4th of July Giveaway from Sweaty Bands & 20 Minute Cardio Workout

Hey Gang – Happy (almost) 4th of July!  In honor of the upcoming holiday I’m hosting a giveaway of 2 super cute headbands from Sweaty Bands (pictured below)!  I love Sweaty Bands because they come in TONS of bright colors and cool patterns and most importantly, they don’t slip during your workout.  To participate in the giveaway, just post a comment telling me your 4th of July weekend workout plans – be creative!  I’ll pick a winner and announce on Wednesday, July 2nd!  Also, be sure to include your email address or a way that I can contact you if you win.

2 Super Cute Sweaty Bands to be given away to 1 lucky winner!  Post your 4th of July Workout plans below to enter to win!
2 Super Cute Sweaty Bands to be given away to 1 lucky winner! Post your 4th of July Workout plans below to enter to win!

In case you’re pressed for time this weekend, here’s a quick and very effective cardio workout that you can complete in 20 minutes.  I do this workout in my hotel room all the time – it’s simple and sweaty!  Warning – there’s a lot of jumping incorporated, so if you have chronic knee pain or knee injuries, this is not your ideal workout.  For best results, move quickly from one exercise to the next and ONLY rest during the set rest times.  You can expect to burn 250-300 calories in 20 minutes or less.  Be sure to stretch after you’re finished.  If you have questions about any of the exercises, email me at [email protected].  Also, YouTube has tons of example videos to guide you.  Give my 20 Minute Cardio workout a whirl and let me know how it goes.  Also, don’t forget to share your weekend workout plans to win these adorable Sweaty Bands.  Have a great week!  xoxo, Brit

20 Minute Cardio Workout

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Spring Break Shape Up: 6 Tricks to Burn an Extra 200 Calories Per Day


Hey gang!  Spring is around the corner and I know that my inbox will be full of Spring time shape up requests.  To keep us ahead of the last minute slim down dash, here’s my 6 quick and easy tricks to burn excess calories.

First, remember that in order to truly lose 1 pound of body weight, we must burn 3,500 calories more than we consume.  Assuming your diet and activity remain consistent, adding these 6 tricks to your daily routine can  result in losing 1 additional pound every ~18 days.  Not bad huh?  Also be sure to note that these estimates are based on 150-160 pound person.  A lighter person will burn fewer calories and a heavier person will burn more.

Brit’s 6 Tricks

  1. Stand up at your desk instead of sitting.  Standing burns about 50 percent more calories than sitting.  Standing at your desk for 30 minutes will burn about 72 calories (2X the amount burned while sitting).  Standing instead of sitting for 30 minutes = 36 calories
  2. Learn to Laugh.  15 minutes of laughter = 20 calories
  3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Climbing two flights of stairs, three times per day = 30 calories
  4. Dance in the mirror.  Dancing is a fun, self-confidence boosting calorie blaster.  So twerk a little something while getting dressed for work in the morning 🙂  Dancing for 10 minutes = 58 calories
  5. Stretch in front of the TV.  Doesn’t matter if you’re enjoying Scandal or the Bachelor, be sure to stretch instead of sit on the couch.  8-10 minutes of stretching = 31 calories
  6. Choose the parking spot farthest from your building entrance.  Walking for an extra 5 minutes = 25 calories

 Total = 200 additional calories burned! 

burn more calories


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20 Minute Calorie Blast

short sprints equal long strolls

Happy Hump Day ladies and gents.  I’m back to work this week after a lovely, restful holiday break.  As I’m sure you can empathize, I’ve been working late every evening getting caught up on old stuff and planning for 2013.  HOWEVER, I’m not going to let my job take over my health.  This means I’m finding a way to get some exercise in this week.  Tomorrow I don’t have a much time to workout because I travel home (I’m a traveling consultant, on the road every Mon-Thur).  So I put together this “20 Minute Calorie Blast” workout.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have to workout for LONG periods of time in order to get an effective workout.  My buddies over at Greatist.com have shared that 2 Minute Sprints Burn Fat Like 30 Minute Workouts!  With that in mind, I’ve included 4 – 2 minute sprints into this workout 😉  I’m going to do it in the morning.  Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes – enjoy 🙂

short sprints equal long strolls2

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