Hey Gang – Happy (almost) 4th of July! In honor of the upcoming holiday I’m hosting a giveaway of 2 super cute headbands from Sweaty Bands (pictured below)! I love Sweaty Bands because they come in TONS of bright colors and cool patterns and most importantly, they don’t slip during your workout. To participate in the giveaway, just post a comment telling me your 4th of July weekend workout plans – be creative! I’ll pick a winner and announce on Wednesday, July 2nd! Also, be sure to include your email address or a way that I can contact you if you win.

In case you’re pressed for time this weekend, here’s a quick and very effective cardio workout that you can complete in 20 minutes. I do this workout in my hotel room all the time – it’s simple and sweaty! Warning – there’s a lot of jumping incorporated, so if you have chronic knee pain or knee injuries, this is not your ideal workout. For best results, move quickly from one exercise to the next and ONLY rest during the set rest times. You can expect to burn 250-300 calories in 20 minutes or less. Be sure to stretch after you’re finished. If you have questions about any of the exercises, email me at [email protected]. Also, YouTube has tons of example videos to guide you. Give my 20 Minute Cardio workout a whirl and let me know how it goes. Also, don’t forget to share your weekend workout plans to win these adorable Sweaty Bands. Have a great week! xoxo, Brit
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I love your blog and all your pages on social media! I’m planning on working out indoors, because of the heat and humidity that’s forecasted for this week. Over this past weekend I brushed the dust off my old Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVDs.
They are fun and provide me with a great workout. Now that I’ve seen your ’20 Minute Cardio Workout’, planning on alternating this workout with the 30 minute, Tae Bo workouts.
For fun outdoors workouts, it’s all about the water workouts! I’m planning having some playtime with my kids to cool off and get in some laps in the pool. (email: [email protected])
Hi Brit! Love your blog, your energy and your workouts! I started your Burpee challenge & the 4th of July will be day 10! Wow! 50! That will start some fireworks. Besides chasing around my 3 year old, dancing my butt off at a music festival, I will hop on the treadmill for a 5k in addition to the burpees and get some weights in too.
My username links to my blog/contact, but here it is too, [email protected]
Hey Brit! I’ve been loving reading your blog and trying out the workouts you post on here! This 4th weekend, I’m going to be pushing for some long runs and really working on my yoga inversions – my handstand is still just an elusive dream 🙁
Whoops I guess I don’t read instructions well! My email is [email protected] 🙂
My 4th of July workout plans are go hiking and zip lining! I’m so excited! 3 hours of that fun! my e-mail [email protected]
I’m running in a Spark Your Heart 5K on the 4th and then my crossfit box is having an awesome weekend partner WOD! Plus, I hike some fantastic trails nearly every weekend in the summer…the 4th weekend will be no different. Possibly a trail leading to a waterfall is in the plans! Happy 4th! Love your blog and encouragement! Keep up the good work!
Hi Brit. I just found your blog and it’s giving me motivation. My husband and I just started the Beta round of T25 so I will be doing that on the 4th with him. It’s intense but I love that it is only 25 minutes. I can’t forget my Cocker Spaniel..will be taking him for a walk up at the local high school’s track that morning 🙂
[email protected]
i plan on doing some exercises in the pool this week
[email protected]
This summer, I’ve been spending a lot of time studying for my mcat this coming august. Exercise had been a huge stress relief of mine, and I’ve recently gotten into running! I hope to accomplish a 5k by the end of this summer, so this 4th of July weekend will consist of running along the bayou–my goal is to do a 2.5 mile stretch in one go. I also plan on doing a bit of cross training by getting some laps in at the pool and balancing out my cardio by doing a few Pilates routines. During my study breaks, I want to try your 20 min cardio workout!
Thanks for all the fun workout suggestions! 🙂
Email: [email protected]
Even though I have to work the weekend (bummer!), I am still going to run and keep to my marathon schedule. I’m also going to do some shopping. That counts as a workout, right??
tamileepronske at gmail. dot com
Hey guys – thanks for sharing all of these awesome workout plans – so hard to pick a winner, but I’ll announce in today’s blog post. Thanks for being a part of our “gritty” community 🙂 lots of luv, Brit