Fit in 14 Days #OperationTahiti

Brandon has officially completed his GRIT by Brit #OperationTahiti plan.  In case you missed the plan, CLICK HERE to see the details and maybe even try it for yourself.  Today, Brandon sent me his final update and on his way to TAHITI!

He did an awesome job.  In his own words, here are his results…

  • I added 4 lbs to get to 167 lbs and feel good about that weight
  • Definitely feel like my core is much tighter and cut vs. when I started
  • I’m starting to see the definition and base of strength come back into my chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders vs. when I started
  • My legs hate me right now…definitely still sore and need to do more work on my quads and hamstrings going forward
  • On the cardio front, I have definitely noticed come improvement.  However, I still need to put in some more work to get to where I want to be.  This will be a never ending battle.  Us former track sprinters always hated the distance folks, right?
In summary, this last two weeks has been awesome.  Mad props to you (Brit) for putting together a fun workout plan that got me back in the gym regularly and to be more conscious about what I ate and drank.  The plan also helped me get through a hectic period of travel, accepting an offer for a new job, and closing an offer on a new apartment in LA — it’s been a crazy two weeks, haha.  I am looking forward to keeping up this schedule and infusing it with some of my old workout routines from college.
Thanks, Brit!  Now, off to Tahiti…



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Leaning in Sheryl Sandberg Style: Up close w/ Facebook COO and other Wonder Women

picstitch (22)Word on the street is Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, is positioning herself to run for US political office which is why she’s investing so much time and energy in promoting her new book, Lean In.  I don’t really care what her intentions are.  I just know that after I read the book and heard her speak this weekend, I felt re-energized and ready to CRUSH it.  I like Sheryl and the “Lean In” message because, to me, it’s a modern day, sexy, non-butch feminist movement.  I’m a “girly” girl, but I’m also feisty, aggressive and have lots of GRIT (aka GRIT by Brit).  The way Sheryl describes a feminist allows me to be ME 🙂

Sheryl Sandberg Lean InI graduated from Harvard Business School in 2010, so last weekend 2 of my best friends/classmates and I went back to Boston for the Women’s 50 (#W50) Summit.  W50 celebrated 50 years since women were admitted to HBS.  We had a rockstar list of key note guest speakers including Anne Moore,  Karen Gordon Mills and Frances Frei.  But in addition to these high-profile guests,  I learned SO MUCH from my fellow HBS women alumni who simply shared their personal stories.  I left the weekend feeling like…

“I got this. I’m gonna be okay.  It’s all good. The world is MINE.”

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I also feel a duty to share the Top 5 Life Lessons I learned over the past 3 days.  I hope these nuggets of wisdom impact you as much as they’ve positively impacted me.

  1. Life is about “juggling” not “balancing” priorities.  If we try to be “balanced” we’ll always be disappointed.  It’s not that easy.  Better yet, think of life as juggling and the only way to get good at it is to practice.  In life, we are juggling several balls (i.e. priorities) , family, career, friends, hobbies.  Some balls bounce if you drop them (i.e. career) but others don’t (  When juggling, the ball that requires the most attention at a point in time is the one that’s falling – Howard Stevenson
  2. Dare to be bad.  This doesn’t mean we should act like 16 year old rebellious teenagers.  It means that in order to be GREAT at some things, we have to have the courage and wisdom to be BAD at somethings (i.e. Wal-Mart is not GREAT at customer service).  If we try to be good at everthing, all we achieve is perfect mediocrity.  The road to mediocrity is paved with good intentions.  But daring to be BAD is pathway to greatness. – Francies Frei
  3. Attribute your successes to your OWN talents and skills.  This is a key point that Sheryl hammered home which rings especially true for women.  While luck, the help of others and hard work play a large role in our achievements, we also have to acknowledge that we are pretty freakin’ talented.  Men do this much more than women.  But ladies, we need to start giving ourselves some credit when we knock it out of the park.  Like I always say, “Show some Swagger”
  4. Leaders adapt and pressure is a privilege.  We should be excited about the challenges in our lives and face them head on, with confidence.  – Ann Moore
  5. The most important decision in our lifetime is who we choose to marry.  Frances Frei says, “Plan A, marry the person who energizes you and inspires you to be a better person.  Plan B is to surround yourself with a team of people who do the same.”  No matter who I spoke with this weekend, a key theme I heard is that a happy, supportive spouse played a critical role in each woman’s livelihood,  career success and family health.  Many of the husbands described were willing to help do the laundry and take care of the kids so that these high-achieving women didn’t have to “lean back” from their own careers. – Sheryl Sandberg

Now go CRUSH this week #GRIT

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It’s not over…

2 stronger GRIT by Brit

Hope you guys had a very happy Easter weekend.  What a wonderful holiday – I’m always encouraged after Easter because it reminds me that ALL things are possible with God.  If death can be conquered, then I know I can certainly conquer my goals or any obstacles in my life.  

As I was sitting here in my room preparing for my work week and planning the workouts I want to post, I had an urge to change it up and to just share some good old-fashion encouragement with you instead.  It that alright?

So here it goes…

Be encouraged this week!  You may feel like giving up, you may feel hopeless, you may feel like you’ve been working your butt off and nothing is paying off.  But guess what?  It’s not over for you or for me.  We got gotta hang in there and keep pushing!   We are closer than we think we are.  Be strong this week.  Work harder than you’ve ever worked before.  Be more kind and more forgiving to others than you’ve ever been before.  Today is a new day and you are almost there.  Be ENCOURAGED and NEVER EVER QUIT.  You got this! You’re stronger than you think you are #GRIT

Lots of luv,


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Fitness for the SOUL: My fun-filled weekend in NYC

Last weekend, my lil bro Austin (@Austin_Rettig) came to visit me in NYC.  He’s a Freshman Men’s Basketball Player at the University of Tampa.  Because I’m SO VERY PROUD of him, I decided to treat him to a weekend in the city for his Spring Break.  We kicked off the weekend with a stroll through Central Park…


Then hit up the Big East Final Four at Madison Square Garden


We started Saturday with some vintage shopping in the East Village…


and ended it with a hearty meal in Little Italy.  We were really missin’ our sister Kortani (@toots_boots) because nobody loves pasta as much as she does.


I taught a KILLER Turbo Kick class on Sunday morning at Turbo NYC (if you haven’t been to my class, I hate that for you).  Austin, helped me with the audio and cut some new tracks to “Harlem Shake” and “Snapbacks and Tattoos.”  After class we shot a new YouTube workout video that I’ll post tomorrow – be on the look out 😉


After gettin’ our praise on at HillsongNYC, we took the Q train to Brooklyn where we supported our home town hero, Derron Williams – DALLAS stand up!


Finally, we topped off the weekend by stuntin’ real hard b/c Derron’s mom gave us a serious VIP hook up – thank you Miss Denise!


Yeah…what you know about that family pass with the courtside action? hehe – I was pumped!


So grateful for my family.  My soul sings with gratitude #BLESSED

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Happy Blog Birthday…1 year and counting!


It’s insane how fast a year flies by.  In light of celebrating our 1-year GRIT by Brit blog anniversary, let me go on a typical “Brit preacher/motivational speaker rant” for a second…..

I truly, in my heart of hearts, feel that we all should blog. It’s such an amazing way to explore yourself, find your passions and share your testimony. I’m not a natural writer and never thought I would ever start a blog.  But an intense desire and feeling of duty to share my love for fitness and wellness is what made me a “blogger.”

No matter what you have to say, as long as you are authentic and transparent, you have the ability to transform lives and encourage people who may be going through the exact same life experience that you are facing. No project, work effort, or activity has inspired me as much as blogging. If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, JUST DO IT …and think about it later 😉

Share your story, because the world needs to hear your voice!

As I look back on my first year of blogging, I’ve picked out my top 10 favorite posts. Now these aren’t the most popular in terms of hits, but they each have very sentimental value to me (*tear).

So my friends, here is to 1 year down and several even bigger, better more beautiful blogging years to come! All the best to you, be BLESSED exceedingly and abundantly.

Lots of luv,


Brit’s Top  10 Fav Blog Posts 

  1. There’s No Such Thing as Impossible – Cried the whole time I wrote it
  2. 2-week Plan to Nix 10 Pounds – Pretty much my weight management Bible.   
  3. Tummy Booty & Thighs –  I can ALWAYS count on this workout and Jessica Beil will always and forever be my bikini body motivation
  4. Top 10 Tips for a Happier & Healthier 2013 – My outlook on life in 10 bullet points
  5. Drinks Weighing You Down? – Why I believe soda is the devil
  6. Movin’ and Shakin’ Monte Carlo – My most FABULOUS blog post
  7. 4-week Tone Up Challenge: Complete – My bestie, Jan, had the idea to start doing 4-week fitness challenges for all of my friends…she became the first of 5 😉
  8. Ultimate Body Burn DVD Launch – huge personal accomplishment for me and my friends…will remember this day forever
  9. Six Pack by Summer – my ultimate abs routine, love this workout very much
  10. Drink Coffee to Control Weight & Make Better Love – so grateful that my  old college b-ball teammate and now registered dietitian writes such awesome and informative guests posts for me…and I LOVE coffee 😉

GRIT by Brit 1 year anniversary

ABOVE – me hanging in Chicago this weekend and flashing a HUGE grin for the GRIT by Brit 1 year anniversary

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Show some SWAGGER

Brittani Rettig SwaggerAt a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of self-respect and self-confidence.  My mom always had me play the lead in church programs and made sure I was on the front row at my dance recitals.   Later when I started playing sports, my dad would preach that “competitions are just about confidence…if I worked hard and believed that I was better than my opponent, I was!

However as I matured, I started to believe that humility and self-confidence were mutually exclusive (i.e. if I wanted to be humble, that meant I needed to put the needs of others before my own or criticize myself).  However, the TRUTH is exactly the opposite!

As a new vegetarian, I started reading the book “Skinny B*itch” which takes a very no-nonsense approach to healthy living and healthy eating.  There’s a paragraph in the book, that really hammers home my beliefs about self-confidence and SWAGGER:

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“Certainly your health and your body and you are more important than anything else in your life.  You are worthless to your colleagues, friends and family if you do not value yourself enough to take excellent care of you.  Yes, you have to put yourself before your friends, parents,  boyfriend, husband and even your children.  It won’t make you bad daughter or wife or mother; it will make you less resentful, more confident,  interesting,  beautiful, patient, tolerant, and fun person to be around.  Your bright shining light will give everyone around you permission and inspiration to shine more brightly.  Love yourself enough to do whatever it takes to be the best you you can be.”

For your Monday Motivation, I wanted to share this excerpt along with a graphic that my Aunt sent me (shout out to Aunt Cathy).  Think about these truths as you start your week.  I hope they encourage you as much as they encourage me! #GRIT

Lots of luv,

Brit 😉

GRIT by Brit Swagger

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Love Your Body Day #5: Eat Good to Feel Good

We ARE what we EAT….  You’ve heard the saying over and over again but most of us (including me) still struggle to maintain a healthy, nutritious diet.  Since today is the last day of my “love your body” series I figured I’d talk about the #1 way to love your body = nourish it with healthy food!

fantasic foods

Here’s 10 fantastic foods that make you FEEL & LOOK good courtesy of

  • BLUEBERRIES The ultimate immune-boosting food. Rich in anti-oxidants.
  • BROCCOLI Guards against cancer and is rich in a wide range of anti-oxidants, vitamins C and E, folate and iron.
  • CARROTS High in carotenes, known to boost the immune system.
  • LETTUCE AND SALAD GREENS Tangy varieties, such as chicory and endive, stimulate the liver, making them great detoxifiers. Most lettuces contain valuable amounts of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
  • BEETROOT Bursting with minerals and has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, immune-boosting and detoxifying properties.
  • BRAZIL NUTS You only need to eat two or three a day to benefit from their great combination of immune-boosting nutrients: vitamin E, selenium and B vitamins.
  • GRAPEFRUIT Has immune-boosting, antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-bacterial properties.
  • GARLIC Strengthens the heart and blood, and has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Also thought to help lower blood pressure. A key ingredient is allicin, which has cancer-fighting potential.
  • CRANBERRIES Best known for helping to prevent and treat urinary tract infections, especially cystitis, in women. They have both anti-fungal and antiviral properties.
  • GINGER Stimulates the immune system and circulation.

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Love your body today by eating well. We can’t out exercise a bad diet #GRIT

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Love Your Body Day #4: Shake what your mama gave ya!

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Life is hard…and serious…often more serious than it should be.  Personally, I struggle with taking myself too seriously and causing unnecessary stress on my body.    Exercise is a good stress reliever for me, but sometimes I even get stressed over workouts (what gives?).   However, one activity that NEVER stresses me out is dancing.  I think it’s impossible to be irritated while bustin’ a move 😉

That said, today I’m encouraging you to take some time to free yourself, pump up the music and shake your groove thing.  Not only is a good ole’ dance session liberating,  it’s also good for your BODY.

“Studies show that dance can help you lose weight, stay flexible, reduce stress, make friends, and more.” 

Here’s my Top 5 Health Reasons to Hit the Dance Floor!

  1.  Stress Relief – Grabbing a partner, pumpin’ up the music and hittin’ the dance floor has shown to reduce stress according to a study by Journal of Applied Gerontology.
  2. Lift Your Spirits – People who participate in group dance activities suffer less from depression and have a more optimistic view on life!  Even if you’re “dancin’ by yourself” you can still benefit from a mood boost.
  3. Have Beauty & BRAINS – A study by The New England Journal of Medicine, shows that dancing may boost your memory and prevent you from developing dementia as you get older.
  4. Blast Calories – Because dancing is a form of aerobic exercise, it raises your heart rate and ultimately burns lots of calories!  Here’s to shakin’ away some excess pounds!
  5. Bring Sexy Back – If you’re like me, you don’t actually like to dance in front of people – I usually feel  really self-conscious.  However, the more I do it, the more comfortable I feel.  By getting out of my comfort zone I’ve released a who new level of self-confidence and sexiness 😉

(below – me & my childhood friend Brett, 2 steppin’ & twirlin’ back in Texas)


Love your body today by blastin’ the music and lettin’ loose – free yourself! #GRIT

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Love Your Body Day #1: Get HATE out of your HEART

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Happy February!  Today marks the beginning of my “Love Your Body” series.  For each of the next 5 days I’ll share a healthy, body-lovin’ tip.  Our health is essential to our being, so cherish your precious temple of your soul – your BODY!

Lots of luv,

Brit 🙂

Get HATE of out of your HEART

Let the grudge go.  Holding a grudge does NOT cause any pain to the person who hurt you (they couldn’t care less).  Your grudge only causes pain to your body.  Several university studies have proven that holding a grudge is bad for your health.  Joseph Neumann, PhD, a clinical psychologist explains, “When I treated patients with cardiovascular disease, I was struck by how many were bitter, angry, and depressed,” says Neumann. “It clearly affected their health and their ability to heal.”  On the flip side, a study by Harvard Women’s Health Watch found a link between forgiving and improvements in heart rate and blood pressure.  

The reality is that life isn’t fair.  People will treat you unfairly, hurt you, cheat you and, on top of that,  get away with it.   But we must CHOOSE to not let our pain or anger ruin all of the good things we have in life.  Eventually, we reap what we sow.  So don’t worry about getting back at that awful person, just let the grudge go!

Love your body today by forgiving and letting old hurts be history #GRIT

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