I saw this quote on my coffee cup after my morning Starbucks run. (FYI – I’m a grande bold, black w/a little cinnamon). Obviously I like the word “courage” because it’s kinda synonymous with “grit.” When I Googled the definition of I got, “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” Courage is required to be vulnerable, say “no”, take risks and pursue our deepest dreams. I dig it.
However the Oprah quote on my coffee cup made me ask myself, “Am I really courageous?” Clearly I enjoy working hard and taking on challenges, but I’m realizing that true courage may actually require scaling back in some areas and focusing on the few things I really care about. Sometimes, I give myself a false-sense of being “courageous” when I’m actually just being “busy.” The reality is, it takes a TON of courage to acknowledge and pursue the life we really, really want. As you start your week, I encourage you to noodle on these questions. I am. xoxo, Brit
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I need to be courageous in trusting the process… in taking the next step when you can’t see the whole staircase.
Love this post. Thanks for sharing.