SKIP into Shape! New Jump Rope Workout

I’m back on the road for work this week which means more Hotel Gym Workouts! There are jump ropes in the fitness center of my hotel, so this morning I made up a new jump rope circuit to “skip” into shape. It was a GREAT way to fight hotel gym boredom and to include some plyometric training in my routine. I felt super athletic while doing the exercises and got a good sweat!

Here are the details…

  • Calories Burned: 400-500
  • Duration: 40-45 minutes
  • Focus: Cardio + Lower body power and explosion from the jumping and burpees
  • Brit’s Commentary: Our bodies are SO efficient! This means we constantly need to change our workout routines so that our bodies have to adjust and thus, get stronger and burn more calories. Mixing a jump rope circuit into your usual cardio routine is a great way to SHOCK your body.

Remember, if we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got. #GRIT

Lots of luv, Brit


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3 weeks till GREECE! #BikiniBody


It’s almost Summer!  In less than 3 weeks I will be lying beach-side in Santorini and Mykonos, Greece! I’m SO excited.  I’ve never been to Greece before.  Have you?

Last year I went to Monaco and Italy which was AMAZING.  In preparation for the trip, I designed an Extreme Bikini Body workout which got me in tip-top shape.  I felt tight and toned in the Côte d’Azur! Below is a throw back pic from Summer 2012 at the Monte Carlo Beach Club!

grit by brit bikini body

Now, it’s time to get bikini ready yet again!  So I made a new and improved EXTRA Extreme Bikini Body Workout.  I plan to do this workout 4 times in the next 3 weeks to get me in super bikini shape.  On my off days, I plan to do power yoga and my teach my regular cycling and PiYo classes.

The workout is very intense with heavy cardio and lots of focus on the core – it’s designed to burn 1,000 calories!  Simply getting through the workout requires at lot of #GRIT which makes us feel strong and confident.  After all, confidence is the most important thing we need to look awesome in a bikini 🙂

Got a beach trip coming up?  Try the workout for yourself

Yay for bikinis! Luv, Brit

EXTRA Extreme Bikini Body Workout

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5 Fabulous Tips for a Healthy Body + Gorgeous Hair

If anyone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, my answer was always (and still is )  a “Talk Show Host.”  This weekend was like taking a step toward my childhood dream!   My “fit friends” from and I got to share health and hair tips on Good Morning Texas (that’s me on the right) – woo hoo!


Then we got to share more tips during the Dallas/Fort Worth International Natural Hair Meet Up Day!  I was a health and wellness expert panelist for the event and shared all of my GRIT by Brit health and fitness advice!   I also disclosed my personal tips for keeping my hair healthy and well-maintained despite my long sweat sessions at the gym.

speaking on panel

Below are Whitney Patterson and Alexandria Williams, the co-founders of and amazing hostesses of DFW’s International Natural Hair Meet up Day!

whitney and alex

full panel

Each member of the panel, including me, lives a VERY active lifestyle.  Obviously I’m a fitness instructor, but the panel also included a triathlete, a running coach and a personal trainer.  While most would think that our love for fitness is what unites us, it’s actually our combined love for good health AND good hair.

That said, here are our Top 5 tips for a healthy body + gorgeous hair:

  1. Stay hydrated – Drinking plenty water is critical for healthy hair.  Not only does hydration speed up your metabolism (i.e make you sexy) it’s also needed to moisturize your scalp and thus your hair.  Drink up ladies so we can keep those locks flowing 😉
  2. Conditioner is key – I cannot say this enough.  You must keep your hair moisturized!  Our hair has to maintain an adequate level of natural oils to look and feel healthy.  Since I sweat almost every day, I have to wash my hair a lot which strips it of natural oils.  So, I always do a deep conditioning treatment and I keep a bottle of leave-in-conditioner in my gym bag to spray down my hair after workouts.
  3. Breath & Meditate – Stress and anxiety causes hair thinning and dryness.  If you notice a lot of breakage in your hair, check out your stress level.  You may benefits from a little yoga or simply have some quiet time for reflection and relaxation.
  4. Bye bye rubber bands – Make sure that the hair elastics you are using are gentle on your hair.  If you are like me and wear a ponytail while you work out, be careful!  We often wear our hair pulled back too tight and use hair elastics that cause breakage.  Try to find a hair tie that is silky and smooth.  A loose ponytail is always better than a tight one!
  5. Biotin is your buddy – Take a Biotin supplement – trust me!  It’s a great vitamin for your hair, skin and nails.  It’s not expensive and it’s a super effective way to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to keep your hair healthy.

Keep these tips in mind as you continue on your healthy journey – I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me.  My mom (middle), little sister (left) and I want to wish you a wonderfully beautiful week!

Stay gorgeous! xoxo, Brit

me kort mom

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Dr. Oz 3 Day Cleanse Confessions

So, I’ve officially completed the Dr. Oz 3 Day Detox.  I personally wanted to try the detox because I’m a new vegetarian (5 months strong) and I’ve noticed that I’ve become sloppy (i.e. eating lots of simple carbs and fewer fruits and veggies).  I’ve actually gained 3 pounds since I’ve become a vegetarian…not a good look.  The Dr. Oz cleanse presented me with a great opportunity to get back on track it because it replaces meals with fruit/veggie drinks for 3 days.  Click here to see the drink recipes.  Overall, I give the Dr. Oz cleanse the “GRIT by Brit 2 thumbs up” and here’s why…

First off, I definitely got my fair share of veggies and fruits.  Each drink consists of at least 3-4 servings of fruits/vegetables (sometimes more than I eat in an entire day).  I feel like a born again vegetarian 🙂  Unlike most cleanses, each drink includes some sort of healthy fat (i.e. avocado, coconut oil, almond butter).   This is really important because my body wasn’t deprived of essential nutrients AND I got an adequate amount of protein.  Since I weight train 2-3 times per week, I HAVE to make sure that my protein intake is sufficient so that my muscles can repair themselves.  I was also really impressed by how tasty each of the drinks are.  I mean, who would guess blending mango, blueberries,  cayenne pepper, avocado and coconut water would actually taste good?

Dr. Oz Cleanse Drinks

Secondly, in only 3 days I lost 2.2 pounds 🙂  I’m 5’8″ and very muscular but I always try to keep my weight below 153 pounds.  Still 1 more pound to go!

weight loss from cleansing

Also, I developed a new obsession = Epsom Salt and lavender oil baths!  This was HEAVEN IN MY HOME!  Daily soak sessions are a part of the Dr. Oz cleanse.  Not only are they detoxifying, but they are SO relaxing and soothing!  As a group fitness instructor I always have sore muscles and these baths were a perfect remedy for my muscle aches.   I also discovered Dr. Teal’s Epsom + Lavender oil bath soak, so I can buy both ingredients already combined – yes!

Epsom Salt and Lavender

Last, the cleanse has definitely helped me ween off coffee.  I sometimes drink 4 cups a day…not good I know, but at least I’m honest.  After going 3 days without coffee, I’ve realized that I don’t really need it.  The cleanse calls for 1 cup of hot green tea ever morning which gave me a decent caffeine fix.  However,  I was a little groggy on some days without my Cup-a-Joe.  This is something I’ll continue to work on.

Now that the cleanse is over, I’ve decided that this is not going to be a “one time thing” for me.  I really loved the lunch drink, so today I’m having it for dinner before I head to yoga!  I’m going to continue making these smoothies and drinking them as meal replacements every now and then.  It’s an easy and efficient way to ensure I get enough fiber and my fruit/veggie fix.

If you are considering trying the Dr. Oz 3 Day Detox cleanse – I highly recommend it.  Let me know how it goes!

Lots of luv, health & joy to you!

xoxo, Brit

GRIT by Brit and Dr. Oz

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Get FIT and WELL with an Outdoor Workout


It’s Spring – yippee!  The sun is shining and skin is showing, so take your workout OUTSIDE.  A recent study showed that exercising outdoors improves “mental well-being: compared with exercising indoors, exercising in natural environments was associated with greater feelings of revitalization  increased energy and positive engagement, together with decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression. Participants also reported greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activity and stated that they were more likely to repeat the activity at a later date.”  Source: Outdoor Fit

piyo outside dallas grit by brit

Above: Me teaching PiYo on the Wet Deck at the W Dallas Hotel last Saturday

Not only are outdoor workouts fun, they also provide lots of extra health benefits.  Here are my top 3 reason you should take your sweat session out doors this Spring:

  1.  Burn More Calories – Running and cycling outside takes more energy due to overcoming wind resistance and balancing on uneven terrains.  Also, people are naturally more enthusiastic when they workout outdoors and put more energy into their works resulting in higher calorie burn 🙂
  2. Get some Vitamin D – UV rays from sun exposure  give our bodies lots of Vitamin D which increases energy and vitality.  Soak up those rays but don’t forget your sunscreen!
  3. It’s FREE – Unlike working out in gyms or fitness studios, most outdoor workouts are absolutely free!  Like my Pilates/Yoga class that I teach every Saturday morning at the W Dallas Victory hotel.  Several yoga studios and boot camps offer free outdoor workouts in the Spring and Summer so keep you eyes peeled for special events.  Better yet, try a track workout!  And when in doubt, nothing beats a good old-fashioned run in the park with a jammin’ playlist 🙂

Enjoy the outdoors!  xoxo, Brit

out door workout grit by brit

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10 Minute HIIT Workout


Hey gang!  Hope your week is off to an EXCELLENT start.   Here’s a 10 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout video that I shot in Central Park NYC.  The workout is intense and efficient!   You need to 2 medium/heavy dumbbells (at least 8 pounds for women and 15 pounds for men).  To get the most out of the workout, do NOT take breaks unless I say so! 🙂

HIIT works because it forces us to push to our highest level of perceived exertion for short periods of time.  This increases our anaerobic threshold, which burns a TON of calories during and AFTER the workout.  Try  the workout for yourself and let me know what you think.  It’s  a great way to get sexy for summer!  #heygurlhey #heyboyhey


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3-Day Detox Cleanse by Dr.OZ

Dr Oz 3 Day Detox Official

So, some of my best friends have been ranting and raving about the great results they’ve had with the Dr. Oz Juice Cleanse.  Have any of you tried the cleanse before?  Were you successful?  Obviously, I have serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and have to try it for myself.  I already went shopping and bought all of my ingredients (see pic below).

dr oz juice cleanse

I’m especially excited about bathing in Epsom Salt every night! Growing up, my mother (a true country woman) would ALWAYS make me bathe in Epsom Salt to help soothe mosquito bites, achy muscles or open scrapes from playground accidents.   No matter the issue, an Epsom Salt bath was her go-to cure.

What’s really interesting about this “cleanse” is that the drinks actually include A LOT of food.  I spent $90 at Central Market today buying all of the ingredients.  If you look closely at each of the drinks, they each include almost 4 full servings of fruits and veggies – that’s AMAZING!  I have a feeling that the drinks are going to be very filling 😉

Also, I’m infatuated with Coconut Oil right now.  I like to use it on my skin and in my hair for deep conditioning, but never have I ingested it.   This will be a first.  Last, the almond butter, almond milk and flax seeds are nice additions to help ensure I get sufficient protein   Altogether, this cleanse is HEALTHY, BALANCED and LEGIT according to GRIT by Brit!

Follow me on Twitter @GRITbyBrit for my pictures and progress updates over the next 3 days.  Also, please share your cleanse stories if you’ve decided to try it too!

Hope you had a great weekend – CHOOSE to have a great week ahead!

GRIT by Brit stay strong

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Cinco de Mayo Sweat Session!

Cinco de Mayo Sweat Circuit

Happy Cinco de Mayo weekend!  Before you head out to enjoy the holiday with margaritas and delicious Mexican food, be sure to get a quick sweat session in.  My “Cinco de Mayo Sweat Circuit” consists of 5 sets of 5 exercises.  Between each round, do jumping jacks or high knee run in place for 1 minute.  Altogether, the workout only takes about 10 minutes but is super effective.  Expect to burn ~200 calories.  Enjoy your holiday – fiesta fiesta!

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Aqua Studio NYC: Spinning in a swimming pool!

aqua cycling

Aqua cool does that sound?  I was super pumped up to hear that Aqua Studio opened earlier this month in NYC, so some friends and I checked it out.  It was definitely the “Most Interesting Workout” I’ve ever done.   Long story short – try it out to say you did it, but overall it’s not worth the money. I’m sad to confess that after my first Aqua Cycling workout, I walked right across the street to CrossFit 212 for a “real workout.”  Now let me temper my sentiments by making clear that I crave intense workouts.  If I’m not drenched in sweat by the end, I feel like I wasted my time.  If you’re like me in this regard, save your money and hit up a higher intensity class.

On a side note, word on the street is that Beyonce did Aqua Cycling to lose her baby weight.  But, let’s be real. Did you see the way she was sweating and working it out during the Super Bowl half time?  There’s NO WAY she got into that shape by casually pedaling a bicycle in a swimming pool.  I’m 100% confident that she worked her butt off to the point of complete exhaustion to get that body and those moves.  I’m just sayin…

Now that I’ve shared my colorful commentary, here’s the real deal with Aqua Cycling:

Workout Detailspicstitch(29)

  • Aqua Studio opened in NYC on April 15th – it’s located in Tribeca in a really chic, high end, boutique studio
  • 45 minute cycling workout with the bike completely submerged in water
  • No resistance on the bike, so resistance is based on how fast you pedal (the faster you pedal, the more natural resistance you feel from the water)
  • Lots of core and isometric toning exercising are incorporated throughout the workout session.  The moves are similar to water aerobics (i.e. arm strokes in the water, float on your back and do crunches)


Aqua Studio NYC

  • Low impact, so a good work out option if you have knee problems
  • Being in water naturally is therapeutic 😉
  • Instructors are really nice (not mean or too intense)
  • Music is good.  We gotta a like Drake “Started from the Bottom” jamz during my class
  • Studio is impeccable, like being at  high end spa, really nice!
  • Nice change up to your usual workout routine


  • Very expensive ($40 for single drop in class)
  • Lacking intensity – I’d estimate you only burn 300 calories in 45 minutes
  • The class choreography could use some help.  Simply doing more sprints on the bike would make the the workout more effective.  Also, we did a body weight arm circuit above the water that was super easy…kind of felt like a waste of time.

Sorry Aqua Studio NY, had a good time, but not “GRITTY” enough for me 🙁

aquacycling in action

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Best ABS Ever!


Sick of crunches?  Search no more.  Here’s a fun, fierce ab workout that I designed and filmed for you guys.  You need to 2 medium dumbbells to complete the workout.  It takes about 10 minutes and you can expect to burn 100 calories.  Do the workout 3-4 times per week along with some cardio to get your Six pack by Summer!

I think you’re FABULOUS!  xoxo, Brit


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