25 Women to Know + Body Sculpt Workout

Photo by Hello Beautiful & Sharea Antoinette Photography


Happy hump day my friends!  This week is a bit of a bear – lots going at the studio and in my life!  On the bright side, Hello Beautiful, a leading pop culture site for today’s Black Women recently named me as one of their “25 Women to Know” – yay!  CLICK HERE to read the full article and my interview.

On an unrelated topic, I’m really proud of the playlist I put together yesterday for my BODY SCULPT™ class, so I want to share it!  Here’s a link to it on Spotify.  Who would have known that Bills, Bills, Bills by Destiny’s Child is the perfect song to power through continuous bicep curls? 😉

Also, I created a home-version of my signature BODY SCULPT™ workout that you can do on your own.  This class is designed to fatigue each major muscle group and keep your heart rate elevated with a couple of cardio intervals.  Here’s the full class description.  BODY SCULPT™ is a very popular class format at my studio!  Give this home workout a whirl and let me know what you think.  You will need two 5-8 pound dumbbells to complete the workout.


Have a wonderful rest of your day!  Remember, you hold the power the make it great!  xoxo, Brit

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Spring Shape Up Circuit: Running & Strength Interval Workout

Hello friends!  Spring has officially sprung here in Dallas, TX.  We enjoyed a gorgeous weekend of sunshine and 75 degree weather.  Some of my friends even enjoyed time by the pool.  I’m so glad that Winter is over and cannot wait to spend more time outside, especially partaking in outdoor workouts.  This week I plan to hit up the Katy Trail and knock out this running and strength training circuit.  I made the perfect 40 minute playlist to energize my sweat session – you should too!

In addition, my friends from Studio Hop and Lorna Jane NorthPark and I just finished planning the premier fitness event of the season!  We are hosting a free outdoor workout at NorthPark center on Saturday, April 11th at 10:30am.  If you live in Dallas, you should DEFINITELY join the party!  There will be a lot of sweat, a lot of shopping and a lot of smiles!  What’s not to like?  So grab your yoga mat and a friend and join the party.  CLICK HERE to RSVP at the Facebook event page.

Spring into shape!  xoxo, Brit 

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Savor The Moment

Dallas GRIT Fitness Dream Team

Image: Me and my Dream Team at the grand opening of Dallas GRIT Fitness – so blessed to have the most energetic, talented and dedicated team of instructors and friends! View More: http://fagin007photography.pass.us/grit

Hello hello my dearest blog community!  I hope this post finds you joyous and well.  Wow – what a week.  My new venture, GRIT Fitness, is growing like crazy.  We’ve had record attendance over the past 2 weeks and I couldn’t be more grateful for the early success.  In the midst of writing newsletters, planning special events, networking with brand partners, creating playlists, cleaning and developing instructors, I’m trying to take a few moments each day to sit still and savor the moment.  Of course I want to grow GRIT Fitness to be the world’s leading fitness/wellness brand BUT sometimes I get so focused on “what’s next” that I forget that I’m actually living my dream TODAY!  This time last year, I hoped and prayed for an opportunity to quit my consulting career and wear workout clothes every day.  A chance to wake up each morning with a direct opportunity help people reach their fitness goals and simply be a source a positive energy to everyone I encounter.  Now I get to do just that.  So amazing.  For me, learning to savor the moment is easier said than done, but little by little I’m getting better at it and I can see an improvement in overall wellbeing, mood and happiness.

For instance, this morning as I sit at my kitchen table writing this blog post and checking things off of my “to do” list, I try to be really mindful of how yummy my greek yogurt parfait tastes.  Usually I just scarf it down while typing an email, but today I paused after I took a bite and thought to myself, “damn, this is pretty tasty.”  Sounds so simple, but it really put a smile on my face.

Brit’s breakfast 3/19/15 – greek yogurt, blue berries and watermelon (giant pot of black coffee not pictured)

Yesterday, I enjoyed tea time at Sip Stir Cafe with my good friend Megan, founder of the The Lyon’s Share Wellness.  We try to get together once a month to share stories and encourage each other.   Like me, Megan also quit her consulting career to start her own business.  She’s a certified nutrition and running coach whom I very much admire.  After our chat, I hung around the cafe and caught up on work and during that time I took a moment simply express gratitude for positive, healthy friendships.  I often take those for granted, but boy does being around positive people nourish my soul!  So good 🙂

Yesterday at Sip Stir cafe after my tea time with Megan – savoring positive friendships and the yummy apple/lemon grass tea

I’m going to continue to mindfully pause throughout my day and savor the good that’s in the present moment.  Hopefully it will become a healthy habit!

Alright gang, I’m off to teach my noon spin class for the awesome employees at Fossil corporate HQ.  I’ll savor that sweaty ride and endorphin pumpin’ playlist 🙂

How do you savor the moment?

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Flexin’ Flow™ : The Hottest New Yoga-Pilates-Bootcamp Hybrid Workout

Hello friends!  I hope your week is off to an amazing start!  I just finished teaching my 6am Flexin’ Flow™ class and I feel very accomplished!  Flexin’ Flow™ is a new total body strength, stretching and intensity interval class that I designed and launched last month.  If you like the idea of Vinyasa Power Yoga, but have a really short attention span and a deep love for hip hop music, this is the class for you!  Here’s the official class description:

If yoga, pilates and boot camp had a baby, it would be Flexin’ Flow™! Our signature, total body workout is designed to build strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. Enjoy the unique combination of vinyasa power yoga sequences, core stability exercises, leg toning circuits and intensity intervals all while jammin’ to upbeat music! Prepare to tone your entire body and leave class super sweaty.  Bring your yoga mat! Bare feet; 55 minutes

So here’s a quick overview of how the 55 minute class is structured…

We start off by connecting to our breath and generating heat in the body with a series of arm circles, squats, lunges and chair twists.  Keep in mind that the beats are bumpin’ right from the start so we move at a fast pace and stay on beat with the music.

After warming up,  we complete a series of Sun A salutations and plank variations to begin generating heat in the core.  The goal of this section is to ensure everybody has worked up a sweat – wink wink!

Brit Teaching Flexin’ Flow at Lorna Jane Dallas Active Living Room – Warm Up

Then we REALLY get the party started with an intense, energetic set of leg toning sequences.  Think pile’ squats, heel raises and every kind of lunge you can possible imagine.  YEAH – sexy legs please!

Brit Teaching Flexin’ Flow at Lorna Jane Dallas Active Living Room – Leg Sequence

The leg series is following by an active recovery of vinyasa flows to stretch and tone the body.  I like to include lots of Warrior 1, 2 and 3 variations, push ups, side angles, Goddess poses and more.

Brit Teaching Flexin’ Flow at Lorna Jane Dallas Active Living Room – Vinyasa Flow

After we’ve caught our breath and stretched our bodies, it’s time to increase the intensity again with our calorie blasting “power series.”  This is when we knock out some old school burpees, mountain climbers, plyo lunges and other “boot camp style” drills.

We wrap up the workout with hardcore glute exercises, core stability sequences and lower back strengthening moves.

Brit Teaching Flexin’ Flow at Lorna Jane Dallas Active Living Room – Booty Work

Once we’ve reached our max, we enjoy a nice cool down with deep stretches and then take it home.  WARNING If you’re looking for an amazing shavasana, you’ve come to the WRONG place.  There’s no time to chill in Flexin Flow – just keepin’ it real.  After class expect to feel energized, sweaty and accomplished!

Flexin’ Flow class participants flash sweaty smile post class!
Everyone enjoyed their Flexin’ Flow workout – way to FLEX for the camera!

If you live in Dallas, come take a Flexin’ Flow™ class at my studio, GRIT Fitness – CLICK HERE to view our schedule and register!  In only one month, Flexin’ Flow received several raving reviews including this awesome write-up from D Town Sweat, check it out! AND starting May 2, my team an I will teach FREE weekly Flexin’ Flow classes on the W Dallas Hotel Wetdeck – SO FUN!  Mark your calendars because it’s GDFR (goin’ down for real) 🙂

Have an amazing week!  xoxo, Brit

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A Goal Without a Plan Is Simply a Wish

Image: Me in 2009 at 178 pounds vs. in 2014 at 155 pounds #progress #actionplan

Happy Transformation Tuesday!  I’m keeping today’s post short and sweet…

3 years and minus ~25 pounds…the only thing consistent is my dress (thanks to my tailor).  Once I got serious about taking control of my weight, and my life, I wrote down an exercise action plan and stuck to it for 8 weeks.  I worked out with a personal trainer every Friday morning, did 30 minutes on the elliptical every Monday and Wednesday and lifted weights every Tuesday.  Over time, I increased the intensity of my workouts and started eating less simple sugar.  The key to my weight loss success was writing down a weekly action plan that consisted of small tangible, realistic goals.  My success is NOT due to following a hardcore diet plan, starving myself or sticking to an insane workout routine.  Little by little my weekly actions became habits which lead to a healthier lifestyle.  If you’re just getting started on your fitness or weight loss journey, I highly encourage you to write down your action plan!  How will you achieve your goals?

A Goal Without a Plan Is Simply a Wish

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D Town Sweat: New Dallas Blog For All Things Fitness

Hello friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. As a lover of all things fitness and all things Dallas, I was super excited to stumble upon a new Dallas blog providing objective, thorough reviews of the city’s hottest fitness studios and classes! D Town Sweat launched only a month ago and has generated a huge following due to its honest studio reviews and thorough class assessments. After a few hours of Instagram stalking, I found the voice behind the blog, Kate Putney. This TCU grad is a management consultant by day and fitness blogger by night (AKA Girl BO$$) I met Kate last Saturday when she came to my studio and knocked out back-to-back workouts. Check out her reviews of our Flexin’ Flow and Body Sculpt classes. Afterwards Kate and I had coffee and I got to learn a little more about her fitness and blogging journey. Here’s the scoop…

What motivated you to start D Town Sweat?
With shared studio memberships hitting the Dallas market, I’ve had a lot of friends recently incorporate a consistent fitness routine into their daily lives, and I’ve been so proud of them for making that commitment to better themselves. I’ve been a life-long runner, but I too started exploring Dallas studios, and often wondered what to expect when heading to a new class, or what else was out there in terms of yoga, cycling, strength etc. I tried to find a single location to read honest and thorough studio/class reviews, and while there are a few other bloggers that do an awesome job of blogging about fitness, I couldn’t find anything that was just Dallas fitness, and really honest and straight-forward. After a few weeks of searching around, I figured, why don’t I do it? I have always enjoyed reading fitness blogs like Wisdoms of Health so I knew what made a good one. I want to help connect people in Dallas to fitness that’s right for them, and I hope that D Town Sweat will be that resource.

Describe your fitness journey.
My fitness journey started with my mom. From the time I was a baby, I ran with my mom – first in a jogger, then next to her on a bike, and finally with her, starting in middle school. She always took time out of her day to focus on her health, and by prioritizing fitness, she engrained in me the importance of taking care of my body, no matter how busy life or work gets. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in high school, and my first full marathon at 24. I recently ran the Dallas Marathon, and soon after decided that it would be beneficial for my body to try to mix up my fitness routine, which is where D Town Sweat comes in.

How do you define a “healthy lifestyle”?
A healthy lifestyle to me is a balance, and not just a balance of fitness and food. I think in order to truly be healthy, you also need family and friends, a community, faith, a work-life balance, adventure, and stability. Fitness and eating well are part of the overall picture, but if you workout and eat well, and live in isolation, or work yourself into the ground, you’re not living a healthy life.

What’s the most interesting/unique fitness class you’ve taken?
The fitness class that comes to mind as being one of the most unique is a Big Kahuna class I recently took at City Surf. A fitness class on a surfboard is most definitely unique, and surprisingly really hard! I would recommend it to anyone in Dallas who is looking to try something completely different! No prior-surfing skills required!

What do you love most about group fitness?
I love being able to turn my mind off completely, and let my body do all of the work. I spend lots of time in front of a computer, so letting my body have a chance to take over, and giving my brain a break is definitely one of my favorite things. The other thing that I love is that it’s an opportunity to spend time with friends. At least 50% of the classes that I attend are with friends, so it’s a fun way to spend time together and feel productive.

In your opinion, what 3 factors make the city of Dallas great?

  1. It’s in Texas – After living elsewhere, and traveling far and wide, I feel strongly that there is no other state that has so much to offer.
  2. The People are great – I went to TCU for undergrad, so lots of my close friends landed in Dallas after graduating. Besides the people who I already knew when I moved here, people are just nice here.
  3. The Community – Between the cost of living and the job opportunities, I think that Dallas is one of the best places to be from a job perspective, which draws a lot of really great people into our city. As a result of the awesome people here, there are so many organizations doing really cool things to better North Texas, and the greater community. I’m proud to be in a place with so many good apples.

What does “grit” mean to you?
Grit means grinding through the tough stuff – working harder and smarter, even when it’s really rough, because you know the end result will be worth it.

Kate Putney, Founder of D Town Sweat

I highly encourage you to add D Town Sweat to your RSS feed. With new posts almost everyday, you don’t want to miss the latest trends in Dallas fitness! You can follow D Town Seat on Instagram @dtownsweat or on Twitter @dtownsweat

Have a happy, sweaty, super day! xoxo, Brit

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Total Body Tabata Workout

Hey guys!  I hope you’re staying warm and dry!  It seems like 80% of the US is covered in ice and snow – even us Texans!  However, we are still bringing the heat at GRIT Fitness!  Yesterday, we kicked off the week on a positive note by NOT canceling our scheduled classes despite the rain/ice storm.  That turned out to be a great decision because several of our clients popped in the studio ready to sweat.  We had an awesome time and definitely brought some heat to the his cold weather!

Our member, Kelli, showed her GRIT by rolling to Turbo Kick class during yesterday’s ice storm in her hubby’s big body truck!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, so here’s a quick run down of what happened over the weekend…

On Friday, I taught my usual noon Turbo Kick class.  Shout out to my friend from the Junior League of Dallas, Emily, who’s also a fierce member of our fit family at GRIT fitness (in the middle of the photo below).  She took her first Turbo Kick class last Friday and loved it.  In her own words, “This is what is must feel like at a rave…with music blasting and lights flashing”…she also suggested we start using glow sticks during Turbo Kick classes and turn the lights off.  haha.  I like it!

My Turbo Kick rock stars! From left to right: Lew, Jenny, Emily, Me, Kelli

On Friday night I enjoyed a fun yet healthy dinner with my girlfriends at Dodie’s Cajun restaurant in Dallas.  I had a decision blacked salmon salad and several glasses of Pinot Grigio.  Perfect way to wind down after a long week!

My yummy blackened salmon salad from Dodie’s on lower Greenville, Dallas, TX

On Saturday I taught my usual spin class at BEYOND Pedaling and PiYO (now “Flexin’Flow”) class at GRIT Fitness.  My friend Jackie, fellow instructor from my days at 24 Hour Fitness, did the honors of guest teaching our Dance Cardio class – it was a hit!  Here’s a link to a little video clip of the fun: Post by GRIT Fitness.

Midday I did a little dance of excitement because the new business cards I ordered finally arrived – yay!  What do you think?

My new biz cards with my fitness photo on them! Not sure if photos on biz cards are tacky, but whatever, I like it!

Later I stopped by Dallas North Park Mall because THE Lorna Jane, founder of Lorna Jane Active, made a pit stop in Texas.  It was great to chat with her and get a little photo op.  I loving meeting fellow girl BO$$’s – very inspiring!

Me and THE Lorna Jane posing with my LJ Diary at Dallas North Park mall

I wrapped up my Saturday by doing absolutely nothing.  Sometimes going on chill mode is a great thing, right?  On Sunday I slept in, went to brunch with some friends and then get back to work making playlist, writing our weekly newsletter and preparing for the awesome week that I’m now enjoying.

Before I go, I want to share this new Tabata workout I created!  At Fossil corporate HQ, I recently started teaching a Tabata bootcamp and I LOVE IT!  Tabata is a form of High Intensity Internal Training (HIIT) created by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata.  You can CLICK HERE to read more about the history of Tabata.  1 Tabata circuit lasts 4 minutes, but it’s super intense.   The structure of the 4 minutes is as follows:

  • Workout hard for 20 seconds
  • Rest for 10 seconds
  • Complete eight rounds
Brit’s Total Body Tabata Workout

I highly encourage you to give my Total Body Tabata workout a whirl.  It consists of 5 Tabata rounds and can be completed in 30 minutes.  Expect to burn up to 500 calories – woo hoo!  Enjoy! xoxo, Brit

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THE Lorna Jane visits Dallas – Join the Party!

Hey gang!  Happy Wednesday.  I hope your week is off to a great start!  Things are good on my end.  We are cracking away at GRIT Fitness leading classes and having a blast!  I’m especially looking forward to this weekend because, THE Lorna Jane, founder and creator director of Lorna Jane Active is visiting Dallas!  She is definitely a GIRLBO$$ I look up to.  I got to connect with her last Summer at IDEA World Blogfest and she was SUPER nice and SO inspiring!  So that’s one event I’m looking forward to.  Additionally, I received the honor of leading a 2 group fitness classes in the Active Living Room of Lorna Jane West Village, Dallas – yay!  I’ll be teaching PiYo next Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7pm and 7:30pm at Lorna Jane West Village 3700 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75204.  Come out and “move, nourish, believe” with me!

And just for some added Lorna Jane fun, here’s a flashback to some of my all-time favorite LJ outfits…


Happy HUMPDAY! xoxo, Brit

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February Fitness Favorites

Hello Friends!  Happy Friday!  This is a been a WONDERFUL week for me – I couldn’t have started the month on February on a happier note.  That said, I want to share a few highlights that have kept me smiling and that I hope make you smile too 🙂

Me and my main b*tches – LOVE THEM!

I started the week by enjoying a yummy Sunday brunch with my girlfriends.  Not only are each of these ladies super smart and fun, but they’ve each supported my new business tremendously by taking classes or teaching classes at GRIT Fitness.  Having supportive (and fun) friends is such a blessing.

yes…I’ll have a another 😉

This week I did a better job of staying true to my “No work on Sundays” rule, which means I could enjoy and extra glass (or 2) of champagne at brunch.  Later that day I got great news that my long-time client and friend, Nena, won our “Commit to 30” challenge at BEYOND Pedaling, the cycling studio I teach at. Nena completed 33 cycling classes in 31 days and celebrated her 31st birthday last Sunday.  How cool is that?!  I always love to see my clients set a goal and crush it!  Nena showed some serious GRIT so her commitment was rewarded with a free year of spin classes at BEYOND – yay!

Me and Nena smiling for the camera after she completed my 8am class last Saturday – her 31st ride!

On Monday it was time to RISE and GRIND!  For me this means getting to the studio at 5am to dust mop the floors and get ready for our 6am classes.  Honestly, nobody tells you about the “real work” of owning your own business.  Let’s just say my cleaning and building maintenance skills have increased substantially.  I have never worked so hard in my entire life, but the cool thing is is that I LOVE going work every day.  I’ve also never been happier in my entire life, so the trade off is worth it.

This week 14 new members joined our studio – yay!  I wanna give a special shout out to the these 3 girl BO$$’s from Baylor hospital (across the street) who are the newest members of our fit family.  They WERK IT OUT in our hip hop class after working long days as nurses and OBGYN physicians.  Smart, fit and fabulous – what more can we ask for?  We also discovered that we’re all members of the Junior League of Dallas, so we are planning some “no shower happy hours” to mix and mingle after our workouts.  I love creating a strong fitness community, it makes working out so fun…like “adult recess”

Latoya, Tiffany & Lauren – our baddies from Baylor Hospital

So with the transition to February, I started a new “Love Your Body” challenge for the GRIT Fitness members.  Whoever completes 16 workouts by the end of the month, receives a very special gift from me!

So far, over 20 of members have signed up for the challenge and they are NOT messin’ around about getting those workouts in.  Check out our leader board…some folks have already completed 7 workouts in only 5 days!  #FIERCE

Clients are SO excited about the February challenge – who doesn’t love a gold star?

As you can imagine, our classes have been super packed and energetic.  Our awesome instructors do an amazing job of leading the crew.  Here’s a quick pic from Kemi‘s Body Sculpt class last night…

And a post-workout pic of me, Jenny and Annabel after Annabel‘s SUPER FUN Turbo Kick class…

Next weekend were are hosting a special Valentine’s Day workout!  All members can invite their special someone to workout with them for free.  We already have lots of dudes registered for Dance Dardio – should be entertaining! Maybe I’ll make all the guys freestyle dance in-between burpees 🙂

The lobby at GRIT Fitness – excited for Valentine’s Day!

Well gang that’s all for now.  I hope your February is off to a LOVELY start!  Any fun plans for the weekend?  Post a comment and let me know.  I’ll back on Monday with a new workout, breakfast ideas and fitness fashion favorites.  Lots of luv to you!  xoxo, Brit

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Best Headbands for Sweaty Workouts

Hola friends – Happy February!  I can’t believe how fast time flies – OMG.  We just started a new February “Love Your Body” challenge at GRIT Fitness studio.  Every member who takes 16 classes within the month earns a very special surprise gift.  The challenge started yesterday and we already have 15 members signed up, 3 of whom have already completed 3 classes!  Do you think you can completed 16, one-hour fitness classes before the end of the month?  I challenge you to give it a go.  Not only is it a great personal challenge but it’s an effective way to quickly shape up for Spring Break – March will be here before you know it!

So this may be the most random blog post I’ve ever written BUT I thought it’d be appropriate to dedicate a post to my love for headbands.  Nothing motivates me to move more than a jammin’ playlist and a killer headband!  The difficult part about headband selection is that I sweat A LOT so I need headbands that a) adequately absorb moisture b) look super cute c) stay in place.  After years of being a fitness junkie and a headband addict, I’ve finally nailed down the top 4 headbands that are best for sweaty workouts.  Here’s my list…

Brit’s Favorite BANDZ

  • Living One Love (Living One Love) – These are the BEST for funky prints!  They also come in solids.  The band is made of dri-fit fabric and fits wide across your forehead to absorb sweat immediately.  The solid hot pink headband in the top center photo is from Living One Love.
  • Sweaty Bands (Sweaty Bands) – I love these because you can customize the design – how fun!  They have a velvet lining that keeps the band from slipping.  Also, they come in either narrow or thick widths so you can pick whatever you prefer.  (I have some of each).  The blue diamond shape headband above is a Sweaty Band.
  • Lululemon Bang Buster Mesh (Lululemon) – I like these because of the thickness.  They are great for hot yoga.  The patterns are more chill/classic but they fit really well and don’t move at all during your workout.  The wide yellow headband I’m wearing in the bottom center photo above is a Lulu Bang Buster.
  • Under Armour Thick Braided Headband (not pictured) (Under Armour) – These are really unique-looking because of the braided pattern and bright colors.  The woven fabric keeps the band from slipping and they have a bit of an 80’s aerobics look which I like 🙂

What’s your favorite workout headband?

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