At a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of self-respect and self-confidence. My mom always had me play the lead in church programs and made sure I was on the front row at my dance recitals. Later when I started playing sports, my dad would preach that “competitions are just about confidence…if I worked hard and believed that I was better than my opponent, I was!”
However as I matured, I started to believe that humility and self-confidence were mutually exclusive (i.e. if I wanted to be humble, that meant I needed to put the needs of others before my own or criticize myself). However, the TRUTH is exactly the opposite!
As a new vegetarian, I started reading the book “Skinny B*itch” which takes a very no-nonsense approach to healthy living and healthy eating. There’s a paragraph in the book, that really hammers home my beliefs about self-confidence and SWAGGER:

“Certainly your health and your body and you are more important than anything else in your life. You are worthless to your colleagues, friends and family if you do not value yourself enough to take excellent care of you. Yes, you have to put yourself before your friends, parents, boyfriend, husband and even your children. It won’t make you bad daughter or wife or mother; it will make you less resentful, more confident, interesting, beautiful, patient, tolerant, and fun person to be around. Your bright shining light will give everyone around you permission and inspiration to shine more brightly. Love yourself enough to do whatever it takes to be the best you you can be.”
For your Monday Motivation, I wanted to share this excerpt along with a graphic that my Aunt sent me (shout out to Aunt Cathy). Think about these truths as you start your week. I hope they encourage you as much as they encourage me! #GRIT
Lots of luv,
Brit 😉