Getting Ready for the Grand Opening of my New Fitness Studio – Grit Fitness!

Image: Me (center) and half of my team of fabulous fitness instructors! Photo by Sharee Antoinette Photography

Hi friends – Happy Monday!  First and foremost, my apologies for the lack of blog posts last week.  I’m not a believer in excuses, so I won’t give you any.  I’ll just do better 🙂

On a brighter note, I’m back to frequent blogging now that most of the renovation and employee on-boarding activities at my new studio, GRIT Fitness, are complete!  WOO HOO  Being a full-time entrepreneur is WAY more time consuming than working in corporate America, that’s for sure.  Nonetheless, I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.  I’m so excited to wake up everyday and get after my long to do list.  But before I get to work today, I’ll take a minute and share all of the great progress that was made last week…

Custom wall art & sound responsive lighting installed!

So one thing I’m learning a lot about is obtaining city permits.  UGH!  We finally secured our “green tag” of approval for all of the renovation work that was done in the studio so now we can “legally” open for business.  Our super cool, sound responsive DJ lights were installed last week.  Also, the custom wall art of motivational sayings were hung.  Last we set up the sound system and started blasting some music.  For the first time, I could feel the vibe I’ve been trying to create for my clients.  I can’t wait until the first class on Jan. 19, 2015!

Entry way photo wall filled will images from my classes over the past 3 years! (still missing one pic in the upper left corner. That one is coming soon)

After getting the studio’s interior set up, I started decorating the entry way.  This is a still a work in progress but here’s a sneak peak at the photo wall I’m putting together.  I got these frames at At Home (formal Garden Ridge) for only $9.99 each!  Then I took photos from my piyo and turbo kick classes over the past three years and had them blown up into black & white poster-size prints.  As time progresses, I’m going to add instagram photos from our clients when they post them with hashtag #nogritnopearl – fun huh?  Yesterday a I bought a hot pink bench and some other decor for front desk.  I’ll post pics of that once I finish 🙂

Me and my sister, Kortani our dance cardio instructor, posing for a selfie after orientation.  Hey Girl Hey!

On Friday and Saturday I hosted orientation for my fierce, fabulous crew of instructors.  Starting off, we will be a team of 10 (including me) to teach over 20 classes per week.  We went over the studio policies, “GRIT Etiquette” and had a fun photo shoot.  I’m so grateful work with such a fun, high-energy fit family.

Well, that’s the run down.  I’ll be back later this afternoon with some healthy holiday cocktail recipes.  Until then, HAPPY MONDAY!  xoxo, Brit

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Ratchet Running Playlist

Hello Friends! I’m finally home in (freezing cold) Dallas and trying to get back into my regular routine of teaching, blogging and preparing for the grand opening of my new studio, GRIT Fitness!

As I sit at my desk, planning workouts and playlists, I can’t help but think back on the past weekend and let out a sigh of gratitude. I had a such a wonderful time with my family that I just have to share some reflections (and my rachet running playlist)….

After me, my mom and my dad finally arrived in Tampa we picked up my bro in our rental car and headed to Thanksgiving dinner at coaches house.

In case you missed a few posts, I traveled to Tampa, FL on Thanksgiving Day to spend the holiday with my little brother, Austin, who’s on the Varsity Basketball team at the University of Tampa.  Since Austin had a Thanksgiving holiday tournament and wasn’t able to travel home, my fam decided to make the trip to him!  Sadly my younger sister, Kortani,  couldn’t join us because she dances for the Dallas Cowboys and had to perform on Thanksgiving Day. We missed her a lot, but still had a really great time.

Coaches wife, Mary Jo, can throw down! Simply put…I ate well on Thanksgiving Day

Upon our Thursday arrival, we immediately we ate a huge feast with my brother’s basketball team at their coach’s house.  Then on Friday we did some site seeing in Ybor City and St. Petersburg.  I ate a yummy Cuban sandwich and enjoyed a warm stroll through the historic streets.

Ybor City During the day
Having a cocktail in St. Petersburg with mom & dad before Austin’s game. Aren’t they the cutest?!
Enjoying the fire in the perfectly crisp Florida weather!

Later that night we attended Austin’s game in which he had 3 dunks and 4 three pointers – woo hoo! Talk about a proud big sis.  Afterwards, we went out a for a big dinner to celebrate.

The next morning I woke up early and went for a run to help burn off the giant meal I inhaled the night prior.  I was really feeling my playlist – hey girl hey.   I think being at all those basketball games, listening to hip hop, got me in a “rachet” mood.  I was so hyped up during my run!  Here’s my playlist…

Will chilled and shopped for the remainder of the weekend and to wrap up our trip, Austin took us for campus stroll before we caught our flight back to Dallas.  I love college campuses in the Fall.  They’re the best.

Me and my broskie spending some quality time before I headed home
Austin’s dorm, right next to the Tampa Spartans outdoor stadium
Love the historic class room buildings on campus – University of Tampa
Saying cheese on campus, one last time before heading home!

How was your Thanksgiving holiday?  Did you do anything fun with your family?


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How To Stay Active In Cold Weather

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  I’m headed back to Dallas today after spending a fun-filled weekend in Tampa, FL with my family.  The weather was amazing and we spent lots of time by the bay (I’ll post pics later).  Now that Thanksgiving is over, I’m in full-on Winter planning mode.  That means stocking up on winter workout gear and planning my cold weather workouts.  Here are 5 tips that help me stay active and fit despite the cold:

1. Out with the old and in with the new – I tend to save my hardcore house cleaning for springtime, but lately I appreciate late Fall/early Winter cleaning. It’s like I’m clearing out my old stuff to start the New Year fresh! It also keeps me active and prevents me from sitting on my couch wishing for warmer weather.

2. Bundle up and head outside – Quite naturally I prefer to stay indoors during the Winter, but a three mile outdoor run can do the body lots of good. Not to mention, it’s a great opportunity soak up some Vitamin D. Target® C9 has fantastic cold gear to keep you warm during a Winter run. I’m a big fan of their neon beanies! Quick Tip: Avoid wearing cotton as it releases body heat. Go for dri-fit or wool materials instead.

3. Fire up your vinyasa flow – I LOVE hot yoga in the Winter. Flowing through a sun salutation in a warm studio is the perfect way to stay active and escape the cold.  It’s also great for joint flexibility and mental clarity.

4. Get creative in the kitchen – Instead of going out to eat, research some cool recipes and cook up a creative dish! We burn at least 3 times as many calories preparing a home-cooked meal versus going out to eat.

5. Tune in to YouTube – YouTube is a fantastic source of fun, free fierce workout videos. I have several on my channel, as do many of my fitness blogger friends. If you’re not willing to brave the cold, stay active indoors by knocking out a quick YouTube workout.

How do you stay active in cold weather?

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Target® C9 through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Target® C9 all opinions are my own.

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Black Friday Sale! Save 40% on Dallas Grit Fitness Classes + 50% on Grit by Brit DVD

Gobble Gobble – Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you’re enjoying some well-deserved food and fun with family and friends.  I know I said I was going to check out until Monday, but I have to make sure I share my special Black Friday sale!

As you probably know from all of my “studio renovation” blog posts, I’m so grateful for the upcoming grand opening of my new fitness studio, Dallas Grit Fitness! Starting today I’m offering an exclusive pre-sale 40% discount on class passes.  This offer is good through FRIDAY ONLY (tomorrow)! 

  • CLICK HEREto purchase your discounted 10 Class Pass for $100 (reg. $170)
  • CLICK HEREto purchase your discounted 20 Class Pass for $180 (reg. $300)

Dallas Grit Fitness will open to the public on January 19, 2015.  We offer over 20 classes per week each led by energetic, nationally certified instructors including me!  From PiYo, Turbo Kick, Dance Cardio, Power Yoga and Body Sculpt we have it all, making us Dallas’ ONLY one-stop shop for fun, fierce fitness.  Trust me, you definitely want to be a part of our “gritty” family!

I hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to prepare for a happier, healthier 2015!

Want to learn more about Dallas Grit Fitness? Here’s a link to the studio website.

BLACK FRIDAY BONUS:  You can also grab a copy of my signature Grit by Brit Ultimate Body Burn home workout DVD for $12.50 (50% discount).  CLICK HERE to access the online store.  Enter discount code: TTTVV5E5 at checkout.  Enjoy!


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Hey guys!  HAPPY TURKEY DAY.  I hope you take some time to unwind, eat delicious food and watch exciting football (GO COWBOYS!).

My family and I are traveling to Tampa, FL to spend Thanksgiving with my baby brother who’s a sophomore basketball player at the University of Tampa.  We’ll attend his b-ball tourney this weekend and eat Thanksgiving dinner with his basketball team.  It should be entertaining to share a Thanksgiving feast with 15 college boys.  I’ll be sure to give you a recap, haha.

Yesterday I posted about acts of gratitude.  One of the recommended actions is to write down things for which you are grateful, including your personal accomplishments.  It’s okay to give yourself a little pat on the back every once in a while.  This year has brought a tremendous amount of change in my life, but I’m so grateful for where I stand right now.  From turning the big 3-0 to starting a new business and developing new personal relationships, I have so much to be grateful for.  I’m also grateful for my blog victories like being published with SELF Magazine and POPSGUAR Select +.  Hard work certainly pays off.  It may not seem like it the midst of late night editing and killer works, but the truth is that we ALWAYS reap what we sow!

As I check out of for the holiday, I want to share two of my past blog posts that can help you have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving:

I’ll be back in blogging action next Monday.  Holler atcha then! Lots of luv,


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5 Acts of Gratitude to Boost Your Mood

As you know, this month is all about gratitude = the quality of being thankful.  I’m so grateful to wake up everyday and do something that I love: share fitness & healthy living with people I care about = YOU!  I’m also grateful for the opportunity to share my fitness business start up story with SELF Magazine.  Woo ho0 – check out my article on!

I’ve found that practicing acts of gratitude makes me a happier person. In fact, studies from University of California Berkeley show that grateful people are less resentful, more optimistic and healthier than their ungrateful counterparts. Also, physically expressing gratitude generates a greater happiness return than simply feeling appreciation. So just in time for Thanksgiving, here are five acts of gratitude to ensure you have the happiest holiday!

  1. Savor the Small Stuff – Whether it’s your morning cup of coffee or hot shower after a long day, take a moment to be present and acknowledge your little luxury.
  2. Say Thank You – Actually pick up phone, call someone and tell him or her how much they mean to you. Not only with they feel wonderful, but you will too.
  3. Love Your Body – Go for a sweat session at your favorite fitness studio. Afterwards thank your body for its physical fitness.
  4. Be One With Nature – Step outside and look around. Appreciating nature’s beauty can quickly lift your spirits.
  5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments – Make a list of three personal accomplishments and thank yourself for your dedication and commitment. We often express gratitude to others, but it’s equally important to appreciate ourselves.

This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to not only feel thankful but to also express your gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo, Brit

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Dallas Grit Fitness: Studio Set Up – Home Stretch!

Hey guys!  I hope your week is off to a good start.  I was feeling pretty chipper this morning, but then the reality of the MASSIVE AMOUNT of work I have to do to get my studio set up hit me like a ton of bricks – AHH!  From writing the press release, conducting instructor orientation, planning the grand opening party and finishing renovations, I don’t expect to sleep much in the next month.  The frustrating part is that so much of what needs to be done I can’t do by myself.  Having to rely on others is definitely giving me a life lesson in humility.  Alas, lots of progress is being made so I’ll rejoice in that regard.  We have come such a long way!  Remember when we started with the demolition work?

Oh hey – we have mirrors! Let me take a selfie

The most recent accomplishment is mirror installation!  Alpha Glass company installed the studio mirrors last Thursday!  They really open up the space and make it feel like real studio.  I think this is the most excited I’ve been so far.

Paint – check, Floors – check, Mirrors – check! 3 huge renovations milestones DONE!

Tomorrow the electricians will come and install additional power outlets,  lighting and the sound system.  I’m really excited about the lights because they respond to the bass in the music 🙂  I went to Guitar Center and totally geeked out from all of the lighting options (see below).  Finally, I decided to buy the Ultrabar colored lights.  Can’t wait to have these installed tomorrow!

Checking out all of the cool studio lighting options! So fun

After Thanksgiving the real fun begins – decorating!  While decorating seems simple, it also requires professional help – UGH!   Is there any particular fitness studio decor that you like?  If so, post a comment and let me know!

Stay motivated this Monday! xoxo, Brit

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Neon Activewear + Cycling Playlist

Happy Monday morning to you!  I hope you had a good weekend.  I had a really busy weekend myself (more to come on that later this afternoon).  I’m actually feeling kinda tired this morning, so I’m planning to rest and recover today.

On Saturday morning I taught my usual 8AM spin class at BEYOND Pedaling.  I was super pumped because I got to rock my new Chic Bra Top from Onzie.   Not only does it have a funky neon pattern, but the back has a sexy strappy design – oh hey! I paired with with my neon Living One Luv Headband and wore my Target C9 sports bra underneath for extra support (I’m a little on the busty side).

Little #selfie before cycling class – So excited to rock out my playlist!

In addition to my fab new workout clothes, my playlist also pumped me up for an energetic class.  It’s crazy how much time I spend each week making up my playlist – like ~4 hours per class for realz.  A solid playlist is crucial for a good class.  That said, I figured some of you may be fitness instructors as well, so I’m making a personal commitment to start sharing my playlists as much as possible.  Here’s the 45-minute cycling playlist we “tapped back” to during my last cycling class…

After the ride, my class was super sweaty and had big smiles on their faces – 2 outcomes that always make me feel good as a fitness instructor.  They liked the mix of Top 40, Hip Hop and Old school on this playlist – yay!

What’s on your workout playlist?  I’m always looking for new songs.  PLEASE post a comment and let me know what you jam to.  Share the love 🙂  I’ll catch up with you later this afternoon.  Until then, HAPPY MONDAY!  xoxo, Brit

Posing after class at BEYOND Pedaling with this fabulous crew! I love their energy!
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Fitness Fashion Friday #12: New Workout Clothes from Warrior Elements

Image: Grinning from ear to ear at the site of new activewear! My favorite 😉

Happy Fitness Fashion Friday my friends!  Yay for the upcoming weekend.  I have been teaching a crazy schedule this week (5 spin classes in 2 days!) So I’m VERY ready to relax and unwind this weekend.  Before I head out, I want to share some photos and thoughts from a recent fitness + fashion event.

Last week I was super excited to receive an invitation to special clothing line debut from a local Dallas designer, Gail Warrior.  Gail is a high-profile, Dallas-based entrepreneur and founder of The Warrior Group, a commercial general contractor, and the Heart of a Warrior Charitable Foundation. She’s also a lifelong fitness and healthy cooking enthusiast, so creating the Warrior Elements clothing line was a natural fusion of her professional experience and her personal passions for health, fitness, fashion and motivating others.

The clothing line debut took place at Equinox Preston Hollow and was super swanky. Not only did I get to check out awesome new activewear from a local Dallas designer but I also enjoyed delicious treats and “mocktails” (i.e. healthy non-alcoholic cocktails) throughout the evening.

Enjoying yummy goodies at the Warrior Elements Debut!

As for the Warrior Elements clothing line, I liked the consistent theme of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water.  Each item in the collection is a associated and color-coordinated with one of the elements.  For instance, the blue workout clothes are a part of the Water collection.  Most importantly, I loved the positive vibe I got from Gail and her team.  There’s nothing more important than good energy – right?

Here are a few more photos from the evening.  If you’re looking for new activewear this holiday season be sure to check out Warrior Elements.  Let me know what you think!  Until then, I’ll catch up with you on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo, Brit

Checking out the Warrior Elements Women’s Activewear – lots of fun styles to choose from
Crystal Pollard (left) and Gail Warrior (right) posing for the camera. Crystal is a fellow group fitness instructor with me at 24 HR fitness – we go way back 😉
Models showing off the Warrior Elements Activewear
Ladies getting their shopping on - wonderful night of a food, fashion & fun!
Ladies getting their shopping on – wonderful night of a food, fashion & fun!
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5 FIERCE Thigh Workouts – Get Trim, Toned Thighs!

Hola friends!  How’s it going?  My Thursday is off to a good start.  I just finished teaching my back-to-back cycling classes at BEYOND Pedaling.  I have to teach one more class this evening, but until then I’m blogging and working at my fitness studio.

In honor of  “Throwback Thursday” I decided to share 5 of my favorite thigh workouts from the blog.  I designed these exercise routines over past 3 years and they each take a different approach to toning and strengthening the thighs.  Some use hand weights, some are body-weight only and others incorporate more endurance training.  Whatever your preference, I’ve got something for you.  But one thing is for sure, each workout is gritty and will give your thighs a good burn!

Each workout has instructions and photos to guide you through the moves.  If you have any questions, just post a comment below or shoot me an email to [email protected].

Enjoy!  xoxo, Brit

1. Thursday Thigh Burn Circuit

Body weight leg workout with endurance segments.  Feel the burn! (30 minutes)

2. 4 Effective Moves for Firm Thighs

Get ready to step and lunge your way to sexy sculpted thighs. (20 minutes)

3. 10 Minute Legs & Thighs Workout Video

Fun, efficient thigh workout that includes cardio intervals to get you sweating! (10 minutes)

4. Bye Bye Jiggly Thighs

Hardcore thigh workout with lots of reps to build strong, lean quads and hamstrings.  (30 minutes)

5. At Home Leg Tone: Get Killer Legs in Your Living Room

Home workout requiring no weights.  Fire up your legs without leaving your living room! (30-40 minutes)

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