HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS! I want to take a moment and send you all of my love and good vibes. I expect great things for you in 2015, but you must BELIEVE that good things are in store. It’s a matter of our mind-set 😉
Instead of focusing on “resolutions” for the New Year, I want to simply bask in gratitude for all of the amazing things that happened in 2014. I figure if I just focus on the positive, the good vibes will carry over into 2015. So here it goes, my Top 10 Most Amazing Moments of 2014…
1. Making Greatist Top Blogs of 2014 – Just before celebrating my 2 year blogiversary, I was so honored to make the Greatist list of best fitness and happiness blogs.

2. Undergoing a Successful Surgery & Maintaining a Healthy Body – After finding out that I had 13 uterine fibroids, I decided to have a laparoscoic myomectomy to have them all removed. The surgery was a successful and I feel amazing. God is good!
3. Watching my lil sis graduate from Texas Tech University & visiting my lil brother at University of Tampa – I had so many proud big sis moments this year. I’m so grateful that my siblings are doing well and enjoying life.
4. Awesome weekly turnouts at Piyo on the Wetdeck at W Dallas Hotel – OMG week after week we had over 75 members of the Dallas Community come out to my PiYo classes at the W Dallas Hotel. D Magazine wrote us a raving review which was also super cool!
5. Celebrating my 30th Birthday – My dirty 30 was amazing! In addition to throwing the party of my life, my best friends flew into Dallas from all over the country to the celebrate the weekend with me. It was a magical!
6. Traveling to California for IDEA World Fitness Convention & Blog Fest – This was a huge turning point in my blogging journey. I learned so many helpful tips and met so many members of the fitness blogging community. I’ve already paid my deposit to attend again next summer – hope to see you there!
7. Getting invited to join POPSUGAR Select + and SELF Magazine #SELFMade Collective – I feel so legit now! Be sure to check out some of my special features on popsugar.com and self.com
8. Teaching at BEYOND Pedaling – I finally made time to start teaching at my favorite cycling studio in Dallas. After putting it off for a year, the stars finally aligned and now I lead classes 2 days each week.
9. Transitioning from a corporate career to an entrepreneurial path – After 2 long years of prayer and indecision, I finally took the leap of faith out of corporate America and into the world of entrepreneurship. You can click here to read my special feature about this decision on SELF.com.
10. Opening my first fitness studio – DREAMS COMING TRUE – I’m SO excited to start 2015 by opening Dallas Grit Fitness. This will be the first of several fitness studios I open year (stay tuned!)
So here’s to 2014, an amazing year. But as I truly believe, THE BEST IS YET TO COME! xoxo, Brit
Happy New Year Brit, and a big Congratulations for the opening of your GRIT fitness studio!!! Glad to hear there’s more to come, let the power of GRIT be spread for the benefit of all!
Best to you and yours!
Thank You for sharing your story regarding your fibroid surgery. I am wrecking my brain trying to decide on the best option.
Betty Grant
[email protected]