March Madness! Basketball Court Workout

Happy March everyone!  The NCAA Men’s bball brackets are out – who you got?  I love college hoops.  This past weekend my lil’ bro came to visit me for his college Spring Break and we hit up the Big East final four at Madison Square Garden (a good look).  Also as a former D1 basketball player, I’m inspired by March Madness because ANYTHING can happen.  May the team with most #GRIT win!

In the spirit of Basketball & Bracketology, I made a basketball court workout for you to enjoy.  Expect to burn a ton of calories and have a ton of fun during this anaerobic workout.  Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes.  Happy Monday!

Lots of luv,



March Madness Basketball Court Workout

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Bandz Make Me Dance: Total Body Resistance Band Workout

resistance band workoutI recently started working with a client in Buffalo, NY, which means I’m back on the road and back to my trusty hotel gym workouts.  Along with the usual cardio equipment, this hotel gym has some fun “fitness toys” like medicine balls, kettle bells and resistance bands.  In the spirit of keeping things interesting, I decided to make up some new workouts that don’t use standard dumbbells.

First up is a resistance band workout that I did this morning.  (Below, are some action shots of me – please don’t be cruel as I’m sans make-up and #nofilter.) The circuit needs to be completed 3 times for adequate resistance training.  Keep in mind, that 2 resistance/weight training workouts per week are recommended to develop and maintain an adequate fitness level.  Try it out and let me know how it goes – enjoy!  Luv, Brit 😉

Total Body Resistance Band Workout

resistance band workout demos

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New cardio workout video: Burn 200 calories in 15 minutes!


After Turbo NYC last weekend, we made this 15 minute cardio video for you guys.  Remember, you can always modify the high impact moves.  So, step side to side instead of leaping or do deep squats instead of jumping.  My only rule is that you give me 100% of your energy!

Hope you love it.  Try the workout and let me know how it goes.  Remember, SWEAT IS SEXY!

Lots of luv,

Brit 😉


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Brit’s 5 Favorite Fit Snacks

The past couple of weeks I’ve gotten pretty sloppy with my diet :/  I’ve done a good job keeping up with my workouts, but my food choices could be much healthier.  This weekend I took mental note of my favorite “fit snacks” and am going to try to have them handy so that it’s easier for me to make healthy choices .  Keep in mind that I’m a new vegetarian (officially 2 months strong) so everything I picked is “veggie friendly.”  Here’s my list – enjoy!

1. All Natural Peanut Butter & Banana.  Either “straight up” or in frozen sandwiches like below.

pb & banana

2. Carrots & Hummus – not very exciting, but always tasty and gets me my daily dose of Vitamin A!

carrots & humms

3. Kale Chips – be careful about getting flavored ones though.  While they are tasty, they sneak in extra calories that can pile up…

kale chips

4. Apples dipped in Greek Yogurt – I like to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top or maybe drizzle some honey if I really have a sweet tooth.

apples & greek yogurt

5. Almonds and prunes – This combo is high in fiber and will clean you out real good 😉

almonds & prunes

What’s in your top 5 favorite fit snacks?

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CARDIO Killer!


(above – me teaching TurboKick, the ultimate cardio workout!)

Hi my name is Brit and I’m a cardio junkie…

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about pumpin’ iron (lifting weights) and vinyasa flowin’ (yoga), but if push comes to shove I ALWAYS go for cardio!  Just 10-15 minutes of brisk walking, jumping jacks, high knee running and/or jumping rope does so much for my body.  Cardio exercise is my workout of choice and here’s why…

  1. Fast Results – If I’m trying drop a few pounds, cardio workouts allow me to reach my goal faster!
  2. Max Calorie Burn – Simply put, 1 hour of cardio burns ~600 calories while 1 hour of yoga/pilates burns ~300 calories
  3. Sweat Out the Toxins – Afer 30 minutes of moving I’m dripping in sweat, feeling detoxed and enjoying my glowing skin!
  4. Larger Lung Capacity – The harder I push myself, the harder it is to breathe and the stronger my lungs become.
  5. Strong Heart – Cardio workouts quickly elevate my heart rate allowing me to strengthen the most important muscle in my body – my HEART!
  6. More Energy – Compared to other forms of exercise, cardio requires the most vigorous amount of movement which energizes my mind, body and soul 😉

Most people think that cardio means you have to be on a boring machine casually walking, cycling or rowing.   However, there’s lots of fun cardio options like kickboxing, dance and athletic drills.  Here’s a 15 minute home cardio workout that I like to do if I’m running low on time.  Don’t forget you can also do the GRIT by Brit Ultimate Body Burn DVD for a 30 minute total body burn 😉

15 Min Cardio Fix

And just for a little extra workout motivation, here’s a picture of 1 of my favorite workout tank tops that always get me pumped for some cardio! Kiss my sweat #GRIT


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Show some SWAGGER

Brittani Rettig SwaggerAt a very young age, my parents taught me the importance of self-respect and self-confidence.  My mom always had me play the lead in church programs and made sure I was on the front row at my dance recitals.   Later when I started playing sports, my dad would preach that “competitions are just about confidence…if I worked hard and believed that I was better than my opponent, I was!

However as I matured, I started to believe that humility and self-confidence were mutually exclusive (i.e. if I wanted to be humble, that meant I needed to put the needs of others before my own or criticize myself).  However, the TRUTH is exactly the opposite!

As a new vegetarian, I started reading the book “Skinny B*itch” which takes a very no-nonsense approach to healthy living and healthy eating.  There’s a paragraph in the book, that really hammers home my beliefs about self-confidence and SWAGGER:

photo (28)

“Certainly your health and your body and you are more important than anything else in your life.  You are worthless to your colleagues, friends and family if you do not value yourself enough to take excellent care of you.  Yes, you have to put yourself before your friends, parents,  boyfriend, husband and even your children.  It won’t make you bad daughter or wife or mother; it will make you less resentful, more confident,  interesting,  beautiful, patient, tolerant, and fun person to be around.  Your bright shining light will give everyone around you permission and inspiration to shine more brightly.  Love yourself enough to do whatever it takes to be the best you you can be.”

For your Monday Motivation, I wanted to share this excerpt along with a graphic that my Aunt sent me (shout out to Aunt Cathy).  Think about these truths as you start your week.  I hope they encourage you as much as they encourage me! #GRIT

Lots of luv,

Brit 😉

GRIT by Brit Swagger

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Turbo Kickboxing Classes in NYC

turbo nyc class pic

Hey Gang!  I hope your week is going well.  In case you haven’t heard, I’m now teaching independent Turbo Kick classes in New York City!  I’ve partnered with Stepping Out Studios in Flatiron to bring you an awesome fitness experience in a beautiful NYC dance studio.  Now you can enjoy this amazing fitness format without being a member of a gym – woop woop 🙂

Last Sunday marked the completion of our 1st month since the launch of Turbo NYC.  Our Launch Party was a huge success and we’ve had several new faces join our #CARDIOPARTY since then.  You can CLICK HERE to view pictures and read the review of our January launch party.

turbo nyc logo

Turbo Kick is my all time favorite fitness format – it’s challenging, yet fun and effective.  I’ve lost over 25 pounds since falling in love with Turbo Kick, so I feel that it’s my DUTY to share this amazing fitness gift with others!  While the workout is super effective (expect to burn 1,000 calories per class), I’ve made a conscious effort to keep the price down.  Remember, one of the GRIT by Brit core values is that we “don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy!”

If you’re a NYC resident, or just in town for the weekend, come SWEAT with us.  Classes are held EVERY Sunday at 11:00am and are always high energy with studio pumpin’ music.  We work HARD but also have lots of FUN!  You can reserve your spot and get all of the  details on the Turbo NYC website:  See you in class!

While human nature often causes us to trip and fall, the most compelling aspect of our nature is that we are so much stronger than we know #GRIT

-David Kirchhoff, CEO Weight Watchers

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Love Your Body Day #2: FLEX & PUMP

love-your-body 3

Show your body some love today by hitting the weights!  Your body is resilient, efficient and thirsty for a challenge.  Include weight lifting in your exercise regimen to ensure your muscles are strong and able to support your body.  Resistance training helps prevent injuries,  increases muscle definition and accelerates the rate your body burns calories while resting (a good look)!

In honor of Love Your Body Day #2, I put together this total body weight lifting workout for you to enjoy.  After your workout, take a moment and be grateful for your body – 2 good arms, 2 good legs a heart and lungs that work!


Love your body today by FLEXIN’ those sexy muscles and PUMPIN’ some iron #GRIT

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STRONG to the finish: Candace’s Progress on the New Year Kick Start Plan

Candace’s Week 2 Update

“Week 2 of my GRIT by Brit New Year Kick Start Plan was a bit quiet, I was able to get in a couple of workouts early in the week and stick to my eating plan. My challenge plans were a bit derailed due to travel to DC later in the week. I did try doing sit-ups and push-ups while watching TV one evening. I was able to knock out 200 crunches and 100 push-ups during commercial breaks. It was a great way to burn calories while watching my shows. Unfortunately, I’m up 1 lb. from the end of week 1. I’m looking forward to getting back on track and going hard in week 3.” – Candace

(below – sit ups with a dumbbell during commercial breaks)

(below – Candace knockin’ out some push ups to tone the core and upper body)

Brit’s Tips for Candace

  • Great job staying active despite not going to the gym every day.  “Commercial Break” exercises are effective and efficient so keep it up!  Next time take up the intensity and do some jumping jacks, burpees or squats during commercial breaks.  These exercises burn more calories and engage more muscle groups.
  • Be extra strict about sticking with your  eating plan this final week, especially on days that you miss a workout.  It’s important to keep the calorie intake down on these days since you won’t burn as many calories during the day.
  • Have a little black coffee in the morning for an extra jolt.  We know that coffee, in moderation, increases your energy and focus to help give you a push in this last week.
  • Most importantly – STAY POSITIVE.  This is the final push and you are well on your way to achieving your goal.  You got this!

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