Abs & Core Workout: Beyonce 6 Pack Abs Workout

After doing my ab workout , you’ll be on your way to a sexy stomach like Beezy!

Alright, you guys asked for it so here it is – “Six Pack by Summer Vol. 2”   If you missed Vol. 1, click here to check it out.

Vol. 2  is no joke and will definitely get your tummy tight!  Do the entire circuit which consists of 4 complete parts.  For best results, do the whole circuit at least 3 times per week AND up the intensity and duration of  your cardio workouts (can’t forget those).  Once you get it down, try to lengthen the duration and reps of each exercise.  The entire workout should take about 20 minutes.

I’ve also included some pictures of the exercises below (compliments of my lil sis who I used to test this out) –   Enjoy  🙂


Regular plank hold
Side Plank
Plank Jacks – jump toes out and in
Mountain climbers – switch feet fast


Bicycle crunches – alternating
Single leg toe touches (example: right hand/left toe)
Toe touches – both hands
Regular crunches


Plank Hip Dips – with elbows on the floor, twist torso alternate hips down
Plank side to side jumps – keep feet together
Froggers – jump both feet up and back as fast as you can


Leg Circles – take legs all the way around, almost touching floor
Flutter kicks – kick feet up and down fast
Punch through crunches – alternate the arms
Full Sit Up
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Brit’s Ultimate DIY Boot Camp

Tasia, my sister Kortani and me after my DIY boot camp – 05/24/12

Focus: Total body conditioning
Calories burned:500 -800
Duration: 1 hour
Commentary: While the last few days of Spring linger around, head outside and enjoy this lovely weather!  You Texans know that our summer heat is NO JOKE . 110 degrees outside = indoor treadmill running for us.

My lil’ sister is home from college – yay!  This she week she wanted to go to the gym, but as a typical poor college student, couldn’t afford a membership (and I’m not spottin’ her any $$$).  Instead, I taught her how to make her own boot camp.  This way, she can work out anytime she wants at a local park or track .  This evening, I did the boot camp with her and her friend, Tasia.   They really enjoyed it so I figured I share my “formula” with you guys.

To get started, you will need:

  1. 2 light/medium hand weights (1-10 pounds each for ladies; 5-20 pounds each for gents)
  2. Yoga Mat or large towel
  3. At least 100 yards of flat land and/or 1 standard running track (400 meters around)

    Tasia and Kort after we finished – they are too young to be this tired! LOL

Brit’s Boot Camp Formula:

+Warm Up

+ 2 Cardio circuits  (3-4 cardio exercises in each)

+4 Resistance circuits (4 strength and toning exercises in each)

+ “Booty Kickin” Finale                (~10 minutes anaerobic cardio = sucking air!)

= 100% effective FREE personal boot camp

Here’s the complete boot camp that we did today.  Print and save or create your own – enjoy!

Here are some pics of us doing the exercises in case you are unfamiliar with some of them 🙂

squat w/ should press – part 1
squat w/shoulder press – part 2
Triceps kick back on 1 leg
side squat walk (get it KORT – LOL)
lunge w/ bicep curl – part 1
Lunge w/ bicep curl – part 2
frog/star jump – part 1
Frog/star jump – part 2
plank row
donkey kick
side lunge w/ torso twist
back fly
berry pickers
leg lowers on back (Tasia is clearly in pain-LOL)
side to side leaps
front shoulder raise
side shoulder raise
wood chuck jump – part 1
wood chuck jump – part 2
plank – mountain climbers
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So…the treadmill isn’t so boring after all

Me gettin’ a sweat going on the hotel treadmill, Thursday 5/17

This week I had to travel to Cleveland for a client workshop, meaning my only option for a workout space was my “lovely” hotel gym. Unfortunately, this hotel’s gym consisted of 1 treadmill, 1 broken elliptical, and a yoga mat…that said, I had to make the best of an unfortunate situation. This got me thinking, I need to have options for effective and engaging treadmill workouts to hold me over in times like these. So, I put together these 3, 20 minute treadmill workouts. Each one burns 200-350 calories – NOT BAD! Hopefully you find these exercises helpful. If you are trying to get more into fitness but don’t have a treadmill at home, then you might want to check out something like this FitnessVerve. What’s not to love about having you own home gym?

Feel free to print, try out for yourself and keep handy when you’re looking to shake up your treadmill routine. Also, don’t forget that a jammin’ 20 minute playlist ALWAYS gives you a boost – Enjoy 🙂

  1. What Goes Up…Must Come Down (walking) – Walk at a speed of at least 3.0/mph. Start at 0.0 (zero) incline and increase the incline by 1.0 every 1 minute. After 10 minutes (when you reach level 10 incline) lower the incline by 1.0 every minute until you get back to 0.0 (zero).
  2. Walk, Sprint … Repeat (sprinting intervals) – Start by walking at least 3.0 mph and 1.0 incline – NEVER GO BELOW 1.0 INCLINE. After 3 minutes, sprint at least 7.0 mph for 2 minutes. Repeat the walk/sprint cycle 4 times for a 20 minute workout.
  3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race (jogging) – Start by jogging at least 5.0 mph with an incline of 1.0. After 2 minutes, increase your incline to a level that is “challenging” (i.e. makes you breathe heavy, difficult to talk). Keep the incline here for 3 minutes, then take it back down to the starting 1.0 level. For the next minute, increase your speed to a faster jogging pace, at least 6.0. Repeat this 5 minute cycle 4 times.
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Bringin’ Sexy BACK!

Hilary Swank is def a fit chic – I’m sure she pumps iron for this sexy back!
  • Workout: Sexy sculpted back workout by Brit
  • Calories burned: about 200
  • The facts: Strengthening your back enhances your posture which makes you look taller and leaner – YAY!  However, when working your back, it’s critical to work the opposing muscles which are your pecs (chest).  Therefore, I’ve included some push ups to work your chest.  Most importantly, if you want results you must PUSH yourself and PUMP UP the weight during  this workout – YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY!  You need to choose a weight heavy enough that you can only get through 8-12 reps.  If you can easily do more than 12 reps, you are not lifting enough weight and your muscles are not getting enough resistance to actually change shape!
  • Instructions:
    • Use medium to heavy hand weights to complete this workout (5-15 pounds for the ladies, 10-30 pounds for the fellas)
    • Complete 3 cycles of each super set alternating between the 2 exercises in each set.  For example, in Super Set 2, go back and forth completing the low row and bent over fly 3 times each, then move on super set 3
    • Do this workout 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks along with your moderate/high intensity cardio workouts at least 2-3 times per week
    • Click on the workout below to make it bigger, also feel free to print and save 😉


In case you’re unfamiliar with some of the exercises in this workout, here are some pics to guide you 😉

Deadlift aka "Good Morning"
Dead lift aka “Good Morning”
Bear Walk
Low Row
Bent over rear delt fly
Shoulder press
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Melt Fat AT HOME with a Medicine Ball

  • Workout: Medicine Ball Melt Down by Brit
  • Duration: about 30 minutes
  • Calories Burned: 250 – 350
  • Focus: Total body toning, core strength, calorie burn
  • Commentary:  Using medicine balls are a FUN and EFFECTIVE way to change-up your home workout routines.  I like them because I can always find a new way to workout with them.   I highly suggest getting one of your own – you can buy them for pretty cheap ($10-40) depending on the weight.

INSTRUCTIONS: Do 4 rounds of the following circuit.  Between each round, do a 1 min cardio interval  (i.e. jumping jacks, squat jumps, high knees, ski jump side to side, etc.)  You can do this workout at home or  at the gym after or before your cardio training – ENJOY 🙂

    1.  Push ups (15 reps)with one hand on the medicine ball  – 2 rounds w/ right hand, 2 round w/ left hand
    2. Bicep curls (20 reps), holding the medicine ball with both hands
    3. Triceps overhead extensions (20 reps), holding the medicine ball with both hands 
    4. Loop through lunges (20 reps), 10 on right leg and 10 on left leg; step one leg forward into a lunge position, pass the medicine ball under your front leg from one hand to the other, bring the ball back up over you head and pass to the other hand, repeat (see example at the bottom)
    5. Wall sits (45 seconds), with lateral shoulder isolation, hold the medicine ball straight out in front of you with both hands while holding a wall sit 
    6. Berry pickers (20R, 20L), holding the medicine ball with both hands  – lie on your back, bend your knees, rise to a crunch position and twist left and right so that the ball touches the floor on each side
    7. Plank on medicine ball (45 seconds) – 15 sec w/ ball under right hand, 15 sec with ball under left hand, 15 sec with ball under both hands
    8. Superman extensions (20 reps), lie face down on your stomach holding the medicine with both hands out in front of your forehead,  raise the ball up about 4 in. from the floor, squeeze your back muscles, repeat.
Example: Loop Through Lunge
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Get KILLER Legs in your Living Room

Get sexy J-Lo legs with my “At Home Leg Tone” workout
  • Workout: At Home Leg Tone
  • Duration: 30-40 minutes
  • Calories Burned: about 250
  • Focus: Strengthen and toning of quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus maximus
  • Brit’s Commentary: Alright, you guys asked for it, so here it is – the complete AT HOME leg sculpting workout.  GOOD NEWS – the quadriceps are large powerful muscles, so you’ll also get a good calorie burn while doing this lower body shape up.  For best results, do the workout at least 2 times per week for 4 consecutive weeks.  Enjoy your tight, sexy thighs and keep the workout requests coming – you guys are the best! (P.S. click on the workout/picture below so it’s bigger – you can also print it off)

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Six Pack by Summer

You CAN have a sexy stomach in time for  Summer by doing the “Six Pack by Summer” workout 3X per week along with regular cardio workouts!

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Calories burned: about 100
  • Focus: Strength and tone of Rectus Abdominis, Obliques
  • Commentary: Ladies and gents – summer is creeping up a little more every day.   Go ahead and get a jump-start on tightening up your tummy.  Below is workout I put together to overload your abdominal muscles, build core strength and flatten the belly.  No equipment is required so you can do it effectively at home!
  • Facts: The Rectus Abdominis (front abs) tend to be one of our weaker, under-worked muscle groups so its critical to spend special time strengthening them specifically.  Strong abs help balance weight throughout your core and prevent too much weight-bearing and stress on your lower back.  A flat tummy is also just nice to look at 🙂
  • Instructions: Do the following set of exercises – just one time through.  The entire workout should take about 20 minutes and your  abs will be on FIRE!  For best results, do the workout at least 3 times per week along with moderate/high intensity cardio workouts.  Be sure to stretch (cobra position) afterwards and enjoy your six pack!

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Shorts Season Shape Up!

  • Workout: Shorts Season Shape Up by Brit
  • Duration: 45 min – 1 hr
  • Calories burned: 350-500
  • Focus: LEGS – Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Calves

Commentary: It’s almost Summer – yeah buddy.  That means your thighs and booty are begging for public exposure, ha ha!  In all seriousness, I have an intense addiction to denim cut off shorts – pretty sure I wear them EVERY single day in this Texas heat.  That said, I do have to make sure to spend some extra time toning and tightening my leg muscles – specifically the booty, thighs and calves.  Here is a hardcore leg workout that I put together to help you tighten your tush and firm up your legs just in time for summer.  Do the workout 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks along with your moderate/high intensity cardio sessions and you should be ready to rock your booty shorts!    Enjoy 🙂

Instructions: This workout is a “super set”.  That means you will do each “SET” 3 times, then move on the to next set.  Between each set, jump rope or do jumping jacks for 1-2 minutes to keep your heart rate up!

Example: for Set 1, do the Squats then immediately do the Reverse Lunges.  Take a quick rest and then repeat 2 more times.  Once you have done the set 3 times, jump rope or do jumping jack s for 1-2 minutes.  Then move on to set 2.

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Les Mills Body Pump Review: Pump ON = Fat OFF

  • Workout: Body Pump, Les Mills
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Calories Burned: 350-550
  • Focus: Total body muscle strengthening and toning
  • What is Body Pump?: A total body weight lifting class using a bar with weighted plates on each side.  There are about 8-10 music tracks and each one has a choreographed weight lifting routine to work a specific muscle group (i.e. legs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, etc.).  You can also buy the DVDs and equipment to do the class at home.

Brit gettin’ her “PUMP” on April 9, 2012

Commentary:  I try to go to Body Pump at least once a week and when I do, I always feel tight and toned.  The music is okay, def not amazing, but the workout is sick –  it’ll get you right.  I like this class because it’s an efficient TOTAL body strength workout. I appreciate that I don’t have go searching for a weight lifting routine for each body part, I can get it all at once – 1 hour and done.  Also, you do a ton of reps for each muscle group so bulking up is not an issue.  Instead, your muscles gain endurance and you even get a good sweat!

The Facts: Building lean muscle mass is not only great for your overall health and  fitness, it’s also a great way to speed up your metabolism aka BURN FAT!  Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the rate that your body burns calories while at rest.  RMR is directly related to your ratio of lean body mass.  This means, the more lean body mass you build, the more calories and fat you burn while at rest.  So get your PUMP ON and get the FAT OFF 🙂

Resistance training has been perhaps the most under emphasized component of the comprehensive weight loss program.  – Paula Besson MEd

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Track Workout: Shout out to my former athletes – still got it?

  • Name: Former Athlete Fix by Brit
  • Duration: 45 min – 1 hour
  • Calories Burned: 500-700
  • Focus: Cardiovascular endurance, athletic conditioning, speed, plyometrics
  • Commentary: It’s Spring!  So you know what that means, let’s get outside and hit that track – what what!  I’ve been hanging and chatting with a lot of my old college bball teammates this week in NYC, which inspired me to put a workout together for all of the former athletes out there.  Sometimes, it’s fun to prove that we’ve “still got it.” Even if you’ve never played sports, this workout is a great way to SHOCK your body.  So grab a buddy, head to the track and go get it in!  Make sure to do the full warm up before you start – don’t want you pulling a hammy.  Enjoy 🙂

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