4-week challenge ‘Euro Style’ COMPLETE: Sexy, Sexy, Sexy

Jenny has officially completed my 4-week challenge and she looks SMOKIN’ HOT!  Below you can read her final update and see pics from her challenge completion photo shoot.

Lookin’ FIT 50’s style – way to go Jenny! 

Jenny’s biggest lessons of the 4 Week Challenge:
  1. At 28, diet is much more important than it used to be, and all the changes that I used to see so fast take more time.
  2. Also, it is so important for me to keep my workouts fresh, so I don’t burn out or lose motivation.
  3. And finally, slow down a bit – getting sick really sets one back with regard to working out, so it is important to make sure that i’m not pushing myself too hard and wearing myself down.

Regardless, this past four weeks have been great – I look better, feel better  and have done some great new workouts that have really re-motivated me!  I’m more toned, but I still have my curves as you can see above 🙂

If you missed any of Jenny’s earlier updates, you can catch up here: 

Kick Start – Full PlanWeek 1Week 2Week 3

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TRAIN Like an Olympian to LOOK Like an Olympian

  • Workout: Olympic Athlete Personal Challenge by Brit
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes
  • Calories Burned: 400-600
  • Brit’s Commentary: I was feeling so inspired by the Olympics this week that I designed a workout to challenge my own “Olympic worthiness.”  I’m no where near an “Olympic athlete” but sometimes it’s good to feel my own SPEED, ENDURANCE, STRENGTH and GRIT!  This workout was a nice change up to my usual routine and kept me in the Olympic spirit.  It also allowed me to capitalize on all of the positive energy that the Olympics brings every 4 years!  That said, try the challenge for yourself and go for the GOLD 🙂

*Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes before you start the sprints and stretch for 5-15 minutes after you complete the workout.  

Example: Inch Worm Exercise

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4-week Challenge: Jenny’s Week 3 Update – Maintaining in Malaga, Spain

Despite vacations, minor set-backs and work commitments, Jenny has done an excellent job staying on track with her 4-week challenge!  If you are trying the challenge for yourself, stay motivated by keeping up with her progress.  Here’s her week 3 update:

“My girl’s weekend in Malaga was really great! I found a nice balance between relaxing, getting in some workouts, eating healthy, and eating whatever I wanted! 🙂 I took the first day off from any kind of activity except for walking around, eating tapas, and drinking wine. But the next two days my friend and I got two solid workouts in at a local gym, and ate mostly salads. We also did a ton of walking around! It wasn’t so hard for me to eat healthy, since I’m actually not a huge fan of Spanish cuisine. But that said, my friend and I didn’t hold back on the Sangria or wine  (Hey, you gotta live a little!). I found that it is much easier to keep up with diet and exercise when on vacation when you are with someone who is also health conscious and likes a good workout!

And now that I am back at home, I feel great – I don’t think I lost any weight, but I don’t think I gained any either. I’ve just gotten back, and I’ve already hit the weights and a spinning session! I love that way I feel after a rest day – super strong and energetic! Now I’m pushing hard for the next three days (spinning every day to get all three classes in + Pilates + Brit’s workouts!) – And then going to a Wedding over the weekend (and plan on looking fabulous in a new dress I bought in Spain!).

So here it goes with the last week of the four-week challenge – wish me luck!”

– Jenny

Brit’s advice for Jenny:

  • Keep your eye on the Prize –   I want Jenny to be extra disciplined this week.  She should revisit the goals she set at the start of the challenge and have FULL CONFIDENCE that she can achieve them!
  • Focus on Food – After a vacation, it’s common to want to hit the gym hard, which is a good thing.  However, Jenny should be extra mindful of what goes into her mouth.  She must be careful not to wipe out all of her hard work in the gym by consuming too many calories.
  • Stretch, Stretch, Stretch – Since Jenny has been away for a few days, it may take a her body a little time to adjust to the hardcore workout regimen.  T0 prevent soreness and injury (and ultimately missed workouts), I want her to stretch for at least 15 minutes per day.

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4-week Challenge: Jenny’s Week 2 Update – “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Happy Friday!  Jenny has just wrapped up week 2 of her 4-Week Challenge.  Try the challenge for yourself and stay motivated by keeping up with Jenny’s progress!


Jenny’s Week 2 Progress Report:

Week Two: Øv! (as we say in Danish – think: “Ugh” in English :)) Do I feel good about this week? Eh. I pushed myself hard – but not as hard as I felt like I could. I was busy and stressed and spent most of the week trying to catch up with everything and everyone. Should I cut myself some slack? Probably so. For me, working out is just as much mental as it is physical; Maybe it is my history in the fitness industry and/or maybe it is my need to push myself in some way (the feeling of progress), but I know that my mood, happiness, overall ability to handle stress and focus, all rely heavily on my ability to workout in one way or another.

At the same time, I also have to realize that I’m not 21 anymore, and cannot push myself to the same limits as I used to – and some days, that is hard for me to accept. My body responds and changes much more slowly than it used to, and this can be hard for someone like me who is so impatient. So even though I feel stronger and ‘tighter’, the way I feel about the week is not as positive as I’d hoped for. I’m trying to remember that results take time, and patience is key. I know that many people might give up when they feel like this, but that isn’t really my style 🙂

On a positive note, I did take Brit’s advice and started adding protein to my breakfast.  Usually its egg whites or a whey protein shake (see pics above).  I can tell that the protein helps me feel fuller and keeps me from overeating later in the day.

I did Brit’s killer legs workout on Monday and could barely walk on Tuesday. I think maybe its better for me to do legs when I have a day off the next day, because Spinning the next day was hard (and then cardio and Pilates the day after that!), and they probably could have used a recovery day. Seriously, four days later my legs are still sore – and they haven’t been this sore since I can even remember!

Now I’m off to a weekend in Malaga.  Do I feel 100% beach ready? Not exactly. But I am going to go have a good time, and keep focused on my goals. This will be an interesting week, as maintaining diet and exercise can be challenging on vacation – and it is important to strike a good balance. I tend to have an “all or nothing” personality, so this should be good personal challenge 🙂


Brit’s Advice for Jenny:

  • Do your best to stay on the plan during vacation.  There are several alternative workouts on Grit by Brit, like my Keepin’ Trim While Travelin’ hotel gym workout.  Also hiking, walking and being active in general we keep you in good shape.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself.  Focus on the positive.  You are kickin’ butt by doing your workouts and incorporating healthy habits (like protein at breakfast)!  Just take things one day at a time try to make each day healthier and more active than the day before.
  • The half-way point is always the make or break.  Don’t be like most people and give up if the numbers on the scale aren’t budging.  All things take time, so keep calm and carry on 🙂

If you missed Jenny’s Week 1 Progress Report CLICK HERE to catch up!


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4-week Challenge Euro Style: Jenny’s Week 1 Update

If you missed last week’s 4-week challenge kick off, make sure you check it out to see the full plan. Below is Jenny’s week 1 progress report. She’s doing a great job – KEEP IT UP JENNY!

Jenny on her way to the Pilates – already feeling more trim after only 1 week!

“Week One: DONE! It’s been great! I did all the workouts this week + added a few Pilates classes #motivationbaby! I have been pretty intense about my workouts, so I really needed my off day. My pants are definitely looser on me. I never usually weigh myself (I think inches are a better indication, rather than kilos), I did this week. According to my scale, I’m down 1.2 kilos (American translation: 2.6 pounds), which is pretty good! SO, I will try to really focus on the diet this week. I have been good about not eating after 9pm, but since I’m going to bed around 10/10:30pm every night (gotta get up early for those workouts!), I think I should try to not eat anything after 7:30/8pm. Brittani has also recommended that I trade my breakfasts of fruit to one of protein, and I have a feeling this will be my ‘game changer’ this week. Let’s see! I have 10 more days until I’m in sunny Malaga, Spain – so I’ve gotta really focus!”

– Jenny

Jenny during Pilates class
Jenny feeling good post-workout
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NEW 4-week tone up challenge: Euro Style with Jenny!

Meet my friend Jenny.  Like Jan from my previous challenge, Jenny is one of my best friends from college.  Unlike Jan, Jenny and I bonded while working as TA’s for a brutal Labor Law professor, not over our love for football players.  We would drag our butts to the gym after long study sessions and keep each other accountable for going hard!

Jenny now lives in Denmark working hectic hours in the Banking sector.  However, the Danes focus much more on work-life balance so she DOES have adequate time to workout 🙂 Over the years, she has become very interested in nutrition and has tried almost every diet in the book (sometimes for a reason, sometimes out of curiosity, but usually because she likes the challenge – we clearly have the same neurotic tendencies). Still, she has had a very ad-hoc workout and diet schedule this past year and would like to re-focus.

Already having several fitness certifications and a long history of sports involvement, Jenny is looking to me for an effective push!  Unfortunately, she’s also suffered from over training, which I had to keep in mind when making her plan.  Her gluten allergy and lactose intolerance also had to be considered.  In her own words, her goals are to:

  1. “Get into those damn jeans – bought them last year when I was about 7 kilos lighter – they are too cute to just sit in my closet! Yes, “kilos” this is the EURO 4-week challenge”
  2. “I have a long-weekend in Malaga with a friend coming up at the end of July – so I’d like to feel super sexy in my bikini!”

Below is her plan and of picture of her today on DAY 1 – we will get an update from her next week!

Wish her luck – GO JENNY!

Me and Jenny in 2006 – getting ready to graduate from college!

Workouts by Brit referenced in this plan:

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Euro Vacay Grind: My Workout Schedule While Traveling to Italy & France

It’s Summer time – yeah buddy!  This week I’m headed out on the ultimate European summer vacation to Monaco & Italy with some of my best friends, including Jan from the 4-week Tone Up Challenge!  I know I’m supposed to be chill and modest and “act like I’ve been there before.”  But let’s be honest, I haven’t, and I’m SUPER excited!

Packed up and ready to go – saved room for my workout toys!

So, knowing that I’m going to be completely immersed in all of the European ‘fabulousity’ I’ve planned ahead to ensure that I keep up with my workouts.  Did you know that it only takes 48 hours to start losing your cardio vascular endurance?  It’s true!

Below is the workout schedule that I put together.  All of these workouts can be done in my hotel  or outside,  so there is NO EXCUSE for me to skip.  I’m packing my trusty Tae-bo workout video, a jump rope and one set of resistance bands.  My goal is to work out 8 out of the 12 days and to multitask by working out/site seeing when possible.

Wish me luck – I hope I can stick to this.  I’ll keep you guys posted while I’m away and send some pics too.  Have a great week 🙂

The following Grit by Brit workouts are incorporated into my plan:

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GRIT Ultimate Body Burn Volume 1 Making the Video

The word of the week is = PROGRESS!  GRIT Ultimate Body Burn Vol. 1, my total body workout video will be released very soon!  Last month I posted an article to express my excitement and gratitude after finishing the video shoot.  Since then, we’ve made even greater strides in post production.  This entire project has been a transformational learning experience – it’s amazing what we can can accomplish when we break a LARGE project down into SMALL tasks. Words can not express how eager I am to share my fitness tools with you!  But for now…back to working on this client deck (gotta love Excel and PowerPoint).  Lots of luv! – Brit

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjZR1ClWFbE]

GRIT Ultimate Body Burn Vol. 1 is a total body, high intensity 30 minute workout set to endorphin-pumpin’ music.  With full time job and demanding travel schedule, I was eager to create an effective and efficient workout that could be done in my busy schedule. Inspired by years of athletic training, sports conditioning, dance and teaching Turbo Kick, I developed an extreme, 30 minute total body workout that meets all of my fitness needs.

This at home fitness method utilizes 1 pound hand weights to maximize calorie burn and guarantee intensity. Kick boxing, athletic drills, plyometrics, Pilates, anaerobic intervals and resistance training are also incorporated for a complete, exciting workout that hits every major muscle group while keeping your heart rate elevated. You can get it all – effective, fun total body fitness and time to handle your busy schedule!


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My weight loss journey: How my “slip-ups” helped me “shape-up”…

Image: Playin’ college basketball in 2006 – feeling FIT

This post was originally published as a guest feature on  Greatist.com, the fastest growing site in health and lifestyle content, reaching more than 3 million visitors in just one year! Follow @jshakeshaft, the amazing fitness editor, who helped me with this post!

Long story short, I’m a fan of “plans.”  It started in high school when I discovered Slim Fast and dropped 15 pounds.  I gained that back in one summer.  During college, I was captain of my women’s basketball team which kept the pounds under control.  But when I entered the working world, I packed on plenty of extra “cushioning.”   I tried Weight Watchers for about a month, but always skipped meetings and under counted my “points.” Then there was the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, Lipodrene diet pills and the cayenne pepper/lemon juice cleanse (Beyoncé put me on to this one).  I’d lose 5-10 pounds with each program only to gain it back in a few months.  I had officially reached a point where I was failing at every weight loss system.  I was a 5’8” 25-year-old who weighed 179 pounds and felt “less than stellar.”  I had to get it together.  I REFUSED to let another day of my 20’s go by without rockin’ short shorts, high heels and lots of swag!   This is when I accepted my weight control Slip up #1: I tried to be perfect. 

Fall break vacation 2009 – weighing over 175 pounds

I have a super Type A (slightly neurotic) personality and get really pumped up about new a diet plan or workout regimen.  But if I slip up even once, I beat myself up and eventually quit.   Being mean to myself does not help me lose weight.  So, I had to accept the reality that most “plans” aren’t doable for the long haul.  This meant getting rid of my “all or nothing” weight loss mindset.  Instead of feeling guilty for slipping up, I started keeping a mental note of what I ate and tried to match my food intake with equal calorie burn.  For example, if I killed a burger and fries at lunch, that was cool.  It just meant I’d have a small side salad for dinner followed by an extra 30 minutes of cardio. Simple, right?  Not quite.

Despite having this revelation and starting to feel more balanced, I wasn’t losing as much weight as I wanted.  What was the problem?  After downing a bag of trail mix one afternoon, I realized Slip-up #2: I ate too much.  Simply put, it goes like this:

  • Choosing a healthy snack = a good look 🙂
  • Eating five servings of a healthy snack = not a good look  🙁
At a wedding in 2009 “mean muggin” – I was thick but still cute right? 🙂

The fact that I ate too much was the most difficult truth for me to accept because I actually ate healthy food!  The problem was that I simply ate too much of it.  So, it was really hard to burn more calories than I consumed, which is the only way to legitimately lose weight.  You’ve heard it before, “eat until you’re satisfied, not until you’re full.”  Well, it’s true.  I had to accept that portion control is just as, if not more, important than food choice.

On that same note, I discovered Slip-up #3: I overestimated my calorie burn.  Since I work out regularly, Ialways figured I deserved a diet “buffer.” But, turns out our bodies don’t blast as many calories as we think.    Calorie counters and heart rate monitors often over count calorie burn.  This is because several factors like hydration, stress, diet, genetics and room temperature aren’t considered.  The bottom line is this: The harder you work the more calories you burn.  So, I started using the Talk Test to quickly and effectively measure my Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and indirectly measure my calorie burn.   If I’m breathing really heavy (like “sucking air”) I know I’m torching calories because I’ve reached my anaerobic training zone.  Now when I work out, I try reaching and staying in this calorie blasting zone to maximize the burn!

Hosting a house party in 2010 – gettin’ my GRUB ON

I’m not going to lie, after weeks of trying to eat less and move more, I was having some serious hunger pangs!  Luckily, I found that simply drinking a glass of water did wonders for my cravings.  Check this, most of the time we think we are “hungry” we are actually “thirsty” due to dehydration.  Also dehydration makes us feel lethargic and we crave sugar and other simple carbs that make us fat. So there you have it, Slip-up #4: I didn’t drink enough water. 

Now, I was on a roll! After a few months proactively addressing my weight control “slip-ups,” I was feeling good, slim, and energetic.  So one day I decided to weigh myself.  Up 6 pounds?  WHAT?!  How did that happen?  Then I thought to myself, hmmmm… I had indulged in ice cream the night before and a little bacon at breakfast… and pizza on Friday night.

Ramped up my workout intensity w/  hour-long Turbo Kick classes

That’s when I clearly saw Slip up #5: I needed a reality check.  After that random weigh-in, I started weighing myself every morning (yes EVERY day) and have done so for over 1 year now!  This habit is controversial because body weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons (mostly due to hydration levels).  However, the fact of the matter is that the numbers on the scale are your body weight at that time.  THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (or at least it did for me)!  Being mindful of my weight on a daily basis makes me think more deeply about what I am consuming, my digestion patterns, hydration levels, sweat output and calorie intake/burn.  While my daily weigh-ins help keep my weight in line, my “heavy days” can be very discouraging.  I have to constantly remind myself to keep the big picture in mind – my fitness, health and happiness, not just the numbers on the scale.

Me now at 153 pounds 🙂 Feeling “STELLAR”

My slip-ups have taught me that weight management isn’t about the latest and greatest diet or workout plan; it’s about continuing on a lifelong journey of developing and strengthening healthy habits.  There will always be good days and bad days, but success comes from balance.  Now, at 27 years old, my weight ranges from 150-155 pounds.  I’ve maintained this weight range for over a year without the use of any expensive weight loss plans or diet pills.  I feel strong.  I feel healthy.  I feel authentic.  Most importantly, I ALWAYS rock my short shorts, high heels and lots of SWAG!

What are some of the “craziest” weight loss plans/cleanses that you’ve tried?

Do you have any “slip-ups” to add to my 5?

Me now in 2012 – teaching Turbo Kick for my “side-hustle” 🙂
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4-week tone up challenge: COMPLETE

“Done and Done!  The 4-week tone up challenge was truly a great mix up to my winter workout rut.  I appreciated having set days to work out and set days to recover.  Also, the structured workout plan gave me goals and checklists which were extremely helpful when fitting workouts into my busy schedule. Overall, I am loving the results so far and will continue to use Brit’s workouts ALL summer.  This is just the kick-start I needed to get beach body ready.  After only 4 weeks my “six-pack” is starting to show and my legs are significantly more toned!  I’m looking forward to some new workouts for my post Italian vacation in a couple of weeks to help me get back on track after a little R&R with a great friend (Brit).”   – Jan

Wanna try the challenge?  Missed one of Jan’s updates?

Photography provided by Anna Jane

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