Here’s your workout of the week! This workout is all about Plyometrics (jumping). I love jumping exercises because they really get your heart rate up and strengthen your legs. However, if you have knee problems, be careful as jumping is NOT advised for you. This workout requires no equipment so it’s great to do during commercial breaks – enjoy;)
Aqua Studio NYC: Spinning in a swimming pool!
Aqua cool does that sound? I was super pumped up to hear that Aqua Studio opened earlier this month in NYC, so some friends and I checked it out. It was definitely the “Most Interesting Workout” I’ve ever done. Long story short – try it out to say you did it, but overall it’s not worth the money. I’m sad to confess that after my first Aqua Cycling workout, I walked right across the street to CrossFit 212 for a “real workout.” Now let me temper my sentiments by making clear that I crave intense workouts. If I’m not drenched in sweat by the end, I feel like I wasted my time. If you’re like me in this regard, save your money and hit up a higher intensity class.
On a side note, word on the street is that Beyonce did Aqua Cycling to lose her baby weight. But, let’s be real. Did you see the way she was sweating and working it out during the Super Bowl half time? There’s NO WAY she got into that shape by casually pedaling a bicycle in a swimming pool. I’m 100% confident that she worked her butt off to the point of complete exhaustion to get that body and those moves. I’m just sayin…
Now that I’ve shared my colorful commentary, here’s the real deal with Aqua Cycling:
Workout Details
- Aqua Studio opened in NYC on April 15th – it’s located in Tribeca in a really chic, high end, boutique studio
- 45 minute cycling workout with the bike completely submerged in water
- No resistance on the bike, so resistance is based on how fast you pedal (the faster you pedal, the more natural resistance you feel from the water)
- Lots of core and isometric toning exercising are incorporated throughout the workout session. The moves are similar to water aerobics (i.e. arm strokes in the water, float on your back and do crunches)
- Low impact, so a good work out option if you have knee problems
- Being in water naturally is therapeutic 😉
- Instructors are really nice (not mean or too intense)
- Music is good. We gotta a like Drake “Started from the Bottom” jamz during my class
- Studio is impeccable, like being at high end spa, really nice!
- Nice change up to your usual workout routine
- Very expensive ($40 for single drop in class)
- Lacking intensity – I’d estimate you only burn 300 calories in 45 minutes
- The class choreography could use some help. Simply doing more sprints on the bike would make the the workout more effective. Also, we did a body weight arm circuit above the water that was super easy…kind of felt like a waste of time.
Sorry Aqua Studio NY, had a good time, but not “GRITTY” enough for me 🙁
GRITTY Circuit Workout – 40 minute Fat Blaster

Hi guys! So, I’ve been fairly successful so far on my 5 Day FOCUS Diet. I had one bad night (pad thai w/veggies for dinner) but other than that I’m pretty proud of my discipline to date and am feeling better all ready – yay! How’s the plan going for youOn another note, a colleague and I have been working out together in the mornings at our hotel gym. This morning we did an awesome HIIT workout from one of his men’s fitness magazines. It was very GRITTY so I wanted to create a similar workout to share with you. Now ladies, don’t be intimidated or turned off. Just because the workout is intense and was originally designed for men doesn’t mean that it isn’t beneficial for us. It won’t make us bulky or injure us if done properly. GRITTY = PRETTY 🙂
Brit’s GRITTY Workout Details
- Duration: Overall, the workout took us about 40 minutes to complete and we were DRENCHED in sweat by the end (my booty has been sore all day).
- Calories Burned: ~400-600
- Equipment: All you need is 2 medium to heavy dumbbells (I used 10 pounds and my male colleague used 15 pounds).
- Style: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). There are 6 circuits and each circuit includes 6 X 1 minute exercise intervals. The workout nicely combines both strength and cardio training into combination exercises.

Instructional Photos
Regular Front Squat + Side Squat

Bent Over Row + Upright Row

Squat with Shoulder Press

Single Leg Dead Lift

Plank with hand shoulder taps

Lose the POOCH! Complete workout for your LOWER ABS
FUPA = Front Upper Pubic Area
(aka “pooch”)
Alright, you guys asked for it so here it is – the ultimate workout for our biggest problem area: LOWER ABS!
Now, if you truly want to lose your pooch you have to minimize belly fat. That means you have to eat clean & sweat. That’s right folks, hit that treadmill, drink that water and eat those apples – just keepin’ it real.
Also, keep note that there are 3 key mistakes we often make that cause our tummy to look super saggy. Avoid these!
- Slouching – Stand up straight, puff out that chest and suck in that tummy. Just standing up straight can make us look up to 10 pounds lighter, no joke! Also, walking around like a hunchback makes us look sloppy and insecure…not cute.
- Too much sodium – Salt makes us retain water and causes stomach bloating. If you need to slim down for a big event, cut back on the salt!
- Not enough water – Dehydration causes “bowel issues” which also causes bloating. Drink up and flush out 😉
Try the workout along with some CARDIO and let me know how it goes. Once you get the exercises down, repeat the circuit up to 5 times for a #hardcore burn – enjoy!
Lots of luv, Brit
(Note: You can click on the image above, to maximize size and print.)
Tone it Up Tuesday: Upper Body Workout

Michelle Obama arms anyone?
Here’s an upper body toning workout I designed in aspiration of getting first class guns just like our fierce first lady. The workout focuses solely on the biceps, triceps, shoulders and abs. You don’t need hand weights and can do this workout right in your living room – yay!
The entire workout takes 30 minutes and burns about 200 calories. I’m going to give it a whirl tonight along with 30 minutes of cardio. Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes – enjoy!
Lots of luv,
Brit 😉

Turbo Kickboxing Classes in NYC
Hey Gang! I hope your week is going well. In case you haven’t heard, I’m now teaching independent Turbo Kick classes in New York City! I’ve partnered with Stepping Out Studios in Flatiron to bring you an awesome fitness experience in a beautiful NYC dance studio. Now you can enjoy this amazing fitness format without being a member of a gym – woop woop 🙂
Last Sunday marked the completion of our 1st month since the launch of Turbo NYC. Our Launch Party was a huge success and we’ve had several new faces join our #CARDIOPARTY since then. You can CLICK HERE to view pictures and read the review of our January launch party.
Turbo Kick is my all time favorite fitness format – it’s challenging, yet fun and effective. I’ve lost over 25 pounds since falling in love with Turbo Kick, so I feel that it’s my DUTY to share this amazing fitness gift with others! While the workout is super effective (expect to burn 1,000 calories per class), I’ve made a conscious effort to keep the price down. Remember, one of the GRIT by Brit core values is that we “don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy!”
If you’re a NYC resident, or just in town for the weekend, come SWEAT with us. Classes are held EVERY Sunday at 11:00am and are always high energy with studio pumpin’ music. We work HARD but also have lots of FUN! You can reserve your spot and get all of the details on the Turbo NYC website: See you in class!
While human nature often causes us to trip and fall, the most compelling aspect of our nature is that we are so much stronger than we know #GRIT
-David Kirchhoff, CEO Weight Watchers
Wednesday Workout: BACK it Up!
(above – me showin’ off my back in my new Lululemon racer back tank)
If you’re looking for a new “Wednesday Workout,” I highly encourage you to build your BACK! A strong back improves posture and gives you more definition through your neck and shoulders. Also, the nice ‘V’ shape makes your waistline look smaller 😉
As a woman, I often neglected back workouts and focused on my abs and legs during weight training. However, I’ve found that working my back muscles is very effective for weight management because the muscles are BIG and require lots of energy (thus burn a lot of calories). Also, a toned back in a racer back dress is just as, if not more, sexy than nice legs in daisy dukes. So give it a whirl today, people. This workout should take you about 30 minutes to complete and you can expect to burn ~200 calories – enjoy!
Where Da Ballers At?
- Workout Name: Basketball Court Workout by Brit
- Duration: 45 min – 1 hour
- Calories burned: 400 – 700
- Commentary: The fact of the matter is pro basketball players have HOT bodies. Whether you’re a “pro hooper”, “ex-hooper” or “wanna be hooper,” the basketball court is ALWAYS a great place to get a super effective workout. The workout I’ve put together incorporates many of the drills I did back in my day plus some basics to burn calories and build endurance. No matter your skill level, you should be able to get through this workout and increase your fitness level in the process. Change up your routine and try it out. Let me know how it goes!
4-week challenge ‘Euro Style’ COMPLETE: Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
Jenny has officially completed my 4-week challenge and she looks SMOKIN’ HOT! Below you can read her final update and see pics from her challenge completion photo shoot.
Lookin’ FIT 50’s style – way to go Jenny!
- At 28, diet is much more important than it used to be, and all the changes that I used to see so fast take more time.
- Also, it is so important for me to keep my workouts fresh, so I don’t burn out or lose motivation.
- And finally, slow down a bit – getting sick really sets one back with regard to working out, so it is important to make sure that i’m not pushing myself too hard and wearing myself down.
Regardless, this past four weeks have been great – I look better, feel better and have done some great new workouts that have really re-motivated me! I’m more toned, but I still have my curves as you can see above 🙂
If you missed any of Jenny’s earlier updates, you can catch up here:
4-week Challenge: Jenny’s Week 3 Update – Maintaining in Malaga, Spain
Despite vacations, minor set-backs and work commitments, Jenny has done an excellent job staying on track with her 4-week challenge! If you are trying the challenge for yourself, stay motivated by keeping up with her progress. Here’s her week 3 update:
“My girl’s weekend in Malaga was really great! I found a nice balance between relaxing, getting in some workouts, eating healthy, and eating whatever I wanted! 🙂 I took the first day off from any kind of activity except for walking around, eating tapas, and drinking wine. But the next two days my friend and I got two solid workouts in at a local gym, and ate mostly salads. We also did a ton of walking around! It wasn’t so hard for me to eat healthy, since I’m actually not a huge fan of Spanish cuisine. But that said, my friend and I didn’t hold back on the Sangria or wine (Hey, you gotta live a little!). I found that it is much easier to keep up with diet and exercise when on vacation when you are with someone who is also health conscious and likes a good workout!
And now that I am back at home, I feel great – I don’t think I lost any weight, but I don’t think I gained any either. I’ve just gotten back, and I’ve already hit the weights and a spinning session! I love that way I feel after a rest day – super strong and energetic! Now I’m pushing hard for the next three days (spinning every day to get all three classes in + Pilates + Brit’s workouts!) – And then going to a Wedding over the weekend (and plan on looking fabulous in a new dress I bought in Spain!).
So here it goes with the last week of the four-week challenge – wish me luck!”
– Jenny
Brit’s advice for Jenny:
- Keep your eye on the Prize – I want Jenny to be extra disciplined this week. She should revisit the goals she set at the start of the challenge and have FULL CONFIDENCE that she can achieve them!
- Focus on Food – After a vacation, it’s common to want to hit the gym hard, which is a good thing. However, Jenny should be extra mindful of what goes into her mouth. She must be careful not to wipe out all of her hard work in the gym by consuming too many calories.
- Stretch, Stretch, Stretch – Since Jenny has been away for a few days, it may take a her body a little time to adjust to the hardcore workout regimen. T0 prevent soreness and injury (and ultimately missed workouts), I want her to stretch for at least 15 minutes per day.