Wednesday Workout: BACK it Up!


(above – me showin’ off my back in my new Lululemon racer back tank)

If you’re looking for a new “Wednesday Workout,” I highly encourage you to build your BACK!  A strong back improves posture and gives you more definition through your neck and shoulders.  Also, the nice ‘V’ shape makes your waistline look smaller 😉

As a woman, I often neglected back workouts and focused on my abs and legs during weight training.  However, I’ve found that working my back muscles is very effective for weight management because the muscles are BIG and require lots of energy (thus burn a lot of calories).  Also, a toned back in a racer back dress is just as, if not more, sexy than nice legs in daisy dukes.  So give it a whirl today, people.  This workout should take you about 30 minutes to complete and you can expect to burn ~200 calories – enjoy!

tumblr_mf5u1rNXuC1rhnzcto1_r3_500BACK it Up!

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  1. I love this suggestion – almost as much as I love the new pants!! 🙂 My new summer goal is not to obsess on my abs, but to have a rocking back.

  2. Haha – thanx girl! I’m obsessed with these pants. They’re so fun! Glad you enjoyed the post, let me know how the workout goes 🙂

    1. yes please do! Modified push ups are super and just as effective. let me know how it goes 😉

      On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 10:19 AM, GRIT by Brit

    1. they are the BEST! NikePro leggings, they come in Purple (the ones I have), neon red and grey/silver. You can get them at Lady foot locker 😉 do it!