Brit’s Bouncy Booty-Shaping Workout #WOD

Hey gang – here’s your workout of the day.  I’ve been feeling full of energy all week, so I wanted to create a workout that let’s me jump around!  This a great power workout to tag on to resistance training. If you have a knee issues, this probably isn’t the best workout for you 🙁  However, you can modify the moves my elevating on to your tip toes instead of jumping.  Give it a whirl and let me know who it goes.   xoxo, Brit

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WOD: Endurance Pyramid Dumbbell Circuit

Hey Gang!  Hope your week is going well.  I started a new project in Chicago this week.  My team is full of CrossFit junkies and this morning they hit up a 5:30am CrossFit session.  Unfortunately, I overslept and missed it 🙁  But on the bright side, I made a back up “Endurance Pyramid Dumbbell Circuit”  workout and did it in my hotel gym.  After the circuit, I got a quick 30 minutes in on the elliptical.  My entire workout took 45 minutes (so I’m guessing the circuit only takes ~15 minutes).  Try to power through it with minimal rest to focus on building your endurance and to get a good sweat going – post a comment if you have questions.  Enjoy!  xoxo, Brit

Endurance Pyramid

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