Hey Gang – Happy Monday! I just wrapped up my first 4 weeks of teaching PiYo on the wetdeck at the W-Dallas Hotel. We have gotten off to an amazing start and have generated a huge amount of Pilates/Yoga fusion energy in Dallas. If you happen to live in Dallas or just be in town for the weekend, I really hope you stop by and sweat with me 🙂 Last week, D Magazine wrote a really cool review of the class. Click here to read the full story.
Also, Chalene Johnson, the creator of PiYo, just launched a brand new home fitness PiYo program with Beachbody. In case you don’t know, Beachbody also created Insanity and P90X – 2 really great home fitness programs. I’ve always been a fan of Chalene Johnson because she created TurboKick (and y’all know I love me some Turbo).
Anyway, I’m super excited and grateful for a successful PiYo class so far this Summer. Here are some photos from our class last Saturday. There’s nothing I love more than connecting with blog readers and fitness fanatics in our community, so please do join us Saturday morning and say “hi” – I’d love to meet you. Click here for class details.
Have a wonderful week! xoxo, Brit
PiYo at W-Dallas wetdeck June 21 ,2014 Photo by: Frank Everet, W Insider
Hey gang, here’s little mid-week motivation to keep you going till the weekend. First off, in case you don’t know what indomitable means (I didn’t) here’s the definition:
adjective: that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable: an indomitable warrior. (source: dictionary.com)
Remember, the happiest and most successful people don’t always have the most strength, talent or the clearest dreams, but they do have the WILL and WORK ETHIC to succeed. On a related note, I was super motivated by Shonda Rhimes recent commencement speech at Dartmouth University. She kept it extra real while advising recent graduates to be “doers” and not “dreamers.” I wanted to share the video with you as some food for thought as we wrap up the week. Keep on fighting the good fight – you got this! xoxo, Brit
Circa 1990 I had my first group fitness experience which entailed me attending a Jazzercise class with my mom at our local recreation center. All I remember is the instructor yelling at my mom because I was too young to take the class. So, I sat on the sideline and moped for an hour every week. Never did I think that I’d eventually become a group fitness instructor.
3 years ago, today, I completed my first instructor certification. It was for TurboKick which remains my favorite group fitness format of all time. As you guys know, I’ve always been an athlete and active on sports teams ranging from intramural to NCAA Division 1. If you prefer to work with a personal trainer there are plenty available, for example if you’re looking for personal trainer in Melbourne, you could check out getgoingpt.com. But group fitness has allowed me to experience a different kind of passion, motivation and fun that I never experienced in team sports. So, today I wanted to do a special tribute to Group Fitness. No matter the format (e.g. Zumba, Spinning, Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, CrossFit, etc.) , group fitness is all good…If you’re thinking of starting up a fitness business, take a look at the revenue management system offered by TSG so that you can keep a close eye on your finances.
It feels so good to hear everyone’s experiences with fitness. One of my fitness friends told me how she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to exercise after having children but she found out about au pairs (visit Cultural Care Au Pair to find out more or to become one) and because she had room in her house she decided to host one so she was able to keep up her fitness.
Pics from some of my favorite group fitness classes across the country: Vixen Workout (Miami), TurboKick (NYC & Dallas), PiYo (Dallas W Hotel) , Les Mills Body Pump (NYC & Dallas
Here are the reasons why I love group fitness and you should too!
FUN – I wholeheartedly believe that the only way to commit to a regular fitness regimen is to a find a workout that’s fun for you! Group fitness has a fun factor that I can’t experience while working out alone. My advice: Find a group fitness class that you enjoy and you’ll always be fit. Fitness should be enjoyed as a hobby rather than dreaded as a chore.
Passion – Once you find a class that you enjoy, you’ll naturally want to get better and learn more about it. It becomes a passion. Now, I actually look forward to my workouts and want to continuously improve in them.
Fit Friends –I’ve met some of my best friends in group fitness classes. Knowing my”fit friends” religiously attend class helps keep me accountable for showing up.
Effective – Most classes are designed to deliver a comprehensive workout meaning that you’ll work all major muscles groups during a strength-focused class and/or adequately elevate your heart rate during a cardio-focused class .
Positive Vibes – Group fitness instructors are trained to motivate their classes. While some are better than others, it’s nice to have someone leading you through a workout and encouraging you along the way. Also, unlike sports, there’s less competition so you can focus on your workout and enjoy the process.
Music – Most classes are choreographed or motivated by music. Music is a natural energy booster and encourages us to work harder without realizing it. (P.S. Have you checked out my latest playlist?)
Save Money – While I’m a big fan of personal training, I simply can’t afford it on an ongoing basis. I’ve found that small group fitness classes such as Nike Training Club or other boot camps provide similar results at much lower price.
Power in Numbers – Nobody wants to be the weakest link. Being surrounded by other people who are working hard provides instant motivation to do 15 push ups when we only want to do 10.
Variety – Workout routines are continuously changing which is great for muscle confusion to prevent fitness complacency. When working out alone, we often stick to our usual program (30 minutes on the elliptical + some abs) which is not effective for increasing our fitness level or losing weight.
Hopefully this post inspires you to check out a group fitness class this week. If so, let me know how it goes! xoxo, Brit
Hey Gang! Hope your week is going well. I’ve been working away in Chicago and still attending regular CrossFit sessions with my team. I’ve always had mixed feelings about CrossFit (seemed a little “meatheadish”) but over the past few weeks I’m becoming more of a fan. In fact, I actually created my own “CrossFit-Inspired” workout to do this Friday when I get back home. I wanted to share it with you guys so you can give it a whirl on your own. A few things to note:
Duration = 15-20 minutes
Calorie Burn = ~ 250 calories
Rest for 1 minute between each round
The workout requires a kettle bell. If you don’t have a kettle bell, feel free to use a 10-20 pound dumbbell instead
Be sure to do full sit ups (not crunches) keeping your feet flat on the ground
Often we set intentions to fix things that we think are “wrong” with ourselves (i.e. “I’m fat so I wanna lose weight” or “I don’t like my job so I want a new one”). However, I’m big believer in the Power of Positive Thinking. This means our intentions should focus on what motivates us, not on what frustrates us. In doing so we generate natural energy and positive thinking to support our desired outcome. “We are authentically inspired by [our] goals [and] empowered to make them happen.” (Source: Oprah.com)
As you start the week answer the question, “What Motivates You?” Use your response to set your intention for the week – I can’t wait to hear your success stories!
Top: Puma Gym Graphic All Eyes On Me Tank, Pants: Puma Gym Graphic 3/4 Tight
The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of PUMA.
Hello friends! I hope you enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day weekend. My 6′ 6″ “little” brother came home to Dallas after completing his Sophomore year of college! We enjoyed a nice family brunch and church service with our Mom – it was really nice.
Due to the high volume of requests for “tips to tone my arms,” I’ve put together a new workout which combines my 5 go-to arm exercises. It’s an exercise combination that’s both dynamic (big movements) and isometric (tiny movements like Pilates). This means you simultaneously build muscle endurance and strength which helps expedite muscle tone! You need 2 light dumbbells to complete the workout. I recommend anything from 3-7 pounds. I’m using 5 pounds in the photos below. You must complete 50 reps of each exercise. So 50 reps X 5 exercises = 250 reps of arm sculpting sexiness – yeah buddy! Rest for 1-2 minutes between each exercise. For best results, complete the workout 3 times per week for 3 weeks.
Also, I wanna give a shout out to #PUMAfitness for hooking me up with the fabulous workout gear I’m rockin’. The coral Gym Graphic All Eyes On Me Tank is bright, sleek and supportive. I especially appreciate the built-in sports bra, and I love the criss-cross design in the back that shows off sculpted shoulders. The Graphic ¾ Tights have the matching Ombre coral color down the side and come in a ton of different colors and prints. They’re made of “Drycell” highly functional materials that draw sweat away from your skin and helps keep you dry and comfortable during exercise. Personally, they fit nice and snug around my waist and give my booty pleasant little lift 😉 To complete your outfit, I also recommend grabbing the Formlite XT Ultra Sneakers. They’re lightweight with an aerodynamic design. If you enjoy group fitness classes like me, this a great sneaker because of the snug fit, flexibility and mesh top which allows airflow. Most importantly, they look great!
Alright guys, that’s all from me for now. I hope you enjoy your arm workout. Also be sure to get you some #PUMA swag! Post a comment if you have questions! xoxo, Brit
#1: Dumbbell Alternating Punches
Alternating punches are a great exercise to warm up your arms. Hold 1 dumbbell in each hand and simply punch forward alternating hands. Be sure to keep the opposite hand (that’s not punching) up by your chin so that your shoulders stay engaged.
#2: Diagonal Shoulder Press
Hold 1 dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward. Extend the dumbbells out above your head so that your arms make a 45 degree angle with your nose. Bring the dumbbells back by your sides letting your elbows pull backward. Keep your arms narrow the entire time.
#3: Bicep Curl Extensions w/ Shoulder Isolation
Hold 1 dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended out front and palms facing up toward the sky. Then bend your arms so that they make two 90 degree angles. Lower the dumbbells back down to a full extension so that your arms are parallel with the ground. Repeat. Your arms should never come down by your sides. (This keeps your shoulders engaged while working your biceps).
#4: Front Dumbbell Taps w/Shoulder Isolation
Hold the dumbbells out in front of you with arms fully extended and palms facing up. Simply tap the ends of the dumbells together for 50 reps. You will feel the burn!
#5: Incline Tricep Push Ups
Find a table or bench and come into a plank position with narrow hand placement. Lower down into a push up keeping your elbows tight so that they brush your sides. Repeat. Focus on keeping your triceps engaged while also getting a great chest workout.
Last but not least, go for a sweaty 20-30 minute run in your #PUMA sneakers to blast some calories and burn fat. Remember, fat reduction will speed up your journey to sexy sculpted arms!
Hooray – it’s that time of year again! I’ll start teaching PiYo classes at the W Dallas – Victory hotel on Saturday May 31, 2014. Classes are held on the beautiful 16th floor beside the infnity pool of the W hotel. We start at 9:00am sharp each and every Saturday throughout the Summer. BREAKING NEWS: Classes have been extended through September 20th!
PiYo is one of my all time favorite fitness formats. It’s a fun, effective fusion of Pilates and Yoga set to upbeat music. If traditional yoga classes bore you, this is the class for you! And the best part is that we can enjoy the best view in Dallas while getting our tummy toning and bun burning on.
Thanks to the W Hotel, PiYo on the #wetdeck is completely FREE and open to everybody – no sign up needed. You must bring your own yoga mat to participate. We also recommend you bring water and a towel.
I’ve been getting over a cold the past few weeks which had me feeling pretty groggy. Thank God I don’t sick very often, but when I do I recognize a pattern of lifestyle changes that largely contribute to my lack of health. For instance, I get sick when I overindulge, get stressed out or spend minimal time doing activities that energize me (like teaching fitness classes). I saw this quote and loved it because it rings so true to my personal health. Of course I added some “GRIT by Brit flare” and elaborated on each point with my colorful commentary. I hope these words of wisdom keep you healthy today, tomorrow and forevermore! xoxo, Brit
1. Eat Lightly
Eating well and eating lightly are two different things. I have several friends, including me, who overeat because we are eating “healthy” foods. This is not a good look. Hopefully you read the guest post I featured on Intuitive Eating. If not, go check it out. Bottom line is that overeating may cause temporary satisfaction but it ultimately leads to sickness, obesity and even depression.
2. Breathe Deeply
Breathing deeply requires to us to tap in to our diaphragm and “fill up our bellies” with air. I learned the technique and value of breathing deeply through my yoga practice. I find that deep breaths calm my nerves and help me process my thoughts. “Deep abdominal breathing encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Not surprisingly, it can slow the heartbeat and lower or stabilize blood pressure.” (Source: Harvard Medical School)
3. Live Moderately
It is possible to have too much of a good thing. As much as I love to travel and socialize, I have to be mindful of getting burnt out. The same goes for sipping wine, shopping, investing in relationships, etc. Every few weeks it’s a good idea for me stay in, not make any plans for the weekend and just chill on my couch with a few good books. To ensure good health, we must be mindful of aiming for moderation in all aspects of life – even the good stuff.
4. Cultivate Cheerfulness
Nothing brings about sickness more than sadness. Go out of your way to be cheerful. For me, the trick is to never allow myself to get really down in the dumps. I mean, obviously life brings about some serious challenges and it’s healthy to grieve. However, I believe in the laws of Physics. A body in motion, stays in motion. A mind that starts cultivating negative thoughts continues to cultivate negative thoughts. It takes a TON of energy to perform a 180 degree turn. It’s a lot easier to move forward in the direction you are already headed. So make a conscious effort to cultivate cheerfulness even during tough times – Fake it till you make it!
5. Maintain An Interest In Life
I find that my interest in life diminishes when I’m feeling hopeless. To me, being hopeful about life and being interested in life go hand in hand. Life is crazy complex but it always works out for the good. So stay hopeful. Be interested in helping others, observing beauty and seeking the happy ending. This curiosity will initiate a personal vitality and internal energy to help ensure good health.
Hey gang, sorry for my sporadic posting lately. Fortunately, I enjoyed some much-needed time away in Mexico for my dear friend’s wedding. The calming effects of the sea are amazing – much like the high after a good workout or relief after a good cry. Here’s few pics from my weekend. I’ll be back to posting workouts, recipes and “fitspiration” over the next few days. In the meanwhile, check out my Extreme Bikini Body Workout – it’s that time of year. Love you lots!
Chillin’ in Riviera Maya, Mexico – April 2014
Clear blue skies in Mexico #Bliss
Sexy Grit by Brit #Surfboard
The cure for anything is Saltwater: Sweat, Tears & the Sea
Hey Gang! Hope your week is going well. I started a new project in Chicago this week. My team is full of CrossFit junkies and this morning they hit up a 5:30am CrossFit session. Unfortunately, I overslept and missed it 🙁 But on the bright side, I made a back up “Endurance Pyramid Dumbbell Circuit” workout and did it in my hotel gym. After the circuit, I got a quick 30 minutes in on the elliptical. My entire workout took 45 minutes (so I’m guessing the circuit only takes ~15 minutes). Try to power through it with minimal rest to focus on building your endurance and to get a good sweat going – post a comment if you have questions. Enjoy! xoxo, Brit