Happy Monday Friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did any of you see the blood moon eclipse last night? I totally missed it, BUT I enjoyed the most beautiful full moon on my way to work at 6am this morning.
I had a wonderful weekend myself, albeit a very busy one. One major highlight was our SHAKE. SWEAT. SCULPT free, community mash-up workout that we hosted for Lorna Jane’s Active Nation Day. It was an absolute blast, the weather in Dallas was perfect and we had an AMAZING turnout (as you can see below). Thanks so much to all members of the GRIT Fitness family and the Dallas community who came to WERK it out with us!
While Summer is winding down and the weather will keep us from offering as many free outdoor community classes, I’m still gearing up for one strong fall – and I want you to be a part of it. Whether you’re heading back to school, cranking things up at work or looking for a way to take some time to focus on you, my dream team of instructors and I at GRIT Fitness are here to help. One sweaty GRIT class is all it takes to find joy, feel great and be your best self.
To help kickstart your GRIT routine, we’d love to invite you to take our #FallN2Fitness Challenge. This challenge is open EVERYONE – you don’t have to be a member to participate. To complete the challenge, you have knock out 14 classes in 4 weeks, between October 4-31st.
It’s super fun, affordable, energetic way to get in shape and earn some swag! Yup..that’s right, not only do you get enjoy music-blasting, super fun sweat sessions, BUT if you successfully complete the challenge you also receive the GRIT Tank Top of your choice. Choose from any of the styles below
NOTE: At GRIT we do NOT sell our apparel, it can only be earned. That means the only way to score our swag is to show your GRIT 🙂
We can’t wait to Fall N2 Fitness with you! xoxo, Brit
Image: GRIT Fitness Flexin Flow class at the Westin Galleria Dallas Summer Sweat Series on June 14, 2015
Hey hey friends! I hope your weekend was good to you! I enjoyed another fun, busy weekend of fitness fun. Our studio, GRIT Fitness, has a new partnership with the Westin Galleria Dallas called the “Summer Sweat Series.” Each month this summer we do a free fitness event at the hotel followed by a pool party – hey! Yesterday was our first event in during which we led a free Flexin’ Flow class. Huge shout out to our GRIT Fitness instructor and my dear friend, Maria Rowe for leading the pack! Follow her blog at www.marlizrowe.com. The turn out was amazing as you can see blow…
Post workout photo – yay for sweat & smiles!
After class we posed for a fun group photo before enjoying free Sangria and passed bites! Also, the Westin and other Galleria retailers raffled off 22 gifts including a free weekend stay at the hotel. Holler!
Me, Maria and Kortani posing by the pool after Maria’s booty-kickin’ Flexin’ Flow class!
After class we kicked it by the pool and celebrated yet another awesome fitness event! I’m so grateful for my energetic team and the corporate partnerships that we’ve developed and strengthened over the past 2 years. This is only beginning of even bigger things to come!
If you live in Dallas, join us for our next event on July 12th. We’ll lead a free Zumba/Dance Club Cardio workout followed by a pool party. CLICK HERE to RSVP and get more details. Hope to see you there. Happy Monday! xoxo, Brit
Hello friends! Spring has officially sprung here in Dallas, TX. We enjoyed a gorgeous weekend of sunshine and 75 degree weather. Some of my friends even enjoyed time by the pool. I’m so glad that Winter is over and cannot wait to spend more time outside, especially partaking in outdoor workouts. This week I plan to hit up the Katy Trail and knock out this running and strength training circuit. I made the perfect 40 minute playlist to energize my sweat session – you should too!
In addition, my friends from Studio Hop and Lorna Jane NorthPark and I just finished planning the premier fitness event of the season! We are hosting a free outdoor workout at NorthPark center on Saturday, April 11th at 10:30am. If you live in Dallas, you should DEFINITELY join the party! There will be a lot of sweat, a lot of shopping and a lot of smiles! What’s not to like? So grab your yoga mat and a friend and join the party. CLICK HERE to RSVP at the Facebook event page.
Hello friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. As a lover of all things fitness and all things Dallas, I was super excited to stumble upon a new Dallas blog providing objective, thorough reviews of the city’s hottest fitness studios and classes! D Town Sweat launched only a month ago and has generated a huge following due to its honest studio reviews and thorough class assessments. After a few hours of Instagram stalking, I found the voice behind the blog, Kate Putney. This TCU grad is a management consultant by day and fitness blogger by night (AKA Girl BO$$) I met Kate last Saturday when she came to my studio and knocked out back-to-back workouts. Check out her reviews of our Flexin’ Flow and Body Sculpt classes. Afterwards Kate and I had coffee and I got to learn a little more about her fitness and blogging journey. Here’s the scoop…
What motivated you to start D Town Sweat? With shared studio memberships hitting the Dallas market, I’ve had a lot of friends recently incorporate a consistent fitness routine into their daily lives, and I’ve been so proud of them for making that commitment to better themselves. I’ve been a life-long runner, but I too started exploring Dallas studios, and often wondered what to expect when heading to a new class, or what else was out there in terms of yoga, cycling, strength etc. I tried to find a single location to read honest and thorough studio/class reviews, and while there are a few other bloggers that do an awesome job of blogging about fitness, I couldn’t find anything that was just Dallas fitness, and really honest and straight-forward. After a few weeks of searching around, I figured, why don’t I do it? I have always enjoyed reading fitness blogs like Wisdoms of Health so I knew what made a good one. I want to help connect people in Dallas to fitness that’s right for them, and I hope that D Town Sweat will be that resource.
Describe your fitness journey. My fitness journey started with my mom. From the time I was a baby, I ran with my mom – first in a jogger, then next to her on a bike, and finally with her, starting in middle school. She always took time out of her day to focus on her health, and by prioritizing fitness, she engrained in me the importance of taking care of my body, no matter how busy life or work gets. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in high school, and my first full marathon at 24. I recently ran the Dallas Marathon, and soon after decided that it would be beneficial for my body to try to mix up my fitness routine, which is where D Town Sweat comes in.
How do you define a “healthy lifestyle”? A healthy lifestyle to me is a balance, and not just a balance of fitness and food. I think in order to truly be healthy, you also need family and friends, a community, faith, a work-life balance, adventure, and stability. Fitness and eating well are part of the overall picture, but if you workout and eat well, and live in isolation, or work yourself into the ground, you’re not living a healthy life.
What’s the most interesting/unique fitness class you’ve taken? The fitness class that comes to mind as being one of the most unique is a Big Kahuna class I recently took at City Surf. A fitness class on a surfboard is most definitely unique, and surprisingly really hard! I would recommend it to anyone in Dallas who is looking to try something completely different! No prior-surfing skills required!
What do you love most about group fitness? I love being able to turn my mind off completely, and let my body do all of the work. I spend lots of time in front of a computer, so letting my body have a chance to take over, and giving my brain a break is definitely one of my favorite things. The other thing that I love is that it’s an opportunity to spend time with friends. At least 50% of the classes that I attend are with friends, so it’s a fun way to spend time together and feel productive.
In your opinion, what 3 factors make the city of Dallas great?
It’s in Texas – After living elsewhere, and traveling far and wide, I feel strongly that there is no other state that has so much to offer.
The People are great – I went to TCU for undergrad, so lots of my close friends landed in Dallas after graduating. Besides the people who I already knew when I moved here, people are just nice here.
The Community – Between the cost of living and the job opportunities, I think that Dallas is one of the best places to be from a job perspective, which draws a lot of really great people into our city. As a result of the awesome people here, there are so many organizations doing really cool things to better North Texas, and the greater community. I’m proud to be in a place with so many good apples.
What does “grit” mean to you? Grit means grinding through the tough stuff – working harder and smarter, even when it’s really rough, because you know the end result will be worth it.
Kate Putney, Founder of D Town Sweat
I highly encourage you to add D Town Sweat to your RSS feed. With new posts almost everyday, you don’t want to miss the latest trends in Dallas fitness! You can follow D Town Seat on Instagram @dtownsweat or on Twitter @dtownsweat
Happy Monday friends! OMG what a weekend. I’m happy to share that we had a VERY successful launch party for my fitness studio, GRIT Fitness, with over 300 members of the Dallas community coming out to show their support and share their positive energy. I couldn’t have asked for a better grand opening day and my heart is SO full! Here are a few pics from the party (I’ll post official photos once the photographer finishes uploading them!) …
On Friday, before the party, I set up the front desk with fresh flowers and an official announcements of our grand opening special offers. Unlimited memberships from only $75/month – a steal!
Then my Pastors (Stephanie & Robert Canady from All Nations Fellowship Church), family and friends came to the studio to pray for me, my team and our business. My mission is to use fitness to help people live life more abundantly and have hope for their future! We prayed that GRIT Fitness will ALWAYS stay committed to its mission.
On Saturday we got the party started – woo hoo! I was so happy that my dear friend Frank, the W Insider from W Dallas Hotel, graced us with his presence and brought some W swag bags for our guests!
I was SO HONORED that Gail Warrior, the CEO of Warrior Construction and Warrior Elements joined the party despite tearing her achilles tendon early that morning. She’s so inspiring and I hope to be as successful of a business woman as she is!
Flowers, cards, gifts and words of encouragement filled the lobby from my dear friends and family. I feel so loved and continue to bask in gratitude for my support system.
My #dreamteam and I snuck out from the party for a few minutes to take 1 official celebratory photo – we are NOW OPEN FOR FITNESS!
Today we will offer our first classes at the studio – I’m excited (and a little nervous). All but 4 classes are already sold out so we are getting ready to rock a packed house tonight. There are a still a few spots left in our Thursday & Saturday classes, so if you live in Dallas BOOK NOW!
I’ll post some pics of our fitness fun, but now I have a finish my playlist! Talk to you tomorrow – I have a fierce core workout in the mix for you.