It’s insane how fast a year flies by. In light of celebrating our 1-year GRIT by Brit blog anniversary, let me go on a typical “Brit preacher/motivational speaker rant” for a second…..
I truly, in my heart of hearts, feel that we all should blog. It’s such an amazing way to explore yourself, find your passions and share your testimony. I’m not a natural writer and never thought I would ever start a blog. But an intense desire and feeling of duty to share my love for fitness and wellness is what made me a “blogger.”
No matter what you have to say, as long as you are authentic and transparent, you have the ability to transform lives and encourage people who may be going through the exact same life experience that you are facing. No project, work effort, or activity has inspired me as much as blogging. If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, JUST DO IT …and think about it later 😉
Share your story, because the world needs to hear your voice!
As I look back on my first year of blogging, I’ve picked out my top 10 favorite posts. Now these aren’t the most popular in terms of hits, but they each have very sentimental value to me (*tear).
So my friends, here is to 1 year down and several even bigger, better more beautiful blogging years to come! All the best to you, be BLESSED exceedingly and abundantly.
Lots of luv,
Brit’s Top 10 Fav Blog Posts
- There’s No Such Thing as Impossible – Cried the whole time I wrote it
- 2-week Plan to Nix 10 Pounds – Pretty much my weight management Bible.
- Tummy Booty & Thighs – I can ALWAYS count on this workout and Jessica Beil will always and forever be my bikini body motivation
- Top 10 Tips for a Happier & Healthier 2013 – My outlook on life in 10 bullet points
- Drinks Weighing You Down? – Why I believe soda is the devil
- Movin’ and Shakin’ Monte Carlo – My most FABULOUS blog post
- 4-week Tone Up Challenge: Complete – My bestie, Jan, had the idea to start doing 4-week fitness challenges for all of my friends…she became the first of 5 😉
- Ultimate Body Burn DVD Launch – huge personal accomplishment for me and my friends…will remember this day forever
- Six Pack by Summer – my ultimate abs routine, love this workout very much
- Drink Coffee to Control Weight & Make Better Love – so grateful that my old college b-ball teammate and now registered dietitian writes such awesome and informative guests posts for me…and I LOVE coffee 😉

ABOVE – me hanging in Chicago this weekend and flashing a HUGE grin for the GRIT by Brit 1 year anniversary