Here’s your workout of the week! This workout is all about Plyometrics (jumping). I love jumping exercises because they really get your heart rate up and strengthen your legs. However, if you have knee problems, be careful as jumping is NOT advised for you. This workout requires no equipment so it’s great to do during commercial breaks – enjoy;)
10 Minute Legs & Thighs Workout Video: Complaining Won’t Burn Calories!
In the spirit of it being Sunday afternoon, I want to share some good old fashion inspiration. It goes like this “Always be joyful. Always keep praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful.” (1 Thes. 5:18-16) This is easier said than done, but the truth of the matter is that complaining or having a victim mentality will do us no good in life. Life is hard. It always will be. We know this. HOWEVER, when we learn to always be thankful we make ourselves STRONG enough to endure and thrive under the most trying circumstances. This week, I challenge you to practice being joyful. At the end of each day, think about 5 things that happened in your day that you are grateful for. It’s amazing how practicing gratitude can totally uplift our outlook on life, energize us and give us more #GRIT.
With that in mind, here’s a new leg workout video that I made last week. It’s HARD but guess what, you CAN do it! Be thankful for a healthy body that’s able to workout and know that complaining won’t burn calories 🙂 Make it an awesome week. Lots of luv, Brit
#OperationBeachBody Series Starts Now! Hardcore Leg Workout with Lavon
Hey gang! I’m starting a new series on GRIT by Brit to get you right and tight for the summer #OperationBeachBody! Every few days I’ll feature a specially designed workout specifically made to get you ready for the beach!
Our first #OperationBeachBody workout comes from my friend, Lavon Washington! Like me, Lavon (pictured below) is native Texan who recently moved to New York City. His passion for fitness and wellness started by playing sports when he was really young and continued as a he was college football player. Now, Lavon competes in body building competitions and does a little fitness modeling as a side hustle to his full time Mergers & Acquisitions career. Above is the fierce leg workout that he did earlier this week and was kind enough to share with us. Try it for yourself to get ready for short shorts this summer!
10 Minute Abs and Thighs Workout Video

My #fitfriend Alex (@alexandriawill), co-founder of Sporty Afros has been pushing me to start make posting free workouts on YouTube for my blog followers. So, last week after one of my Turbo Kickboxing classes (which is why my hair is drenched in sweat in the video) she stayed after and recorded my abs, legs and glutes circuit .
I usually do a series of body-weight exercises at the end of each my classes because my students love to feel nice and tight around their core and in their legs. Body weight exercises are generally high in repetitions and lower in weight which help give you long, lean muscle tone. They’re great to add to your fitness regimen because they require NO equipment and can be done at any time and any place.
Try the workout for yourself and let me know what you think. For best results, complete this workout 3 times per week along with 45 minutes of moderate-high intensity cardio (running, biking, elliptical, etc.).
If you like, I’ll record some more 10 minute circuits to help keep you on track in 2013. Enjoy 🙂
Lots of luv, Brit
Brit’s Booty Builder
So yesterday I was chatting with one of my male buddies who asked, “Brit, why are you making booty BURN workouts? I think you should make booty BUILD workouts. Honestly, I appreciate a sizable behind!”
This got me thinking, we all have different “ideal” body preferences, which is a good thing. After all, variety is the spice of life! If you are like me and not naturally blessed with a “bangin’ booty” here is a workout that can help us get some nice firm, junk in our trunks. We’ll also build lower body strength and burn a lot of calories in the process – enjoy 🙂
- Workout name: Brit’s Booty Builder
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Focus: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings
- Calories burned: 200-250
- Equipment needed: 2 heavy dumbbells/hand weights
- Instructions: I’ve included some vidoes below to demo the exercises that may be confusing
Hamstring Curls
Plyo Lunges
Bridge Pulses
Thursday Thigh Burn
YO YO YO – Here is the workout I just completed this morning. I threw some new exercises in, so if you get confused, below are some pictures of me doing them to guide you. The total workout should take you about 30 minutes and you can expect to burn ~300 calories in the process.
Only 3 words can describe my Thursday Thigh Burn = BOOTY ON FIRE!
Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes.
CHOOSE to have a great day 🙂
Grind It Out Workout
Happy Monday
Work hard, be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Here’s the workout I made for myself to do this evening. Try it out and let me know what you think. I’ll do it as soon as I get off work today .
- Workout Name: Brit’s Grind It Out Workout
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Calories Burned: 400 – 500
- Focus: Lower body toning and overall calorie burn
- Equipment needed: Treadmill or outdoor hill, hand weights (optional)
Bye Bye Jiggly Thighs!
Let me get something straight, BIG thighs do NOT = FAT thighs. You CAN have very sexy BIG thighs as long as they are firm and toned. I hate hearing girls complain to me about their big thighs, which I think look great! Our thigh muscles give us strength, power, explosive movement and stability so let’s appreciate them and treat them well. I challenge you to be happy with what you’ve got and do my Extreme Thigh Burn workout (below) to make your thighs the strongest, firmest and sexiest they can be!
Showin’ off my big, toned, thighs on a night out 🙂
- Workout: Extreme Thigh Burn
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Calories Burned: ~300
- Focus: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes, Abductors, Adductors, Overall endurance
- Instructions: For best results, do this workout at least 2x per week for 4 weeks. Make sure to do each exercise continuously without rest. Challenge yourself to get the full workout done in 30 minutes or less! (click on the workout image below to maximize or print and save)
Tummy and Thighs and Booty…OH MY!
Here is a workout I put together to zap our problem areas – yes, the tummy, thighs and booty! Reality is, these areas are the hardest to transform because it takes a lot of GRIT. The workout is hard but you CAN do it! Dig deep and don’t give up. Enjoy 🙂
- Workout: TTBOM by Brit
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Calories burned: 400-600
Instructions: Do the following circuit 4X. In between each round, jump rope or run in place with high knees for 2 minutes WITHOUT stopping. Burn it out and get it RIGHT!
Get KILLER Legs in your Living Room

- Workout: At Home Leg Tone
- Duration: 30-40 minutes
- Calories Burned: about 250
- Focus: Strengthen and toning of quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus maximus
- Brit’s Commentary: Alright, you guys asked for it, so here it is – the complete AT HOME leg sculpting workout. GOOD NEWS – the quadriceps are large powerful muscles, so you’ll also get a good calorie burn while doing this lower body shape up. For best results, do the workout at least 2 times per week for 4 consecutive weeks. Enjoy your tight, sexy thighs and keep the workout requests coming – you guys are the best! (P.S. click on the workout/picture below so it’s bigger – you can also print it off)