Dr. Oz Weekend Juice Cleanse Confessions

dr oz juice cleanse review

Hey gang! So a few days ago I completed the Dr. Oz & Joe Cross 3-Day Weekend Juice Cleanse. This is the second cleanse I’ve tried this year, and overall, I had pretty positive experience. I only lost 1 pound, but I do feel clean and lean. Here are my confessions…

For starters, this cleanse was A LOT harder than the than the Dr. Oz DRINK cleanse. During the day, I was quite hungry which kind of sucked. As I mentioned in a previous post, juice has hardly any fiber and lots of sugar which triggers hunger. Controlling my hunger during the day was really hard on the first day but got better on the 2nd day. On a positive note, it made me drink more water and realize that I don’t really need that much food to get through the day. It’s crazy how often I eat just because I’m bored, not because I’m really hungry.

On that note, the cleanse allowed for 1 solid food meal for dinner every day. The meal could only consist of fruits and veggies. Unfortunately, I tended to go to overboard on this meal (yikes). I think it was because I was hungry and eagerly anticipating real food. Needless to say, my portions got a little out of control. I probably would have had better results with the cleanse if I ate a smaller dinner and didn’t stretch out my tummy so much.

juice cleanse

Since I was traveling for work and had to buy my juices, I had to be very conscious of choosing “good juices.” Just because a juice is “all natural” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. Also, veggie juice is MUCH healthier than fruit juice – it has more fiber and protein and less sugar. If you are interested in doing this juice cleanse, but don’t have the time to go shopping all the time, then it might be a good idea for you to check out something like this Cashcoup site. However, just make sure to double check that the juice will be okay for you and your cleanse. I had to make sure my juice purchases met my 3 criteria:

  1. All natural
  2. No added sugar
  3. Fresh pressed/squeezed (not from concentrate)

Believe it or not, it’s REALLY hard to buy juice off-the-shelf meets this criteria. BUT, I did find one that passed the test and also tastes great. It’s “Sweet Greens” by Evolution fresh – I highly recommend it!

evolution juice

All in all, the juice cleanse was an interesting experience. Will I do it again? Probably not. But I may start substituting fresh pressed juice for a meal every now and then, as it can be a good way to slim down quickly for a big event or something. Have you a done a juice cleanse before? What was it like for you? Please do share your words of wisdom 🙂

Hope you have a great week ahead. Love you tons! xoxo, Brit

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Always be Joyful!

Happy Friday!  I hope you guys are looking forward to an awesome weekend.  I certainly am.  This is my birthday weekend – HEY!  On Sunday, July 14th I will turn 29 years old…the last year of my twenties has come.

To celebrate my b-day I’m having a pool party at my parents’ house.  But this isn’t your ordinary pool party.  My mom ordered the most AWESOME slip-n-slide in the world (see below)!  Talk about being “young at heart” 😉

bday party water slide

So, in the spirit of growing older, wiser and more awesome, I wanted to leave you this little nugget of inspiration….

HAVE SOME FUN THIS WEEKEND!  Choose to be happy!  Reward yourself with some good times and positive energy.  We often take ourselves so seriously that we forget to stop and enjoy this one precious life that we have.  So, rest assured, I will be living it up (and working out) this weekend and I hope that you will too!

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”  –Henri Nouwen

Have a ball!  Lots of luv, Brit

Always Be Joyful

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Clear Your Mind of Can’t

Happy Independence Day to my US blog followers!  I hope you enjoy  some rest, relaxation, quality time with the people you love and (of course) a good workout!  For those of you outside of the US, this blog post is also for you 🙂

On this day of freedom, remember that we are free in every capacity: emotionally, physically and spiritually!  So, relish in that fact.  Clear you mind of can’t.  Anything you want in life, anything you desire to experience, all of it, IS YOURS!  So, today, let’s accept our freedom.  Be grateful for it.  And let NOTHING hold us back from pursuing our dreams!

Let Freedom Ring!  xoxo, Brit

clear your mind

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Tips for a healthy, yummy, skinny 4th of July BBQ!

healthy 4th of july dessertHappy Monday!  4th of July is around the corner!  As we American’s celebrate our independence, let’s not go overboard and throw our bikini bodies out of the window.  Here are some 4th of July healthy BBQ tips from Darya Rose at summertomato.com.  I also designed a custom workout for you to do on Independence Day.  It doesn’t take too much time.  So just wake up, sweat and head to your BBQ!


6 Tips for not regretting your 4th of July BBQ

1. Use small plates
Research clearly shows that people who choose smaller plates and utensils eat less without even noticing it. The difference can be as substantial as 50% fewer calories consumed, yet everyone reports the same level of fullness and satisfaction. Try borrowing a plate from the kids table or the dessert tray.
2. Eat slowly and mindfully
People who eat more slowly eat fewer calories over the course of a meal. BBQs are a perfect opportunity to pace yourself as you mix and mingle with friends and family. The more you’re chatting, the less you’re eating.
3. Eat healthiest foods first
If you are eating slowly and off small plates, you may as well fill up on the healthiest stuff first. Salads are a great place to start because watery vegetables slow digestion and have very few calories. Try to choose something with oil and protein as well, because these will help you feel full sooner.
4. Skip the chips, crackers and bread
Refined carbohydrates are the worst things you can eat because they offer little satisfaction, loads of calories and dangerous insulin spikes. BBQs are filled with wonderful food, so do yourself a favor and save your calories for the really good stuff.
You don’t have to eat your burger without a bun, but pass on the pointless chips and other snacks that lure you when you’re not thinking. If you’re feeling bored, grab a Frisbee instead.
5. Keep dessert small
The difference between a large slice of cake and a smaller slice of cake can literally be hundreds of calories. And to reiterate, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the most dangerous foods. You don’t have to pass on dessert completely, but keep your portion sizes in check for this course.
6. Think before you drink
There is a place for alcohol in a healthy lifestyle, but making smart choices can be the difference between losing or gaining weight (not to mention your self-control). One sugary margarita can have 600-800 calories. That means 3 margaritas is more food than you should be consuming in an entire day. Is that really worth it? Stick with wine or beer, drink plenty of water and remember to pace yourself.

Happy 4th of July!  Lots of luv,  Brit

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Lean In: My story of pursuing my passions

GRIT by Brit Lean In

A few months ago I wrote a blog post about an inspiring women’s conferenced I attended at my alma mater, Harvard Business School.  Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO,  was the keynote speaker and I become very moved by her advocacy for women to “Lean In.”  I could relate to her stories about over coming corporate obstacles, balancing work and life and trying to build and maintain self-confidence.   She even talked about the importance of maintaining her health and wellness (she was also a fitness instructor on the side, like me!).  This woman has some #GRIT.  Anyway, I decided to share my “Lean In” story with the global community, so I today I wanted to repost it for my GRIT by Brit readers.  Hope my story inspires you and encourages you to make your dreams come true!

lean in logo

The only person who can hold me back from making my dreams come true, is me!  Lots of luv, Brit

And here’s my story…

I drained my savings account to develop and produce an original home workout DVD. I was working crazy hours in management consulting and had recently completed my MBA, but could not ignore my deep desire to share fitness, health and wellness with others. I chose to lean in.

I realized I had unique ability to motivate and encourage others through fitness and wellness. At a very young age I began struggling with my weight. I weighed 106 pounds in the 3rd grade. However, my weight loss journey transformed my way of thinking and revealed my personal strength. My new-found mental grit positively impacted my career, relationships and my faith. I had a duty to share my weight management success story and tools for others to succeed.

First, I auditioned at a major fitness club to start teaching part-time group fitness classes. I was terrified. Completely out of my element, I had to study for fitness certifications, get my body in impeccable shape and learn to lead a class. I would have been much more comfortable in a conference room with PowerPoint slides.

I then started a fitness and wellness lifestyle blog in which I became totally immersed. After long days with my corporate clients, I would stay up late designing workouts and writing motivational messages for my blog followers.

Last, I took the big leap by draining my entire savings account, hiring a producer, and shooting a home workout DVD, staring me! While being in front of the camera was very uncomfortable, it was also amazingly exhilarating. In less than one year, I finalized the video content and packaging. The DVD was picked up by an Amazon distributor and is now for sale online to customers worldwide. In the first three months I sold over 100 copies without any paid marketing or advertising. Also, my blog grew to almost 2,000 followers. In the meanwhile, I received a promotion from Senior Consultant to Manager at my full-time consulting job—wow!

My lean in decision taught me that I’m capable of doing things far beyond my imagination. While I haven’t led a major corporation or raised millions of dollars, I have encouraged the lives of many people by simply sharing my gifts and taking a risk. The only person who can hold me back from making my dreams come true, is me.

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Reach for the Stars! Plyo Workout

jump into shape

Here’s your workout of the week! This workout is all about Plyometrics (jumping).  I love jumping exercises because they really get your heart rate up and strengthen your legs.  However, if you have knee problems, be careful as jumping is NOT advised for you.  This workout requires no equipment so it’s great to do during commercial breaks – enjoy;)

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars!  Lots of luv, Brit

Reach for the stars

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The time of my life…reflection from my get away to Greece


Who has a case of the Mondays?  I DO! 🙁

Sorry for my lack of blog posts over the past 9 days.  Me and 3 of my BEST friends went on the ultimate girls getaway to the Greek Islands – eek!  We spent 2 nights in Athens, 3 nights Mykonos and 3 in Santorini.  I truly had the time of my life.  Even though the scenery was breathtaking and the food was delicious, I’m most grateful for my amazing friends.  It’s so nice to have people in my life who accept me for who I am… flaws and all.  On top of that, I actually have fun with them!  Could there be anything better?

Now that I’m back to the US and back in my usual routine, I’ll also get back to posting workouts and diet tips for you guys to enjoy  🙂

Here are some pictures from my trip. Hope your week is off to an amazing start!  Lots of luv, Brit

santorini bikini




mykonosgreek islandsgreek island sunset

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5 Reasons Fitness is a Mental Health Miracle Drug

True Beauty GRIT by Brit

I know I’m always talking about the external, physcial benefits of working out (6 pack by summer, J-lo legs, Michelle Obama arms).  But, let’s not forget about all of the ways that fitness helps us on the inside.  Maintaining our mental health is critical for overall wellness.  Here are the top 5 “non-physical” reasons I believe exercise is a mental health miracle drug.  Keep these in mind during your next sweat session!

  1. Super Self confidence – Pushing through physcial challenges gives us confidence which spills over into other areas of life.  Nothing is sexier than confidence 🙂
  2. Less Stress – Studies show that the most common mental benefit of exercise is stress relief.  Boss getting on your nerves?  Go walk it off.  Angry is not a good look.
  3. More Memory – A good sweat session boosts our memory capacity and brain power.  Jocks are smarter after all…and smart is HOT
  4. Addiction Control – Since our brains releases dopamine “the happy chemical” during exercise, we get a natural high – goodbye addictions!
  5. Real Relaxation – Moderate exercise can have the same effect on your body as a sleeping pill.  Who needs chemical drugs for a little R&R?  Not us!

When we are healthy on the inside, we are beautiful on the outside! xoxo, Brit

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To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the GIFT

Happy Sunday!  You guys know on Sundays I like to spread a little encouragement/inspiration, so today I want to share something that’s been heavy on my heart = Appreciating and Maximizing the GIFT of Life

the gift grit by brit

What is the “gift’?  That IS the question.  To me the “gift” is the privilege of having a human life.  As humans, unlike any other species, we have the ability to be BE and DO whatever we want.  Why?

  1. Because we have free will
  2. Because we can change

With hard work, can be WHATEVER we want to be and that’s amazing!

  • If we are weak, we can make ourselves  strong.
  • If we are dumb, we can study and become smart.
  • If we are lonely, we can find companions.

The list goes on and on. However, with this amazing “gift,” also comes a huge responsibility.  To me, that responsibility is to promote peace, abundant living and encouragement to others.  The cool thing is that we each fulfill our responsibility in different ways.  For me it’s through sharing fitness.  What is it for you?

While we all have different passions and different ways of encouraging each other, one thing that we have in common is that we have to continuously work REALLY HARD to perfect our craft.  It’s a life-long journey, but it’s so rewarding to know that our lives have a purpose and that we each play a crucial role in helping others live a better life.

As you start your week, I encourage you to think about your “gift.”  Are you making the most of it?  Are you giving your best?

Work hard, dream big, help others! Lots of luv, Brit

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Why not have a BIG life? The World is Yours!

the world is yours

Happy Sunday guys and gals!  I don’t have much to say to today.  Just wanted to spread a little encouragement…

Life is short, but it’s also sweet.  What are you doing to make the most of this life?  What are doing to make your deepest dreams and desires come true?  Whatever you are doing…keep on fighting!  As long as you never quit, your dreams WILL become a reality. Why?  Because you are powerful beyond measure and because the world is yours!

Say it…believe it #GRIT

Be blessed!  Lots of luv, Brit

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