Hi friends!  I’m keeping today’s blog post short and sweet.  Obviously I’m a “hard work” enthusiast.  No grit no pearl.  However, I want to clarify that I believe hard work is necessary to be my best self and to live my life to the fullest.  It’s never a good idea to work myself into the ground out of self-hate.  For instance sprinting my butt off on the treadmill while calling myself a “fat cow,” is not productive.  In fact, when we are mean to ourselves, we are more likely to sabotage our healthy lifestyle efforts by binge eating and convincing ourselves that we aren’t worthy of success.  Don’t fall victim to the negative self talk.

It took me a long time to really love and accept my body.  I have an apple shape, short torso, long legs and a flat butt.  But you know what, I’m super fit!   I can do 14 pull-ups, I’ve run 2 half marathons, teach 13 fitness classes per week and my body fat percentage is ideal for my height.  I’m no J-Lo, but I love my body and I’m proud of myself for keeping it healthy and fit so that it can serve me.

Remember taking up a consistent exercise regimen,  eating healthy foods and thinking positive thoughts are all ways that we show love to our body.  Work hard because you LOVE your body, not because you hate it.

xoxo, Brit

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2015 Goal Setting Tips – How to set SMART goals

Happy January!  So, what are your thoughts on New Years resolutions?  I have mixed feelings about them… BUT I’m a big fan of goal-setting and what better time to re-elvaute and reset personal goal that at the beginning of the year?

At my cycling studio, BEYOND Pedaling, we have a new initiative going on in the month of January called #CommitTo30.  Studies show that if we stick to something for 30 days we are more likely to make it a habit.  My #CommitTo30 goal is to incorporate “mindfulness” (the practice of non-judgmental, present-moment awareness) into my daily routine. I often get so wrapped up in my to-do list that I forget to pause and appreciate the present moment. PLUS research shows that being more mindful increases brain function! Here’s an article from Harvard Business Review that elaborates on the brain benefits of mindfulness.

My instructor bio pic at BEYOND Pedaling #flex

While setting this overall goal is a step in the right direction, it’s not a smart goal until I get more specific about what I’m going to achieve.  I love this acronym from George T. Doran for effective goal setting.  He says SMART Goals are:

  • Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
  • Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
  • Assignable – specify who will do it.
  • Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
  • Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

With this in mind, I further elaborated my #CommitTo30 goal to the following:

For the next 30 days, I’m going to practice “mindfulness” by pausing for 15 minutes each morning without any media, work or distractions to simply reflect on the present moment.  To track my progress, I’ll write down the new things I appreciated each day.

By making my goal “smarter” I actually feel more inclined to stick with it.  What are your 2015 goals?  I’d love to hear them!

Wishing you a wonderful week!  xoxo, Brit

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5 Acts of Gratitude to Boost Your Mood

As you know, this month is all about gratitude = the quality of being thankful.  I’m so grateful to wake up everyday and do something that I love: share fitness & healthy living with people I care about = YOU!  I’m also grateful for the opportunity to share my fitness business start up story with SELF Magazine.  Woo ho0 – check out my article on!

I’ve found that practicing acts of gratitude makes me a happier person. In fact, studies from University of California Berkeley show that grateful people are less resentful, more optimistic and healthier than their ungrateful counterparts. Also, physically expressing gratitude generates a greater happiness return than simply feeling appreciation. So just in time for Thanksgiving, here are five acts of gratitude to ensure you have the happiest holiday!

  1. Savor the Small Stuff – Whether it’s your morning cup of coffee or hot shower after a long day, take a moment to be present and acknowledge your little luxury.
  2. Say Thank You – Actually pick up phone, call someone and tell him or her how much they mean to you. Not only with they feel wonderful, but you will too.
  3. Love Your Body – Go for a sweat session at your favorite fitness studio. Afterwards thank your body for its physical fitness.
  4. Be One With Nature – Step outside and look around. Appreciating nature’s beauty can quickly lift your spirits.
  5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments – Make a list of three personal accomplishments and thank yourself for your dedication and commitment. We often express gratitude to others, but it’s equally important to appreciate ourselves.

This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to not only feel thankful but to also express your gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo, Brit

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Dallas GRIT Fitness: My 1st Studio – Progress on Site Renovations

Hey guys – happy Tuesday!  So I’m back in Dallas and back to work renovating and preparing for the grand opening of my very 1st fitness studio!  I can’t believe this is all happening.  It’s SO MUCH more work than I anticipated but I’m loving every minute of it.

My studio, Dallas GRIT Fitness, is located in East Dallas at 3821 Ross Avenue.  I’m SO excited to bring the very 1st one-stop-shop for a variety of the most energetic group fitness & yoga classes!  No more having to drop in to 5 different studios to attend your favorite workouts.

Right now, I’m in the thick of of renovations and managing contractors.  We started off by tearing down 6 walls in what use to be a chiropractor’s office.  Talk about manual labor.  I had a little bit of a hiccup last week when the City of Dallas officials stopped by and said I needed an additional permit for the demolition work that was done – YIKES!  We had to stop working for a couple of days until we secured the permit – UGH!  Fortunately, everything is squared away now and we are back in business!

My friend Turner, owner of Dallas Fit Body Bootcamp, did all of the demolition work by himself! Talk about GRIT
Turner knocked down 6 walls on 1 Day #BEASTMODE
During the demolition, the flooring guys came by to give me an estimate on wood floor installation
I almost fainted when I heard the price… maybe I can get wood floors installed barter for classes???
At the end of Day 3 all of the wall were gone and the debris was cleared out. Turner and his buddy Glen literally did magic!

Once we got all of the walls knocked down and cleaned out, we did a mini celebration – YAY!  Then the painters came in and worked their magic.  I decided to go with gray walls and white crown molding.  What do you think?  My biz partner, Tuner, will run Dallas Fit Body Bootcamp in the suite next door.  We’re excited to offer cross-studio memberships and  joint workouts 🙂

Painters doing the final touches on the crown molding
All done with painting yay! Now I need to get a “Dallas GRIT Fitness” sign made to go in the entry way behind the welcome desk

Now that painting is done, the flooring guys will install beautiful maple wood floors this week.

Last but not least, we will wrap up renovations with mirrors, wall art and sound/lighting installations.  Then we are good to go!  I’m having an orientation for all of my rockstar instructors in early December and “soft opening” in late December 2014.  I’ll be sure to keep you updated on the progress.  In the meanwhile, check out the studio website:

So much is happening so fast!

Thanks for being a part of the journey.

Lots of luv, Brit

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10 Questions to Answer Before Quitting Your Job: How I took a leap of faith to start my own business

Image: Over the past 4 years I’ve served over 10 corporate clients, worked for 2 large consulting firms and traveled over 600,000 airline miles. My bittersweet departure from corporate America has come – here’s to the next chapter!

Hey gang. As many of you already know, I recently quit my consulting career to open my own fitness studio, Dallas GRIT Fitness (my dream come true)! My double duty life is officially over. No more weekly travel, no more day-to-day interaction with corporate clients, no more expense account, no more health insurance (yikes). I’m terrified. I’m exhilarated!

To clarify, this was not a knee-jerk decision. I’ve been praying and preparing for this moment for 2 years. I don’t know if everything will work out. I may fall flat on my face. Nonetheless, I feel confident about my transition thanks to the wise insights from friends, family and mentors. I read a job hunting guide that my friend recommended to me, incase my business didn’t work, but thankfully it did. In the spirit of sharing these wonderful words of wisdom, I summarized these insights into 10 questions and my associated reflections.

10 Questions to Answer Before Quitting Your Job

1. What do I dislike about my current job?

Job dissatisfaction tends to fall in 1 of 2 camps:

  1. “I dislike my job because it’s hard”
  2. “I dislike my job because I don’t care about what I’m doing.”

If you fall in the latter camp, this may signal that you should change career paths.

Hardships and challenges are actually good. They build grit and help us achieve long-term goals. I highly discourage quitting your job because it’s hard or because you have to work with difficult people. These are temporary situations and you can control how you handle them. But if you don’t care about what you’re doing, it’s difficult to be passionate about your work.

This Summer I got to hear Jillian Michaels speak at fitness conference and she said, “Work with passion is purpose, work without passion is punishment.” When we lack passion, we lack energy. And we need energy and enthusiasm to be our best selves.

2. Am I emotionally stable?

My dad always told me to never send an email when I’m angry and to never make a decision in a valley. Likewise, it’s probably not a good idea to quit your job if you’re in the midst of tough life experience. I considered quitting earlier this year when I had to work with a leader that I simply did not like. At times I was so angry and frustrated I just wanted to throw in the towel. But now I’m glad that I toughed it out because I was able to reach my savings goals and leave my firm on good terms with a positive reputation.

3. What energizes me?

Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t dislike my consulting career. In fact I LOVED my job the first 2 years. However, once I started teaching group fitness, I realized that I had an excitement about leading workouts that I simply didn’t have in consulting. I can vividly remember auditioning for my first group fitness instructor position. I was more nervous for that audition than I had ever been for any corporate client engagement. I practiced for an entire week and even had my mom come over and watch me do mock auditions in my living room. I initially chalked up my nerves to being out of my element. But the more I taught group fitness classes, I noticed that I spent hours and hours making the “perfect playlist” and brainstorming ways to energize my class. I never put that much voluntary effort into my consulting work. This was that proof that my energy came from my fitness career not my consulting career. I’m learning to lean into the things that energize me and I encourage you to do the same.

4. What is my gift?

I love this quote from Pablo Picasso, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” I believe that our “gift” is any talent/skill that we can share with others to help them live life more abundantly. It’s often something that we are both naturally good at and enjoy doing. Often, you can discover you gift by answering question 3 – find what energizes you!

5. Do I have a vision for my future?

After I started teaching group fitness I knew I wanted to start a fitness business, but I didn’t know what it would look like. It took me 3 years to develop a vision for my fitness studio. Without a vision, it’s hard to prepare. Go ahead and ask yourself the fundamental questions of any new venture: What is my core product or service? Who is my target customer? Who are my competitors? What is my differentiator? What are the industry dynamics and trends?

6. Have I identified my “Champion Friends”?

When contemplating the “big corporate jump” it’s critical to have a solid support group. It’s equally important to avoid negative influences. Overall I’ve found that people fall into 3 camps:

  1. Champion Friends – This is your core support group. Champion friends will support you, love you and encourage you regardless. My champion friends each supported me in their own unique way: my friend from business school (cheerleader), my pastor (spiritual advisor) and my parents (risk managers). It’s a good idea to identify a core group of champion friends and stay closely connected with them during your transition.
  2. Hesitant Friends – These are good friends, however seeing you prepare to take a leap of faith strikes a chord within them. The reason is that deep down they also want to make a leap but haven’t or won’t for whatever reason. Be careful with this group, they may unintentionally discourage you.
  3. Haters – These folks aren’t happy with their own lives, so they can’t be happy for anyone else. Just disregard the negativity and spend more time with your champion friends.

7. Have I prepared and executed an action plan?

In preparation for my departure from corporate America, I literally created an Excel spreadsheet containing “Action Items Before My Last Day.” I included start and end dates for each action and closely tracked my progress. My action plan included things like: meet with a career coach, attend a fitness conference, secure a personal line of credit, research health insurance options, create a financial business plan, etc. I told myself I couldn’t quit my job until the action plan was 100% complete. I highly recommend you make an action plan. It served me well.

8. How much money do I need to save?

After chatting with some trusted advisors, I decided that I needed to save enough money to cover my living expenses for 6 months. I don’t think this is a hard and fast rule, but I highly recommend saving enough money to cover your living expenses for a few months + additional funds to invest in your business. At first I blurred the two funds, which made me think I was in better financial shape than I really was. I was better off setting a personal savings goal in addition to a business investment goal and making the sum of these two figures my overall savings target. Thinking about money is not necessarily something we all want to do, but it is very important. Even if you have already set up a business you should still be thinking about how to keep costs to a minimum and maximize profits. Even small things such as visiting a business energy comparison site could help you do this.

9. When is the right time to transition?

Don’t even think about jumping ship until you’ve completed your action plan and met your savings goal. That’s step one. After you’ve reached that point, it’s just a matter of trusting your gut. There was a very specific time when I knew deep in soul that if I didn’t leave immediately, a part of me would die. The part of me that’s super energetic, vibrant and excited about life would die and I would just be a person who wakes up each morning and goes through the motions. I responded to that gut reaction and gave my 2 weeks notice the very next day.

10. Do I truly believe in myself?

We are so much stronger than we think and we possess more power than we assume. I always say this in regards to fitness but this truth transcends to all aspects of life, including our careers. If you’re going to take the leap of faith to start your own business, you must be confident and you must BELIEVE in yourself! There will be ups and downs and many obstacles on your new journey, but when you work hard, serve others and pursue your passion, the reward will be great!

Wishing you all the best and lots of success.

Show your grit! Luv, Brit

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Dreams Coming True: GRIT by Brit + Dallas Fit Body Bootcamp teaming up to launch the BEST group fitness studio in Dallas!

Happy Monday Friends!  I have big news.  Just over a week ago, I quit my job – AHH!   I’ll share more details later this week about how made this decision as it took many sleepless nights, self-reflections and panic attacks.  Nonetheless I’m super happy to announce that starting today, I will spend all day every day pursuing my passion.  Each day I get to wake up and help people live healthier, happier and more abundant lives!  I’m overflowing with joy right now because I have been waiting for the moment for over 2 years.  It’s been exhausting living a double duty life of maintaing a corporate career AND teaching fitness glasses AND blogging.  Now I don’t have to constantly switch personas. I can just be myself and it’s so liberating!

God works in mysterious ways.  Just after I gave my 2 weeks notice, I was teaching my usual Turbo Kick class at 24 Hour Fitness and after class I had a long chat with one of my regular class members.  Her son happens to be one of my closest, hometown friends so we often chat about the good old days growing up in Mesquite, TX.  She also has another son, also a friend of mine (Turner), who is  well-respected personal trainer and owner of Dallas Fit Body Bootcamp.  She mentioned that he was looking for a fitness partner to utilize the other side of his gym which was currently sitting vacant.  I literally jumped with joy when I heard this news.  Long story short,  Turner and I are now partners in crime!

Having my own fitness studio is my DREAM!  It’s so crazy that this opportunity came only AFTER I took a leap of faith and quit my job.  If you want to walk on water you’ve gotta get out of the boat, right?

Me and Turner last Thursday after signing our business agreement!

The very next day I met with Turner to tour the gym.  The space is perfect for my own fitness studio.  It’s about 1,300 sqft, has a beautiful foyer, long walls for big mirrors and is perfectly located in East Dallas.  On one side of the gym Turner will run Dallas Fit Body Bootcamp and on the other side, I will run GRIT Fitness.  We are offering all-access passes for those who want to workout on both sides of the gym.  So excited!

GRIT Fitness will be the 1st and only studio in Dallas providing a variety of leading group fitness formats!

You guys know I’m a group fitness junkie so I’ll be offering a variety of my all-time favorite group fitness formats including PiYo, Turbo Kick, Power Yoga, Body Sculpt, Dance Cardio and Hip Hop.  I’m also bringing on some of Dallas’ best yoga and dance instructors to help me create the ultimate, energetic experience.

Turner and I are on a  mission to create the #1 group fitness studio in Dallas.  We are passionate and we work our butts off so I’m 100% confident we will succeed.  I’ll keep you posted on our journey – there’s sure to be ups and downs but we are ready for the challenge.  BRING IT!

Our gym is located at 3821 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75204.  We will start demolition on the new space today!  Visit the GRIT Fitness website for updates, – Grand opening January 2015!

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Will the #SELFMade women please stand up?

Great news friends!  I’ve been invited to be an official member of SELF magazine’s #SELFMade Blogger Collective.  Hard work certainly pays off.  Now you can read some of my super special blog posts on – yay!  There are several other fabulous women who have joined the movement, including #SELFmade celebs like Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, and Allyson Felix!  I screen shotted a pic from Jessica Alba’s Instagram (below)

I’m #SELFMade because for the past 3 years I’ve been juggling a full-time consulting career, teaching group fitness classes and blogging.  There were many days I reached absolute exhaustion and wanted to quit everything, but I’m glad I stuck it out.  Hearing your success stories and knowing that I can make a positive difference in the lives of others makes everything worthwhile.

From your comments and emails, I KNOW that you’re #SELFmade too.  Thanks for sharing your gritty stories and continuing to work hard to make your dreams come true.  Join the #SELFmade movement by sharing how you’re #SELFMade on Instagram.  You can even be entered to win a trip to Hawaii from SELF Magazine! Visit their Instagram profile @SELFMagazine for more details.

Stay #SELFmade! Luv, Brit

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Free 4 Week Exercise & Eating Plan! Join the #GRITshapeup

Hello friends!  Hope your day is going well.  SO…I finally finished a big project I’ve been working on for a quite some time.  After I reached my 2 year blogiversary this March, I decided to put together my top workouts, detox tips and nutrition advice in to a best in class 4-week shape up plan.  I’m finally done and my first GRIT by Brit 4 Week Shape up Plan is ready for you to download.  Yay!

I really hope that this is a community effort where we can share our progress and encourage each other to be our healthiest, best selves.  That said please email me at if you have any questions about the plan.  Also,  I highly encourage you to team up with some friends and do the plan together.  There’s power in numbers!  Share your workout photos and healthy meals on Instagram and Twitter with hashtag #GRITshapeup  – I’ll start doing product giveaways for my favorite pics!

A  core value of GRIT by Brit is “FREE” – I believe that we don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy.  That said, I made my printable GRIT Shape Up plan 100% accessible to everyone.  Just enter your email address in the subscription box to the right (below the search bar) and a link to download the plan will be sent to you. If you have any issues downloading, send me an email ( and I’ll help you out.  Be sure to keep us updated by posting pics or updates with hashtag #GRITShapeUp.  I can’t wait to hear your success stories.  Show your GRIT!  Lots of luv, Brit

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What Does GRIT Mean to You? Answers from 8 Wonder Women + GRIT Tank Top Giveaway

Good morning friends!  As promised, I gathered all of your comments from my GRIT Tank Top Giveaway a couple of weeks ago and summarized them into the graphic below.  I have to be honest, at first I did this for selfish reasons as these quotes became my morning motivation.  I was so inspired by your definitions of “GRIT” I just had to share the goodness.   Now you can print, Pin or post this graphic anywhere you like.  Also, HUGE thank you to 8 Wonder Women who shared what “GRIT” means to them…

On that note, let’s keep the gritty goodness going.  I’m hosting another giveaway for this black GRIT tank top (pictured below).  Just like last time, post a comment answering the question, “What does GRIT mean to you?”  I’ll read through all of your inspiring words and pick a winner – will announce next Wednesday (Oct. 8).  Enjoy!

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G.R.I.T – The Secret to Success and Happiness

Hello friends.  A colleague of mine forwarded me an AMAZING article from  You can click here to read the full article, but below is an excerpt of the GRIT section by Scott Petinga – it’s just too good not to share…

  • “G” is for guts, that secret superpower that allows us to overcome adversity and steer a course over, under, around or straight through life’s many obstacles and challenges. Having guts is about living in the moment and doing things you’re afraid of right now — not tomorrow, not five years from now. It’s about being confident in your opinion, voicing that opinion and not being afraid to disagree with people.
  • “R” is for resilience, which allows us to bounce back from life’s many defeats to enjoy the fruits of our labor and eventual success. Perseverance is a major part of that. The journey that got me to where I am today gave me this insatiable drive, this compulsion to create change — to be change. It also taught me to genuinely care about people, to care about the community around me and to care about the impact I have on the future. Don’t limit yourself to what’s immediately doable. Instead ask, “What’s possible?”
  • “I” is for initiative, that entrepreneurial spirit that inspires us to act on our biggest ideas and build a life and career for ourselves. With initiative comes the risk of failure, which is why doing so is well worth it. Either it takes you forward into a new direction, or you fail, and those failures take you in a new direction.
  • “T” is for tenacity, which ultimately determines how hard we fight for our dreams. Tenacity can be summed up as, “improvise, overcome, adapt,” regardless of the odds. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. A tenacious person never has to say “would have,” “could have” and “should have.” Don’t think too long about things, just go for them.

Those of you who have been following me from the beginning know that helping people develop GRIT is the core purpose of my blog.  I believe fitness is about so much more than a strong body.  It’s about transforming your mind, CHOOSING to think positive thoughts and having the courage to believe in and work for your goals.  The great thing about GRIT is that can be developed.  Unlike talents, we aren’t born with GRIT.  This means that each of us has the opportunity and the means to make our dreams come true.  True that.  xoxo, Brit

What’s your dream?  

How are are you fighting to makes your dream come true?

How do you show your GRIT?

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