3-Day Detox Cleanse by Dr.OZ

Dr Oz 3 Day Detox Official

So, some of my best friends have been ranting and raving about the great results they’ve had with the Dr. Oz Juice Cleanse.  Have any of you tried the cleanse before?  Were you successful?  Obviously, I have serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and have to try it for myself.  I already went shopping and bought all of my ingredients (see pic below).

dr oz juice cleanse

I’m especially excited about bathing in Epsom Salt every night! Growing up, my mother (a true country woman) would ALWAYS make me bathe in Epsom Salt to help soothe mosquito bites, achy muscles or open scrapes from playground accidents.   No matter the issue, an Epsom Salt bath was her go-to cure.

What’s really interesting about this “cleanse” is that the drinks actually include A LOT of food.  I spent $90 at Central Market today buying all of the ingredients.  If you look closely at each of the drinks, they each include almost 4 full servings of fruits and veggies – that’s AMAZING!  I have a feeling that the drinks are going to be very filling 😉

Also, I’m infatuated with Coconut Oil right now.  I like to use it on my skin and in my hair for deep conditioning, but never have I ingested it.   This will be a first.  Last, the almond butter, almond milk and flax seeds are nice additions to help ensure I get sufficient protein   Altogether, this cleanse is HEALTHY, BALANCED and LEGIT according to GRIT by Brit!

Follow me on Twitter @GRITbyBrit for my pictures and progress updates over the next 3 days.  Also, please share your cleanse stories if you’ve decided to try it too!

Hope you had a great weekend – CHOOSE to have a great week ahead!

GRIT by Brit stay strong

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Cinco de Mayo Sweat Session!

Cinco de Mayo Sweat Circuit

Happy Cinco de Mayo weekend!  Before you head out to enjoy the holiday with margaritas and delicious Mexican food, be sure to get a quick sweat session in.  My “Cinco de Mayo Sweat Circuit” consists of 5 sets of 5 exercises.  Between each round, do jumping jacks or high knee run in place for 1 minute.  Altogether, the workout only takes about 10 minutes but is super effective.  Expect to burn ~200 calories.  Enjoy your holiday – fiesta fiesta!

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Best ABS Ever!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIO6IGNcPqM]

Sick of crunches?  Search no more.  Here’s a fun, fierce ab workout that I designed and filmed for you guys.  You need to 2 medium dumbbells to complete the workout.  It takes about 10 minutes and you can expect to burn 100 calories.  Do the workout 3-4 times per week along with some cardio to get your Six pack by Summer!

I think you’re FABULOUS!  xoxo, Brit


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GRITTY Circuit Workout – 40 minute Fat Blaster


Hi guys!  So, I’ve been fairly successful so far on my 5 Day FOCUS Diet.  I had one bad night (pad thai w/veggies for dinner) but other than that I’m pretty proud of my discipline to date and am feeling better all ready – yay!  How’s the plan going for youOn another note, a colleague and I have been working out together in the mornings at our hotel gym.  This morning we did an awesome HIIT workout from one of his men’s fitness magazines.  It was very GRITTY so I wanted to create a similar workout to share with you.  Now ladies, don’t be intimidated or turned off.  Just because the workout is intense and was originally designed for men doesn’t mean that it isn’t beneficial for us.  It won’t make us bulky or injure us if done properly.  GRITTY = PRETTY 🙂

Brit’s GRITTY Workout Details

  • Duration: Overall, the workout took us about 40 minutes to complete and we were DRENCHED in sweat by the end (my booty has been sore all day).
  • Calories Burned: ~400-600
  • Equipment: All you need is 2 medium to heavy dumbbells (I used 10 pounds and my male colleague used 15 pounds).
  • Style: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).  There are 6 circuits and each circuit includes 6 X 1 minute exercise intervals.  The workout nicely combines both strength and cardio training into combination exercises.

Instructional Photos

 Regular Front Squat + Side Squat

      Bent Over Row + Upright Row  

    Squat with Shoulder Press

    Single Leg Dead Lift

    Plank with hand shoulder taps  

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5 Day Diet FOCUS Plan

Hey Gang!  So I have a confession to make…

I have been eating TERRIBLY for the past 2 weeks.  Not sure what my problem is, but I’ve developed some nasty habits (i.e. adding croutons to salads, snacking on candy, too many simple carbs for breakfast – sticky buns anyone?)  The fact of the matter is, I’ve been making a lot of excuses to eat crappy food, and the excuses have got to stop – today!

While getting ready for my work week,  I put together this 5 day diet FOCUS plan.  Keep in mind that I’m a vegetarian, so if you are trying the plan for yourself and want to add some lean meat to one of the meals, by all means go for it!

Here’s my game plan for the next 5 days (Monday – Friday).  Each day, my diet will look like this:

  • Breakfast – 1 cup black coffee, 2 cups water, fresh fruit w/Greek yogurt OR w/ all natural peanut butter
  • Min morning snack – 1 serving of nuts or trail mix, 1 large glass of water
  • Lunch – Large veggie salad with oil/vinegar dressing (NO croutons, cheese, or meat), 1 large glass of water
  • Afternoon Snack – fresh fruit, 1-2 cups hot green tea
  • Dinner – 1 serving vegetarian protein (black beans, humus, lentils, etc.), 2 servings of veggies

I’ll be tweeting my progress all week, so follow me @GRITbyBrit – wish me luck and have wonderful week!

be stronger

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We can always quit…why start now?

the future

Happiest Thursday to you!  I saw this quote on Twitter, “We can always quit, why start now?”   It made me take a step back and reflect on decisions I’m currently facing in my own life.  I gotta be honest….I’m TIRED.  Work is demanding.  Traveling is draining.  In addition to that, the effort it takes to plan my workouts, blog, volunteer and consciously spend time with the people I love, leaves me with very little in my “Energy Budget” at the end of each day.  BUT I’m happy to say that even though it seems like I’m “running on empty” at least I’m still running.  And that, my friends, is a blessing!

So, I write this blog post for both selfish and selfless reasons:

  1. I hope it motivates you to keep pushing
  2. I needed to give myself a pep talk 🙂

Have a wonderful day – you got this!

Lots of luv,


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Fit in 14 Days #OperationTahiti

Brandon has officially completed his GRIT by Brit #OperationTahiti plan.  In case you missed the plan, CLICK HERE to see the details and maybe even try it for yourself.  Today, Brandon sent me his final update and on his way to TAHITI!

He did an awesome job.  In his own words, here are his results…

  • I added 4 lbs to get to 167 lbs and feel good about that weight
  • Definitely feel like my core is much tighter and cut vs. when I started
  • I’m starting to see the definition and base of strength come back into my chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders vs. when I started
  • My legs hate me right now…definitely still sore and need to do more work on my quads and hamstrings going forward
  • On the cardio front, I have definitely noticed come improvement.  However, I still need to put in some more work to get to where I want to be.  This will be a never ending battle.  Us former track sprinters always hated the distance folks, right?
In summary, this last two weeks has been awesome.  Mad props to you (Brit) for putting together a fun workout plan that got me back in the gym regularly and to be more conscious about what I ate and drank.  The plan also helped me get through a hectic period of travel, accepting an offer for a new job, and closing an offer on a new apartment in LA — it’s been a crazy two weeks, haha.  I am looking forward to keeping up this schedule and infusing it with some of my old workout routines from college.
Thanks, Brit!  Now, off to Tahiti…



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10 Minute Legs & Thighs Workout Video: Complaining Won’t Burn Calories!

In the spirit of it being Sunday afternoon, I want to share some good old fashion inspiration.  It goes like this “Always be joyful.  Always keep praying.  No matter what happens, always be thankful.”  (1 Thes. 5:18-16) This is easier said than done, but the truth of the matter is that complaining or having a victim mentality will do us no good in life.  Life is hard.  It always will be.  We know this.  HOWEVER, when we learn to always be thankful we make ourselves STRONG enough to endure and thrive under the most trying circumstances.  This week, I challenge you to practice being joyful.  At the end of each day, think about 5 things that happened in your day that you are grateful for.  It’s amazing how practicing gratitude can totally uplift our outlook on life, energize us and give us more #GRIT.

With that in mind, here’s a new leg workout video that I made last week. It’s HARD but guess what, you CAN do it!   Be thankful for a healthy body that’s able to workout and know that complaining won’t burn calories 🙂  Make it an awesome week.  Lots of luv, Brit

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Leaning in Sheryl Sandberg Style: Up close w/ Facebook COO and other Wonder Women

picstitch (22)Word on the street is Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, is positioning herself to run for US political office which is why she’s investing so much time and energy in promoting her new book, Lean In.  I don’t really care what her intentions are.  I just know that after I read the book and heard her speak this weekend, I felt re-energized and ready to CRUSH it.  I like Sheryl and the “Lean In” message because, to me, it’s a modern day, sexy, non-butch feminist movement.  I’m a “girly” girl, but I’m also feisty, aggressive and have lots of GRIT (aka GRIT by Brit).  The way Sheryl describes a feminist allows me to be ME 🙂

Sheryl Sandberg Lean InI graduated from Harvard Business School in 2010, so last weekend 2 of my best friends/classmates and I went back to Boston for the Women’s 50 (#W50) Summit.  W50 celebrated 50 years since women were admitted to HBS.  We had a rockstar list of key note guest speakers including Anne Moore,  Karen Gordon Mills and Frances Frei.  But in addition to these high-profile guests,  I learned SO MUCH from my fellow HBS women alumni who simply shared their personal stories.  I left the weekend feeling like…

“I got this. I’m gonna be okay.  It’s all good. The world is MINE.”

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I also feel a duty to share the Top 5 Life Lessons I learned over the past 3 days.  I hope these nuggets of wisdom impact you as much as they’ve positively impacted me.

  1. Life is about “juggling” not “balancing” priorities.  If we try to be “balanced” we’ll always be disappointed.  It’s not that easy.  Better yet, think of life as juggling and the only way to get good at it is to practice.  In life, we are juggling several balls (i.e. priorities) , family, career, friends, hobbies.  Some balls bounce if you drop them (i.e. career) but others don’t (i.e.family.)  When juggling, the ball that requires the most attention at a point in time is the one that’s falling – Howard Stevenson
  2. Dare to be bad.  This doesn’t mean we should act like 16 year old rebellious teenagers.  It means that in order to be GREAT at some things, we have to have the courage and wisdom to be BAD at somethings (i.e. Wal-Mart is not GREAT at customer service).  If we try to be good at everthing, all we achieve is perfect mediocrity.  The road to mediocrity is paved with good intentions.  But daring to be BAD is pathway to greatness. – Francies Frei
  3. Attribute your successes to your OWN talents and skills.  This is a key point that Sheryl hammered home which rings especially true for women.  While luck, the help of others and hard work play a large role in our achievements, we also have to acknowledge that we are pretty freakin’ talented.  Men do this much more than women.  But ladies, we need to start giving ourselves some credit when we knock it out of the park.  Like I always say, “Show some Swagger”
  4. Leaders adapt and pressure is a privilege.  We should be excited about the challenges in our lives and face them head on, with confidence.  – Ann Moore
  5. The most important decision in our lifetime is who we choose to marry.  Frances Frei says, “Plan A, marry the person who energizes you and inspires you to be a better person.  Plan B is to surround yourself with a team of people who do the same.”  No matter who I spoke with this weekend, a key theme I heard is that a happy, supportive spouse played a critical role in each woman’s livelihood,  career success and family health.  Many of the husbands described were willing to help do the laundry and take care of the kids so that these high-achieving women didn’t have to “lean back” from their own careers. – Sheryl Sandberg

Now go CRUSH this week #GRIT

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Studio Review: Uplift Studios NYC – Get UPLIFTED!


Last weekend I discovered yet another NYC fitness gem, Uplift Studios!  It’s a women’s only gym that provides personal training and group fitness classes (no standard gym equipment to workout on your own).  Long story short, it’s a smaller, higher-end version of  Lucille Roberts or Lady of America.  While scoping out the scene, I took a Cardio group fitness class.  Overall, I was VERY pleased with my experience.  Here’s the low down…


The vibe of the studio is VERY welcoming and peaceful.  Boutique fitness studios in NYC can often be snobby, which makes me feel super uncomfortable.  This certainly was not the case at Uplift.  I was greeted with a HUGE smile from the front desk staff and received several compliments on my Nike Pro leggings 😉  Also, the group fitness class instructor, Steph, went out of her way to introduce herself to me and push me individually during the class.


Now, this studio is NOT for you if you like to workout on your own with no guidance or if you want to engage in some hard-core competition.  On the other hand, the studio is GREAT for ladies who are new to working out.  There’s no anxiety about being the “worst person in the class” or men watching you exercise.  As you can see in the pictures above, the studio tries to generate a very “uplifting” group atmosphere.  Cardio dance parties and encouraging, intimate group fitness classes are the core of the studio.  The fitness classroom is very small and can only hold about 15 people.  Also, the personal training is great if you’re getting ready for a big event, like a wedding! Training sessions are private and the trainers seem really patient. picstitch(25)

Last but not least, the studio itself is very nice, clean, modern and well-kept.  GREEN is key color and luckily that day I had green nail polish, so I fit right in 😉  Showers, hair dryers and free lockers are also available.  In regards to cost, Uplift classes are on the high-end (market rate for boutique fitness studios in NYC).  Expect to pay $32 per 1-hour class.

Ultimate Verdict:  I personally, won’t be going back because I’m very value conscious.  For $32 dollars I would rather go to SoulCycle, CrossFit or Barry’s Boot Camp because the atmosphere and culture are more intense.  However, I’m a really competitive person and realize that many people don’t share my fitness preferences.  Nonetheless, I highly recommend my GRIT Girls to try out Uplift, especially if you typically only do Pilates/Yoga workouts and want to explore new cardio and strength training classes.  Get “Uplifted” – enjoy!

Lots of luv,


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