4-week SHRED: THE END… is just the beginning!

Happy BLACK FRIDAY everyone!  What better way to celebrate Black Friday than trying on some hot, sexy new clothes and being able to fit them all?  Well that’s exactly what Alex is getting to do today.  On this very special Black Friday, Alex has officially completed her 4-week SHRED challenge and is celebrating some BIG WINS!  Here is her update – enjoy 🙂

So my GRIT by Brit 4-week SHRED Plan has come to and end I can proudly say…

  • I lost 7 pounds and lost an inch or two in the waist
  • I could fit into a dress I purchased in April and look good in it!
  • Made it to see my 29th birthday and felt amazing
  • I learned the key for being balanced = there’s a time to rest and a time to run hard!
  • I made working out a priority by squeezing in workouts such as squats and taking the stairs when I couldn’t do a full workout routine.

Better yet, I’ve also learned 4 important things about myself, my fitness habits and my diet during the 4-week SHRED plan…

  1. Counting calories is key – NO guessing allowed! Counting my calories helped me realize my weakness for breads.  It also showed me I needed to decrease my intake of snacks like nuts and fruit to a healthy daily amount.
  2. GRITbyBrit Ultimate Body Burn DVD is awesome. I pressed play and was determined to sweat it out. I burned tons of calories while working out and even more throughout the day. I love this DVD and will incorporate the burn series weekly as a strengthen segment.
  3. BURPEES.  I can’t believe the GRITbyBrit Ultimate Body Burn DVD and The 4-week SHRED Plan had me accomplishing burpees!  Although I am still weak in this area to simply do more than one is a major accomplishment. I pushed myself and could hear Brit’s voice pushing me too! Mission accomplished!
  4. Maintaining a Healthy lifestyle is an ongoing effort. I learned what works for me and my body. I learned many areas I was weak in and started to adjust and make plans for weeding them out. In terms of diet, it isn’t about being “raw” or “organic” but more importantly about finding what works for you. For me, I learned I was a lazy vegetarian who was enjoying too many potatoes, nuts and processed soy products. I also learned due to some of my bad eating habits, my body wasn’t getting critical minerals such as omega-3s. I’ve made some good diet adjustments.  While I’m not perfect, I have definitely made many strides and am happy to see what I have done.  The end of the 4-week SHRED is just the beginning of even bigger, better and healthier things to come for me 🙂
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Who’s that bada** Under Armour chick?

Meet my friend and honorary GRIT Girl,

Natalie Uhling


I met Natalie about 1 year ago when I was staffed on an 18 month assignment in NYC.  I started going to her Turbo Kick classes just after falling in love with the format and becoming a certified instructor myself.   After taking just one of her classes, I was HOOKED!  She has energy that is absolutely unreal  and she always looks so good while working out – damn girl!  I always try to match her  enthusiasm and passion when teaching my own Turbo Kick classes in Dallas.

(below) Me and Natalie goofing around after Turbo Kick last Saturday 

Not only is she an awesome fitness instructor, she’s also the fresh, fierce face of Under Armour Women!  Natalie proves that GRIT is BEAUTIFUL.  She inspires me – so today, Natalie is officially an honorary GRIT Girl!

If you live in NYC, you should def check out one of her classes.  Natalie teaches Turbo Kick at 24 Hour Fitness – Midtown and Megaformer Pilates at SLT.   All of her classes exude energy, are tons of fun and SUPER challenging.  CLICK HERE to see her weekly schedule.  You’ll also appreciate Natalie’s authenticity and genuine spirit.  Not only that, but she works her BUTT off in EVERY class.  I’m talkin’ sweat puddles on the floor – this girl is not messin’ around!

So now I’m sure you guys are asking the same questions I was about this  super fit model chick.  Here are Natalie’s answers to some of those questions:

What are your top 5 tricks to looking good while working out?

  1. Wear your hair in a high messy ponytail.
  2. Accessories with an Under Armour headband.
  3. Wear great leggings!
  4. Make sure your sneakers are colorful.
  5. Wear a neon colored sports bra … it makes you feel full of energy!

Describe your diet? Any tips you want to share?

I am a Pescetarian. Basically what that means is I am a vegetarian that also eats fish. As far as diet goes … try to eat as clean as you can! Eat for your body and most importantly listen to your body’s needs.

What you do recommend as the right mix of weekly cardio and resistance training/toning workouts?

I honestly don’t think there is a magic number or workout formula, everyone is different. It is important to listen to your body and do what you are craving. The more you are in touch with your body the better you will feel.

What song always get you going?

Right now it has to be “Clique” – Kanye West, Jay- Z & Big Sean!

What exercise makes you feel strongest and why?

Turbo Kick! It makes me feel like a bada** every time I teach because it is super intense! I am all about INTENSITY!

What do you tell yourself to stay motivated when your completely exhausted?

I think about all my students who have been waiting all day to come take class! It gets me excited and motivates me every time. My students are my motivation.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to work out?

Start slow and gradually build up! The last thing you want is to get hurt. Also, find a workout that inspires you and gets you excited about exercise.

What does GRIT mean to you?

GRIT is about inspiring others to lead a healthy and positive life.  GRIT gives you tools that will help you be successful in your everyday life.

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Holiday Weight Gain – Keep the pounds at bay on Turkey Day

It’s almost Turkey Day ladies and gents!  While you’re giving thanks and spending time with the people you love  DON’T be like the average American and pack on unneeded pounds – you’re better than that 🙂

Here’s my top 10 list to keep your weight in check on Turkey Day…

  1. Wake up and work out.  I like to think of this as “putting a credit on my account.”  Since I know there will be lots of irresistible food coming my way, I do at least 1 hour of cardio on Thanksgiving morning.  Lots of my NYC and Dallas fitness instructor friends are holding special thanksgiving day classes, so do some research the day before and prepare to attend one!  You can also do the GRIT by Brit Ultimate body burn DVD 😉
  2. Eat breakfast.  It’s natural to want to sleep in on your day off and “save room” for the big Thanksgiving meal, but doing so will make you binge because you are so hungry. Go ahead and eat some oatmeal, fruit or protein in the morning to keep you from inhaling food later on.
  3. Drink up before you eat up. As always, hydration is key on Thanksgiving day and on any day.  Drinking a liter of water before your big Turkey dinner will make you feel full and keep you from over eating.
  4. Fellowship first.  Be sure to chat and spend quality time with your family and loved ones before devouring your food.  Enjoy your total holiday experience  not just your meal.
  5. Be “grateful” without a “plate full.”  Instead of loading up huge servings sizes, go for quality over quantity.   Try small portions of a variety of foods and really savor the taste.
  6. Color is King.  Make sure that your plate is colorful!  These means it should have lots of veggies on it: green beans & sweet potatoes are excellent.  They are full of fiber and nutrients,  will digest easier and satisfy you longer.
  7. Enjoy the rare stuff.  Don’t get full on rolls, chips and dips and other foods you can have every other day of the year.  Instead, enjoy those one-of-a-kind holiday foods.  Eat them slowly and enjoy every bite 🙂
  8. STOP when you’re full.   Keep in mind that your stomach is the size of your fist.  Don’t hurt it and over expand it by simply eating too much.
  9. Enjoy some “tea time.”  Sip hot tea (preferably green tea) after your meal to help aid digestion and also to keep you from going back for seconds out of boredom or convenience.
  10. GIVE THANKS.  Because life is good and a joyful spirit is good for your health!

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4 Week Shred: Alex Thrives in Week 3

Alex at a recent event representing Sporty Afros & looking FAB!

Be sure to check out Alex’s complete 4-week GRIT by Brit Shred Plan and come back next week for her final report!

Alex’s Week 3 Update:
  • Scale Deception – I’ve discovered that when I don’t see the numbers change on the scale, I should also take a look at my clothes. I was amazed at the clothes and how they were fitting. I took a photo of my new pair of jeans verses my old jeggings. To see the change was amazing!
  • Time Off –  My doctor has me reducing my stress level thus I am making sure I get my 7-8 hours of sleep each night no matter what. I am drinking a lot of tea and have found a recent new tea to help bring down stress levels and relax. Tea is great for the skin and is an easy way to drink more water.
  • Exercise – Even if I am not meeting the goals every day with the plan, I am making each step and min count by keeping my heart rate monitor on. I had a pretty crappy run outside last week, but what made me smile was the calories burned.
  • Mental & Spiritual Strength – I am feeding my spirit and mind with educational opportunities but also the word (read: The Bible). Mostly during the day I am listening to sermons and uplifting music. This is making the day go by so much faster and my mood a lot better.
  • Grocery Shopping – I am loving Trader Joes as I get a chance to try new foods but also save a lot of staples. Since I have a salad every day, I can pick out a variety of salad toppings and bagged lettuce at the store $1-$2 cheaper. I also keep breakfast at my office now. I brought breakfast a few weeks ago to offset the amount of growing Halloween candy.
  • Food and Choices – The choices are becoming easier each day. I still love my bread but I am finding alternatives. The biggest changes are in my snacking as I have decrease my nuts/granola and fruit. I only have berries for my fruit and half or small apple or banana after a workout. I also started back eating fish as I am not having enough omegas, bored and needed to change a few things in my diet. I am keeping things in check much better. Dieting sucks and I binge badly after a few weeks (or days! lol) so being realistic about my life and time has helped amazingly.
Overall, I am feeling really good about myself and my progress especially since I am a few days out from my birthday 🙂
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4-week SHRED: Alex kills it in Week 2!

Alex (on the left) after successfully completing Week 2

Alex has officially completed week 2 of her 4-week GRIT by Brit Shred plan. Long story short – she killed it! You probably remember that Week 1 was all about “adjustments” but week 2 was all about “achievements.”  Below is her progress report; be sure check back next Thursday for her week 3 update.  Lots of luv, Brit 🙂


I’ve lost a few pounds but mostly lost inches. I got into my skinny jeans and can breathe in them – yay! Even better, I went shopping for a few staple items and was so happy I could fit most of the items I picked out!


Overall, my diet was a really good last week. I stayed within my 1,600 calorie budget everyday! I also incorporated a few “tricks” to keep my eating in check.  Like when I eat out, I look at the menu beforehand and plan what I’m going to order. Also drinking lots of water (sometimes 1 gallon per day) and unsweetened tea has a help me manage my diet.  Last, cooking at home for the week has helped me save time and money and cut calories. Stir-fry is my default and love!  (below is a pic of my favorite meal – organic (no-gmo) tofu stirfry)


I’ve kept up with my GRIT by Brit workout plan for the most part. I missed my Saturday workout, but I actually still got some exercise in during the day by walking around and do some heavy lifting at a trade show that Sporty Afros was participating in. I kept my heart rate monitor on the entire day of the trade show and ended up burning 500 calories during the day!

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4-week SHRED week 1 update: Alex adjusts to meet her goals!

Alex on the right @ hair expo in Oklahoma City last weekend

In case you missed the kick off, Alex (@Alexandriawill) is my new 4-week challenge chick, CLICK HERE to check out her full 4-week GRIT by Brit SHRED plan.  After 1 solid week on the plan, Alex has learned some lessons about herself, her eating habits and her fitness.  Here are her thoughts:

  • Calorie counting is key, but too few calories are not beneficial – Really proud of myself on the calorie control because I was counting EVERYTHING I ate and if I didn’t know the calorie count, I would over estimate it.  However, I realized I was not having enough calories at one point and ended up feeling a little sick.  So I adjusted to ensure I got the calories my body needed while still staying in my budget.
  • Continuous diet adjustments are needed for success  – I realized I needed to consistently eat smaller meals/snacks throughout the day instead of 3 larger meals.  My eating habits are just that HABITS. On the weekends I eat 2-3 larger meals (probably 2) and 1-2 snacks where as during the week I eat much smaller meals with snacks every so hour.  Since I’m working out a lot more during the week on the GRIT by Brit SHRED plan, my body wants more energy = food.
  • Gotta keep it together on the weekends – I realized I binge bad on the weekends, even with just 1-2 meals. Couple that with not working out and I just killed all the work I did for 5 days! I crashed and burned this past weekend with being out of town for a natural hair expo in Oklahoma City. I didn’t fully prepare as I wanted too and eating in Oklahoma City as a vegetarian on a budget was harder than I expected. I simply didn’t have time to find a Subway at 11pm when things close at 10pm. I also just went into a “screw it” moment and forgot my whole goal. I was walking around, presenting and dancing during the weekend, but overall my eating habits were very poor – time of month too!  (maybe TMI, but hey, we’re family).  Overall, I am proud of my progress so far and I will push even harder in week 2!


  1. Great adjustment on the calorie intake! Remember, a calorie budget helps prevent over eating, but under eating can be counter productive to weight loss as well.  When we don’t eat enough calories, our body goes into starvation mode and our metabolism slows down, thus we burn less calories at rest.
  2. If you know it’s going to be tough to stick with the plan on the weekends, go ahead and adjust your week day diet and workout regiment to be more strict to make up for your “slacker” days.  An extra 10-20 minutes of cardio and a few super lean meals will help balance things out so you can meet your goals.
Alex pumped up and ready to kick start the 4-week SHRED plan at Body Pump class with Brit
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NEW 4-Week SHRED: Health & Hair with Alex!

Meet Alex, co-founder of SportyAfros.com and my newest 4 week challenge chick!  Alex and I became gym buddies/good friends about a year ago and always try to inspire each other – she does a great job at this 🙂  As a triathlete and hair care guru, Alex is always looking for new ways to enhance her fitness, detox her diet and live an overall healthy lifestyle.

Scroll down to check out the fitness and nutrition plan I’ve put together for her.  Also come back to track her progress each week and, even better, try the plan for yourself!

Notice that I have given Alex a sneak sample copy of my GRIT by Brit Ultimate Body Burn DVD (Have you watched the promo yet?).  She will be my live “guinea pig” to show you results.  Not only that, she’ll be sharing with us unique ways that she keeps her hair looking good while pumpin’ and sweatin’ on my fitness plan.  Wish her the best – LET’S GO ALEX!

Alex’s Goals:

  • Complete the 4–week plan
  • Increase energy
  • Diet detox
  • Lose 10 pounds!

And here’s her GRIT by Brit plan…

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The Beauty of Balance…living a healthy lifestyle

To be fit requires only physical strength and endurance, but to be well requires additional elements of mental, emotional and spiritual development.  I don’t know about you, but I often overemphasize the “physical” element of my wellness because it’s more tangible and makes me feel productive.   However, simply relaxing, enjoying life and spending time with the people we love is just as, if not more, important than exercise.   This weekend I focused on the “mental” and “emotional” aspects of my wellness with some good ole’ fashioned friends and family time.

On Friday night, I hosted a ladies’ a book club with my fabulous girlfriends in Dallas.  Positive energy filled the room as we laughed, ate good food, sipped EXCELLENT wine (thanks to my girl Amy Hampton, Founder and Owner of Sociologie Wine) and engaged in heartfelt and inspiring fellowship…

Then on Saturday, my mom and I drove to Lubbock, TX to visit my little sister who is on the varsity dance team at Texas Tech University.   It was a great opportunity to share what’s been on our minds and enjoy the authentic, West Texas culture.  We also went to the Texas Tech football game to watch my lil’ sis cheer and dance on the sidelines.  People have always told me that I’m a lucky charm, and this week I proved them correct.  TX Tech football upset #5 West Virginia.  Yea buddy – GUNS UP, Red Raiders!

While this weekend I didn’t workout as hard as I usually do  (i.e. skipped my 2-hour Saturday Detox) I appreciated the beauty of balance.  As we all start a new week,  I encourage each of you take a moment and reflect upon your overall wellness.

Is there an element of your wellness that you tend to neglect?  

One that you overemphasize?   

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4-week Challenge Final Update: Lak’s Top 5 Lessons for Healthy Living

4-week Shape-up Challenge: Lakshmi’s Final Update

I’ve spent 4 weeks on the Grit by Brit shape-up plan and in the infamous words of Ms. Brit, “I’ve seen some things.” Maybe more accurately, I’ve learned some things – about myself, my habits and my goals:

  1. Success is a commitment – I’ve finally realized that when it comes to my body and my health, achieving a goal does not happen at a finite point in time. It’s a continual commitment. There is a reason that the phrase is “healthy lifestyle,” and not “healthy moment.” Achieving a healthy lifestyle requires commitment to a healthy life. It’s not one of those quick fix wedding boot camps – be intensely committed for 3 weeks, look buff for the big day and then stop once he’s passed you the ring. Being healthy is something that I need to consider every time I want to eat something or be active (or not active).
  2. It takes a village – Hillary Clinton was so right – you can’t do this alone. Get supporters to cheer you on when you’re doing well. And to scold you when you’ve fallen off the wagon. Talking about my healthy life goals reinforced them in my head (the whole “speak it into existence” idea) and helped make those around me accountable for my success, too. No one wants to watch someone fail in health. If you tell people about who you want to be, they will enable success.
  3. My body is smarter than I am – My brain is my worst enemy. It tells me I’m hungry when I’m not. It tells me I need to stop cycling when I shouldn’t. It tells me to not get out of bed when I need to. Turn the brain off. I learned to listen to my body. Am I hungry? Let me ask my energy level and stomach. Can I go further? Let me ask my legs and heart. Sometimes the answer is “Yes, stop! You’ve worked too hard” and other times it’s all “Lakshmi, please, your grandmother could keep going.” Whatever the question, I learned to let my body answer instead of my brain.
  4. I am not perfect – Brit was continually telling me to not be so hard on myself. I find that when I hold myself to the expectation that my healthy behavior must be 100% compliant with the plan, I fail hard. And once I fail, I can’t pick myself back up. I need to lower the expectations of myself and minimize the impact of the failures so that I can get right back on-track.
  5. I am perfect – You all read about how a woman mistook me for being pregnant. My self-esteem after that episode was low. WAY LOW. But then I realized, I am who I am. I am a fertile looking woman, who is great as she is. I have (finally) realized that the whole idea that people come in different sizes isn’t necessarily because they have varying abilities to portion control. Instead, it’s sometimes just because you were handed those genes. I was at the Levi’s store this weekend (amazing transition from genes to jeans) and noticed that all their fits had positive names (Slight, Demi, Bold, Supreme Curve). This taught me my size – no matter what it is – is awesome.

Thanks friends for reading! And thanks Brit for being both my good cop and my bad cop.

Missed one of Lakshmi’s updates?  Catch up on her journey here:

Kick Off, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3

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Lak’s Week 3 Update: #workouthairproblems

Lakshmi’s Week 3 Update

Hi pals – Week 3 of my Grit by Brit 4-week plan is done and I’m still going strong.

I had a little drama in the workout arena this week because I had a Keratin hair treatment. For those who are blessed with naturally silky smooth hair, when you get a Keratin hair treatment, you can’t wash your hair for three days. How does one stick to a workout regime? #texturedhairproblems. My body was so in the habit of hard core workouts that I started to feel really antsy when I couldn’t workout. Like cranky and irritable. My work around was to bike and use the elliptical, but just to go really slow so that I wouldn’t sweat. Yes, the calories burned were significantly less, but I felt much better. Moreover, I was more amazed by the fact that my body was telling my brain, “Get your workout on!”

I had some moments going off track in the food arena, but by in large, I’ve stayed on track. The G by B plan has done an excellent job of telling me what to eat and when to eat. But, I realized that I need another rule around how much to eat to really kick me into gear. Being 5’2″, I just don’t need as many calories as I want to eat. Any guidance here, Brit?

Brit’s Advice for Lakshmi

  • In regards to you #texturedhairproblems I suggest you check out www.sportyafros.com – “Where Hair and Sports Collide”
  • As for the calorie intake, Lak is definitely right.  There is only ONE true way to lost weight = Burn more calories than you consume.  For the last week of the plan, try to keep your calorie intake to 1,400 calories per day on days that you don’t work out and 1,600 per day on days that you do work.  YOU CAN DO IT!
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