Hello Friends! I’m finally home in (freezing cold) Dallas and trying to get back into my regular routine of teaching, blogging and preparing for the grand opening of my new studio, GRIT Fitness!
As I sit at my desk, planning workouts and playlists, I can’t help but think back on the past weekend and let out a sigh of gratitude. I had a such a wonderful time with my family that I just have to share some reflections (and my rachet running playlist)….

In case you missed a few posts, I traveled to Tampa, FL on Thanksgiving Day to spend the holiday with my little brother, Austin, who’s on the Varsity Basketball team at the University of Tampa. Since Austin had a Thanksgiving holiday tournament and wasn’t able to travel home, my fam decided to make the trip to him! Sadly my younger sister, Kortani, couldn’t join us because she dances for the Dallas Cowboys and had to perform on Thanksgiving Day. We missed her a lot, but still had a really great time.
Upon our Thursday arrival, we immediately we ate a huge feast with my brother’s basketball team at their coach’s house. Then on Friday we did some site seeing in Ybor City and St. Petersburg. I ate a yummy Cuban sandwich and enjoyed a warm stroll through the historic streets.
Later that night we attended Austin’s game in which he had 3 dunks and 4 three pointers – woo hoo! Talk about a proud big sis. Afterwards, we went out a for a big dinner to celebrate.
The next morning I woke up early and went for a run to help burn off the giant meal I inhaled the night prior. I was really feeling my playlist – hey girl hey. I think being at all those basketball games, listening to hip hop, got me in a “rachet” mood. I was so hyped up during my run! Here’s my playlist…
Will chilled and shopped for the remainder of the weekend and to wrap up our trip, Austin took us for campus stroll before we caught our flight back to Dallas. I love college campuses in the Fall. They’re the best.
How was your Thanksgiving holiday? Did you do anything fun with your family?