop and Lorna Jane NorthPark and I just finished planning the premier fitness event of the season!  We are hosting a free outdoor workout at NorthPark center on Saturday, April 11th at 10:30am.  If you live in Dallas, you should DEFINITELY join the party!  There will be a lot of sweat, a lot of shopping and a lot of smiles!  What’s not to like?  So grab your yoga mat and a friend and join the party.  CLICK HERE to RSVP at the Facebook event page.

Spring into shape!  xoxo, Brit 

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Savor The Moment

Dallas GRIT Fitness Dream Team

Image: Me and my Dream Team at the grand opening of Dallas GRIT Fitness – so blessed to have the most energetic, talented and dedicated team of instructors and friends! View More: http://fagin007photography.pass.us/grit

Hello hello my dearest blog community!  I hope this post finds you joyous and well.  Wow – what a week.  My new venture, GRIT Fitness, is growing like crazy.  We’ve had record attendance over the past 2 weeks and I couldn’t be more grateful for the early success.  In the midst of writing newsletters, planning special events, networking with brand partners, creating playlists, cleaning and developing instructors, I’m trying to take a few moments each day to sit still and savor the moment.  Of course I want to grow GRIT Fitness to be the world’s leading fitness/wellness brand BUT sometimes I get so focused on “what’s next” that I forget that I’m actually living my dream TODAY!  This time last year, I hoped and prayed for an opportunity to quit my consulting career and wear workout clothes every day.  A chance to wake up each morning with a direct opportunity help people reach their fitness goals and simply be a source a positive energy to everyone I encounter.  Now I get to do just that.  So amazing.  For me, learning to savor the moment is easier said than done, but little by little I’m getting better at it and I can see an improvement in overall wellbeing, mood and happiness.

For instance, this morning as I sit at my kitchen table writing this blog post and checking things off of my “to do” list, I try to be really mindful of how yummy my greek yogurt parfait tastes.  Usually I just scarf it down while typing an email, but today I paused after I took a bite and thought to myself, “damn, this is pretty tasty.”  Sounds so simple, but it really put a smile on my face.

Brit’s breakfast 3/19/15 – greek yogurt, blue berries and watermelon (giant pot of black coffee not pictured)

Yesterday, I enjoyed tea time at Sip Stir Cafe with my good friend Megan, founder of the The Lyon’s Share Wellness.  We try to get together once a month to share stories and encourage each other.   Like me, Megan also quit her consulting career to start her own business.  She’s a certified nutrition and running coach whom I very much admire.  After our chat, I hung around the cafe and caught up on work and during that time I took a moment simply express gratitude for positive, healthy friendships.  I often take those for granted, but boy does being around positive people nourish my soul!  So good 🙂

Yesterday at Sip Stir cafe after my tea time with Megan – savoring positive friendships and the yummy apple/lemon grass tea

I’m going to continue to mindfully pause throughout my day and savor the good that’s in the present moment.  Hopefully it will become a healthy habit!

Alright gang, I’m off to teach my noon spin class for the awesome employees at Fossil corporate HQ.  I’ll savor that sweaty ride and endorphin pumpin’ playlist 🙂

How do you savor the moment?

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