Good morning friends! I’m loving this quote that I stumbled upon this morning via Instagram browsing. It’s a great reminder of why I love mornings and why I love Mondays. I encourage you to take this new week as a fresh opportunity to make your dreams come true and to be happy! Remember, YOU hold the power 🙂
Dallas Grit Fitness: Site renovation almost complete – we have a floor!
Image: I literally ran outside and jumped around in front of the truck delivering my studio floors!
Great news gang! We are less than 2 weeks away from fully renovating my very first fitness studio, Dallas Grit Fitness – YIPPEE! Last week marked the completion of a major renovation milestone as our floors were installed! I was so excited when the floors arrived, I couldn’t stop jumping around and cheering. You can see me in action on this Instagram Video clip. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, right?
Floor installation at Dallas Grit Fitness was no easy task since our space was formally a chiropractor office. We had to demolish all of the existing carpet and tile to create a smooth surface for the new studio flooring.
Now that the hard work is done, I’m excited to move on the to fun part – decorating! I got lots of cool wall art and lighting for the studio. We will also install a full wall of mirrors and the sound system this week. It’s really coming together. I can’t wait to share my energy, passion and grit with you in person. If you live in Dallas or ever come to visit, you must pop in to Dallas Grit Fitness for a sweat session! 🙂
Get ready for the most FIERCE, FUN, FABULOUS fitness studio in Dallas! xoxo, Brit
How to do it all: Making time for work, workouts & fun
I’m always impressed by women who can “do it all” – workout, kick butt at the office, maintain a social life and look fabulous. I like to think I do decent job of tackling everything on my To-Do list, but the reality is I have to make some trade offs. For instance, I don’t watch as much TV as I did in college. However, I still have plenty of “me time” to hang with my friends, get a pedicure and rock out a cycling class. I’ve found that sticking with my weekly workout schedule actually gives me more energy to execute all of my other commitments . I wrote this post especially for those of you who have everything on your “to do” list. Here are 3 activities that help me “do it all.”
1. Prioritize
In business school I learned that is everything is important, nothing is important. This means that prioritization is the key to identifying what really matters and what kinda matters. My day planner is my life-line for prioritizing. I live by it. That said, my To-Do list can get a little out of control because I write down everything. Each day, I prioritize the things that I really have to get done, and then move the lower priority To-Do’s to tomorrow’s list. This keeps me from feeling overwhelmed and helps me knock out each action one by one. And oh yes, you better believe my workouts are included as high priority (I highlight those in blue).
2.Opt for Active Social Events
Kill 2 birds with one stone: Instead of our usual sit down dinner, my friends and I seek out active ways to socialize. This way if we have to work late and miss an evening yoga class, we still keep our bodies moving.
3. Invest in Awesome Activewear

Nothing motivates me to move more than awesome new workout clothes! Recently I picked up some excellent gear from lucy. I love the performance style and versality – I can wear these pieces to yoga, kickboxing and indoor cycling. The bright colors, snug fit, and trendy designs make me feel confident, stylish and strong! Stocking up on high-quality activewear definitely helps me stick to my weekly workout schedule.
While these 3 tips help me “do it all,” I have to admit that it’s not easy. What woman can’t use a little help? Fortunately, lucy is hosting a wonderful “You Time” Giveaway! Each week you can win your choice of a year of housecleaning, babysitting or meal delivery. One grand prize winner will receive all three. This means more “you time” to do the things you really love (like getting in your favorite workout).
This is for you. The ones who have it all…on their to-do list! Let lucy take away the small stuff that stands between you and a good sweat. Giveaway ends December 16th.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by lucy through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about lucy, all opinions are my own.
Fitness Fashion Friday #6: My Lorna Jane Obsession Continues + Product Giveaway!
Yo yo my friends. Yay for the weekend. You know what time it is – Fitness Fashion Friday! In case you can’t tell, I’ve been really into Lorna Jane lately. I just discovered the Australian activewear brand this Summer when I was in California for IDEA World Blogfest. I won a $500 Lorna Jane gift card while I was there and I’ve been hooked ever since. This brand has the quality and luxurious feel of Lululemon and the vibrant, inspirational spunk of Nike – perfect balance. I’ve been spending way too much time at the new Lorna Jane store in Dallas, so I figured I’d make a blog post out of my latest shopping experience and styling session….
So I stopped by Lorna Jane after work on a Friday afternoon and was instantly greeted by Angelica’s bright shining face. Angelica is part of the the management team at Lorna Jane Dallas North Park and she is wonderful! P.S. I love the saying on her shirt (above) – Why Not? That’s very gritty – I like 🙂
Angelica helped me pick out 5-6 complete outfits to try on. I love that many of the styles are coordinated so you can mix and match pieces without being too “matchy matchy” (although I have a guilty pleasure of overly matching my clothes). I also like the inspirational quotes and sayings that are printed on the Lorna Jane tops and even on the bottoms. As a fitness instructor, it helps me stand out and energize my group when I have big bold words like “Run Girl Run” on my clothes. Also the Lorna Jane basic black tights are amazing! They fit super snug and are made of a really thick material that sucks everything in (in a good way). In fact, my fellow fitness blogger, Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers, included the Lorna Jane pants on her list of favorite workout capris/tights. There’s nothing like a killer pair of tights to make me feel super sexy and fit!
I tried on so many cute outfits in variety of colors and styles including this cute cut-out lime green tank top (above). I ended up buying the black cut-out tank instead, but it was a hard decision.
During my styling session I was impressed to learn that Lorna Jane leads cool community building and philanthropic initiatives like “swap shop.” Swap Shop allows you to bring old clothes back in the store and donate them to the salvation army. In exchange, you get a store credit. How cool is that? They also host “Active Living Day” where they sponsor free, high quality workouts all over the nation. Lorna Jane hosted free, on-site spin classes from Beyond Pedaling in Dallas this Fall.
When it was time to decide on my purchases my stylists, Angela and Angelica, gave me their honest opinions on what looked best. I appreciated having them around because they got me out of my rut of “black capris and bright tank top.” For instance, I bought these cute polka dotted booty shorts (see below). I ended up spending my entire $500 gift card and I’m so happy with everything that I bought. Obviously I’m an activewear junkie and I love almost all activewear brands, but I’ve officially become a HUGE fan of Lorna Jane!
And now that we’ve come to the end of today’s post, what better way to kick start the weekend than with a giveaway?! Today I’m giving away this adorable Lorna Jane inspirational note pad + blue leopard print headband. To participate, just post a comment sharing how you “work hard and play hard” in your everyday life. I’ll pick a winner next Wednesday, October 15th! ENJOY 🙂
Work hard, play hard! xoxo, Brit
Free 4 Week Exercise & Eating Plan! Join the #GRITshapeup
Hello friends! Hope your day is going well. SO…I finally finished a big project I’ve been working on for a quite some time. After I reached my 2 year blogiversary this March, I decided to put together my top workouts, detox tips and nutrition advice in to a best in class 4-week shape up plan. I’m finally done and my first GRIT by Brit 4 Week Shape up Plan is ready for you to download. Yay!
I really hope that this is a community effort where we can share our progress and encourage each other to be our healthiest, best selves. That said please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions about the plan. Also, I highly encourage you to team up with some friends and do the plan together. There’s power in numbers! Share your workout photos and healthy meals on Instagram and Twitter with hashtag #GRITshapeup – I’ll start doing product giveaways for my favorite pics!
A core value of GRIT by Brit is “FREE” – I believe that we don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy. That said, I made my printable GRIT Shape Up plan 100% accessible to everyone. Just enter your email address in the subscription box to the right (below the search bar) and a link to download the plan will be sent to you. If you have any issues downloading, send me an email ([email protected]) and I’ll help you out. Be sure to keep us updated by posting pics or updates with hashtag #GRITShapeUp. I can’t wait to hear your success stories. Show your GRIT! Lots of luv, Brit
Guest Post: Ariana’s Healthy Lifestyle Makeover #TransformationTuesday
Happy Tuesday friends! Today I’m sharing a story from my new Dallas “fit friend,” Ariana! We met this Summer when she attended my PiYo classes at the W Dallas Hotel. We instantly hit it off given our love for hardcore workouts and bright workout clothes (see pic of us in PiYo class on Instagram). I was inspired by Ariana’s dedication coming to class every Saturday and the fact that she always rallied a group of girls to come along with her – talk about accountability! As we got to know each other better, Ariana shared her healthy lifestyle journey with me. I was instantly energized by her story, so I asked her to share on my blog today! I hope her story encourages you as much as it encouraged me…
Ariana’s Healthy Journey: Connecting with a Positive Community
My name is Ariana Michelle and my life has always been very adventurous. I love traveling and a good challenge. I’m a packaging engineer in the cosmetic industry and just moved from New Jersey to Dallas to be closer to my fiance! We met 2 years ago in Turks and Caicos!
My before picture was taken in March right after I moved to Dallas. I’ve always struggled with food. My family knew me as the garbage disposal…I was such an athlete that I thought I could burn it all off. After college, that wasn’t the case anymore, and real athletes don’t treat their bodies with diets full of ice cream and bagels! It’s taken a really long time to listen to all the advice I’ve been reading about for years. I have lost 20 lbs since then and countless inches. I was a size SAD, now I’m a size SASSY! Never give up, your journey will take time! I wish I had listened back then and stopped eating all the foods that made me sick. Without the right foods I wouldn’t be such a ray of sunshine!
My biggest motivation was striking out on my own. The move to Texas was really hard! I didn’t know anyone. My fiance still lives 6 hours away, and so I had to learn to cook for myself! I needed a community, a place to call home, and friends who enjoyed the same things I did. I was tired of having acne, not fitting into my clothes, and I knew if I was going to make new friends I first needed to feel confident in my own skin. So, I decided my health would be the #1 priority in my life. I found community in all different fitness groups!
I set out to make some goals for myself! The Tone It Up (TIU) BIKINI SERIES was extremely helpful to set goals. I challenged myself with different cardio workouts like Turbo Fire, and T25, and TIU running routines. Each week, you have to keep yourself accountable, and remember that every small change yields large results! An easy goal to start with, I added something green to each meal. The following week I added more cardio. It’s so important to go slow and have a vision for your journey or you will be overwhelmed and give up. It’s the sum of your choices that makes a radiant person. Goals are the key to loving life!
Did I have set-backs? Yes! It has been a two-year journey to get where I am now. Between a devastating breakup, the loss of a dozen friends who were once my support system, and family struggles, there were times that I wanted to focus on other things, and help everyone else. But the biggest thing you can do for your family is to be a constant example of positivity. It took a long time for me to find a job in Texas, and then I was finally able to get connected to a great group of girls! I dove right in, making sure that I had a new support system if I was feeling helpless or tired. My journey would not have been possible without my #tiusisters and #teamuproar
I’m going to continue to follow the Tone it Up Plan and my new lifestyle for life~ eating the right things at the right times is going to help me keep up with my kids (someday ;)! I always tell my friends that each day adds up, so even if you only have 20 minutes to be active, that makes 140 minutes per week. I take it day by day, and set goals each morning. I never feel guilty for indulging once in a while because what I do 85% of the time keeps me right on track.
You can keep in touch with Ariana on Instagram @Fitgirlmechanic or email at [email protected]
What Does GRIT Mean to You? Answers from 8 Wonder Women + GRIT Tank Top Giveaway
Good morning friends! As promised, I gathered all of your comments from my GRIT Tank Top Giveaway a couple of weeks ago and summarized them into the graphic below. I have to be honest, at first I did this for selfish reasons as these quotes became my morning motivation. I was so inspired by your definitions of “GRIT” I just had to share the goodness. Now you can print, Pin or post this graphic anywhere you like. Also, HUGE thank you to 8 Wonder Women who shared what “GRIT” means to them…
On that note, let’s keep the gritty goodness going. I’m hosting another giveaway for this black GRIT tank top (pictured below). Just like last time, post a comment answering the question, “What does GRIT mean to you?” I’ll read through all of your inspiring words and pick a winner – will announce next Wednesday (Oct. 8). Enjoy!

Power Bell Workout = Kettlebell + Dumbbell Circuit
Hello Friends! Hope your day is off to a good start. I taught my very first cycling class at Beyond Pedaling in Dallas this morning – it went great! I’m so glad that the jitters are out and now I can go full speed ahead. Even though I’ve been teaching fitness classes for over 3 years, every time I join a new studio or start teaching a new format, I get major butterflies in my stomach. Are you taking on any new challenges this Fall? I hope so!
Anyway, here’s a workout that I created a few weeks ago while I was traveling for work. I did it in my hotel gym because they had dumbbells and kettle bells, which was a nice change-up from the usual half-broken stationary bike. I enjoyed my workout so wanted to share with you. Obviously, you need a kettlebell and a pair of dumbbells to complete the circuit. If you don’t have a kettelbell, you can use one dumbbell in place of the kettlebell for certain exercises. The circuit is designed to keep your heart rate elevated and blast calories. This means you should get a good sweat going! However, if you want some extra cardio, I suggest warming up with 10-15 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill. The total workout can be done in less than 30 minutes. Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes! I also included some action shots below of me doing the workout (please be merciful as it was 5:30am and I had no make up and a messy top not).
ENJOY! Lots of luv, Brit
No Grit No Pearl
Image: Graphic design by Lulu & Georgia
Good morning friends! I hope your day is off to a good start. I overslept and missed my spin class, so I did the T25 Core & Cardio Beta workout in my living room this morning. You can see me action on Instagram (Warning: I’m hot sweaty mess – don’t judge!) Also, I want to share this print I discovered from Lulu & Georgia. I LOVE it so much that I bought a copy and am going to put in a really cute frame. Does this quote inspire you? To me, it’s so simple and direct. Pearls are created when little piece of sand or dirt (grit) enters an oyster shell. Then inside of the oyster the grit gets coated and over time becomes a pearl. Isn’t that beautiful? It captures the reality that the greatest things in life are simply “trash” transformed into “treasure.” Through patience, pressure and persistence anything is possible – that’s the truth!
Speaking of grit, tomorrow I will announce the winner of my signature GRIT tank top giveaway. It’s not too late to participate – just post a comment telling me what “grit” means to you. I’m loving the responses so far – very inspiring!
Last but not least, I’m officially encouraging all of the Dallas readers to sow their grit by waking up bright and early this Saturday morning and join me for the very last PiYo class on the wet deck of the W Dallas Hotel. As usual, class it totally FREE! We start at 9am (arrive at least 15 minutes early to get a spot) and bring your own yoga mat. To celebrate a super successful Summer, we are having a special “Burpees & Breakfast” event. After class you can enjoy FREE snacks from Cook Hall and drink specials – yay for $5 Mimosa pitchers! Am I the only person who enjoys vino after vinyasa?
See you Saturday and show remember to show your GRIT!
Lots of luv, Brit
Weekend Recap: Feeling Domestic & Paying Tribute Lady O (Michelle Obama) and Queen B (Beyonce)
Hey friends – how’s it going? Hope you had a good weekend. Those of you in Dallas know that we had an oddly chilly weekend – weather in the 50’s! Cray Cray. However, that didn’t stop us from rockin’ it out at PiYo on Saturday morning. We threw on our long sleeve activewear and got our pushups, burpees and downward dogs in action at the W Dallas hotel! After class I was feeling kinda groggy (I think it was the lack of sun). This made me wanna stay inside all weekend, so I did…

In my “homebody” state of mind, I made a quick trip to Target and bought some new Nate Berkus throw pillows for my couch (can’t go wrong with black and white). I also stopped by Home Goods and got this cute gold serving tray to put on my ottoman. While I was there, I saw this white faux fur throw and had to pick it up as well to accessorize my couch. Just these small touches give my living room a fresh new look. I love it!
Last but not least, I finally framed the VOGUE magazine covers that I’ve had sitting in my kitchen drawer for almost a year. I’m really happy with how my creation came out. What do you think? Most of you know that I a HUGE fan of both Michelle Obama and Beyonce. In fact a made a Sexy Arms Circuit inspired by “Lady O” and an Amazing Abs Workout as a tribute to “Queen B” – I highly recommend you give both workouts a whirl.

On Satruday night, I stayed in and rented a movie On Demand – it was glorious! On Sunday morning, I made myself some breakfast and watched church online. It weird because I’m actually a very extraverted person and go out of my way to be around people. However, every now and then I like to have weekend all to my self – no social plans and lots of time at home. Do any of you feel like this sometimes?
Now I’m happily watching football and blogging – working on lots of cool new workouts and giveaways for you this week. What did you do this weekend? I hope you have an amazing week ahead. Lots of love, Brit