Last week I traveled to Miami for work and while I was there I had the awesome opportunity to check out Vixen Workout. I’ve been hearing about this sexy sweat session that’s selling out classes of over 100 women every night, Obviously, I had to check it out.
First off, the class is held in a Miami dance studio. When I walked through the door, the instructor greeted me wearing a tank top with “Twerk Society” written across her chest (see below). Then I walked into the back studio and the girls were wearing platform heels and spandex pants – lookin’ like true “Video Vixens.” I was like…alright then. The studio was dark lit only by colored lights and a disco ball. I’m not gonna lie, at this point I was little intimidated.
Fortunately, the music started blasting, the lights got even lower and then it was ON! The instructor was a ball of energy shouting commands like “Pop” “Shake” “Grind.” I was caught a little off guard as that was totally different from what I shout during my kickboxing and spinning classes. Overall, the vibe was very fun and I loved that every girl in the class seemed to get “lost” for 1 hour and exude an abundance of self-assurance. There was one point when I was truly convinced, I was in a Beyonce video. As a woman, I must say, it was quite empowering. I could go on and on about this class, but here are a few facts in case your wanna check it out for your self…

GRIT by Brit Vixen Workout Review
- Workout Type: Sexy Dance Cardio, for women only ages 18+
- Duration: 60 Minutes
- Calorie Burn: 350-500
- Price: Very affordable, only $12 per class
- Location: Miami and a few classes have started in NYC
- Intensity: Moderate (like an intermediate/advanced Zumba class)
- Choreography: Moderately complex. Not too difficult. Lots of “adult” moves (i.e. twerkin’, booty poppin’, droppin’ it low). There are only 5-6 moves per song, so it’s easy to pick up the combinations. Each class consists of a warm up, about 8 working tracks and then a “booty-shakin’ finale.”
- Music: Mostly dirty south hip hop and lots of Beyonce! Think Rick Ross, Young Jeezy, Drake, Rihanna, etc.
- Vibe: CRUNK. This class reminds me a lot of my friend Sadie’s 305 Fitness in NYC. The difference is that Vixen Workout has more hip hop music and the moves are much sexier. I actually felt very sexy during the workout – it was a super confidence booster!
- Fun Factor: Through the roof! This is honestly the most fun I’ve had while working out in a very long time. As you guys know, I do NOT consider myself a dancer. I have a very athletic build and often feel out of my element in dance classes. But, the low lights and club-like atmosphere made it easy for me to let loose.
Check out this awesome video to learn a little more about Vixen Workout. Vixen Workout by Janet Jones from Vixen Workout on Vimeo. I really loved the class – I think you will too. It get’s the “GRIT by Brit” stamp of approval.
At the end of the day, sexiness is all about CONFIDENCE! Release your inner vixen. Lots of luv, Brit

1 Comment
I do agree it is a great workout and loads of fun, I was looking for something different and sexy to bring to my classes so I attended a certification training. My recommendation is if you are looking to get certified, make sure (which this should state somewhere in a disclaimer or something) its very intense and there is no information on modifications and safety. So if it is a “fitness workout” this should be important information. I did not feel like it was a training it felt more like I was there for a music video audition and rehearsal. I do recommend if you are over 40 and not 100% make sure you are up for the challenge and be warned it can get expensive. I have certifications in several fitness regimens that are out there and this one was the longest and most intense and I hate to say this but I was made to feel like looks play a big part.