6 Sculpting Exercises to Spring Into Shape

Hey Hey friends! I hope you had an awesome Easter weekend! I enjoyed some much-needed family time and good food. Also did quite a bit to shopping for equipment for the new GRIT Fitness Flagship Studio. It’s almost time for the Grand Opening – eek!

My sister/workout buddy and me after church on Easter Sunday!

With warmer weather on the horizon, I want to share my 6 favorite sculpting moves to help us get “Summer Body ready! As a group fitness instructor, I get asked all the time, “How can I get more toned and defined?” The simple answer is, “Start strength training 2-3 times per week.” Now let me clarify, the 5-minute arm circuit with 1-3 pound dumbbells during spin or barre class doesn’t count. Our bodies need real resistance training with weights that are heavy enough to actually build lean muscle mass and increase metabolism. Also, there’s no need to worry about getting “bulky” with high repetition workouts, such as this one. So let’s get started!

For a super sweaty sculpting session, start with a 5 minute warm up jog. Then grab a pair of 5-10 pound dumbbells and complete 20 reps of each exercise below. Repeat the entire sequence 3 times. Be sure to stretch for 5-10 minutes once complete.

1. Squat with Upright Row – Start in a wide stance, with your heels pointing in and toes pointing out. Hold both weights down in front of your hips then lower into plié’ squat so that weights come near knee-level. Push through your heels to stand back up while driving your elbows upward so that weights come up to chest level. Repeat.

2. Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl – Stand with you feet hip-width apart holding one dumbbell in each hand. Take a big step back with one foot, and then lower your back knee into a lunge position so that both legs make 90-degree angles. In the lunge position, curl both dumbbells up towards your shoulder for a bicep contraction. Lower the dumbbells back down by your side. Then push through your front heel to stand back up and step your back foot forward to meet the other. Repeat.

3. Push Up with Shoulder Tap – This is a body weight exercise (no dumbbells needed). Start in a plank position either on your knees or your toes. Do a push up and ensure your chest comes down to elbow height. Between each push up, tap your hand on your opposite shoulder alternating hands between reps.

4. Plank Row – Start in a plank position holding one dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your hips square to the ground, row one elbow up so that the dumbbell comes level with your chest. Lower the dumbbell and repeat on the other side.

5. Bridge Pose with Chest Press – Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your chest. Raise your hips off of the ground into a bridge pose and then press the dumbbells up so that your arms are straight. Keeping your hips off of the ground, lower the dumbbells back to your chest and repeat.

6. Russian Twist – This is one of my favorite ab exercises! Start in a seated position on the ground with your knees bent. Hold both weights at your chest and lean back into a 45 degree angle. Twist your torso side to side and feel a deep contraction in your oblique muscles.

If you live in Dallas and want more sculpting exercises, join me and my team for a Body Sculpt class at GRIT Fitness.   Make it a great week!  xoxo, Brit

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The Beauty of Balance…living a healthy lifestyle

To be fit requires only physical strength and endurance, but to be well requires additional elements of mental, emotional and spiritual development.  I don’t know about you, but I often overemphasize the “physical” element of my wellness because it’s more tangible and makes me feel productive.   However, simply relaxing, enjoying life and spending time with the people we love is just as, if not more, important than exercise.   This weekend I focused on the “mental” and “emotional” aspects of my wellness with some good ole’ fashioned friends and family time.

On Friday night, I hosted a ladies’ a book club with my fabulous girlfriends in Dallas.  Positive energy filled the room as we laughed, ate good food, sipped EXCELLENT wine (thanks to my girl Amy Hampton, Founder and Owner of Sociologie Wine) and engaged in heartfelt and inspiring fellowship…

Then on Saturday, my mom and I drove to Lubbock, TX to visit my little sister who is on the varsity dance team at Texas Tech University.   It was a great opportunity to share what’s been on our minds and enjoy the authentic, West Texas culture.  We also went to the Texas Tech football game to watch my lil’ sis cheer and dance on the sidelines.  People have always told me that I’m a lucky charm, and this week I proved them correct.  TX Tech football upset #5 West Virginia.  Yea buddy – GUNS UP, Red Raiders!

While this weekend I didn’t workout as hard as I usually do  (i.e. skipped my 2-hour Saturday Detox) I appreciated the beauty of balance.  As we all start a new week,  I encourage each of you take a moment and reflect upon your overall wellness.

Is there an element of your wellness that you tend to neglect?  

One that you overemphasize?   

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