I recently started working with a client in Buffalo, NY, which means I’m back on the road and back to my trusty hotel gym workouts. Along with the usual cardio equipment, this hotel gym has some fun “fitness toys” like medicine balls, kettle bells and resistance bands. In the spirit of keeping things interesting, I decided to make up some new workouts that don’t use standard dumbbells.
First up is a resistance band workout that I did this morning. (Below, are some action shots of me – please don’t be cruel as I’m sans make-up and #nofilter.) The circuit needs to be completed 3 times for adequate resistance training. Keep in mind, that 2 resistance/weight training workouts per week are recommended to develop and maintain an adequate fitness level. Try it out and let me know how it goes – enjoy! Luv, Brit 😉
If you missed last week’s 4-week challenge kick off, make sure you check it out to see the full plan. Below is Jenny’s week 1 progress report. She’s doing a great job – KEEP IT UP JENNY!
Jenny on her way to the Pilates – already feeling more trim after only 1 week!
“Week One: DONE! It’s been great! I did all the workouts this week + added a few Pilates classes #motivationbaby! I have been pretty intense about my workouts, so I really needed my off day. My pants are definitely looser on me. I never usually weigh myself (I think inches are a better indication, rather than kilos), I did this week. According to my scale, I’m down 1.2 kilos (American translation: 2.6 pounds), which is pretty good! SO, I will try to really focus on the diet this week. I have been good about not eating after 9pm, but since I’m going to bed around 10/10:30pm every night (gotta get up early for those workouts!), I think I should try to not eat anything after 7:30/8pm. Brittani has also recommended that I trade my breakfasts of fruit to one of protein, and I have a feeling this will be my ‘game changer’ this week. Let’s see! I have 10 more days until I’m in sunny Malaga, Spain – so I’ve gotta really focus!”
– Jenny
Jenny during Pilates classJenny feeling good post-workout
Meet my friend Jenny. Like Jan from my previous challenge, Jenny is one of my best friends from college. Unlike Jan, Jenny and I bonded while working as TA’s for a brutal Labor Law professor, not over our love for football players. We would drag our butts to the gym after long study sessions and keep each other accountable for going hard!
Jenny now lives in Denmark working hectic hours in the Banking sector. However, the Danes focus much more on work-life balance so she DOES have adequate time to workout 🙂 Over the years, she has become very interested in nutrition and has tried almost every diet in the book (sometimes for a reason, sometimes out of curiosity, but usually because she likes the challenge – we clearly have the same neurotic tendencies). Still, she has had a very ad-hoc workout and diet schedule this past year and would like to re-focus.
Already having several fitness certifications and a long history of sports involvement, Jenny is looking to me for an effective push! Unfortunately, she’s also suffered from over training, which I had to keep in mind when making her plan. Her gluten allergy and lactose intolerance also had to be considered. In her own words, her goals are to:
“Get into those damn jeans – bought them last year when I was about 7 kilos lighter – they are too cute to just sit in my closet! Yes, “kilos” this is the EURO 4-week challenge”
“I have a long-weekend in Malaga with a friend coming up at the end of July – so I’d like to feel super sexy in my bikini!”
Below is her plan and of picture of her today on DAY 1 – we will get an update from her next week!
Wish her luck – GO JENNY!
Me and Jenny in 2006 – getting ready to graduate from college!
“I’m going to shoot a workout video on May 12, 2012”
– Brit on 1/24/12
Guess what? I did! In less than 5 months, with help of the most amazing friends and family, yesterday we shot GRIT Ultimate Body Burn Vol.1 – WOW! Let me preface this by saying that I have ZERO video or audio production experience, I’m not a full-time fitness professional (I’m a management consultant by day) and I’ve only been a group fitness instructor for 1 year. However, a simple statement that I made to a friend on Jan 24, 2012 became a reality due to enthusiasm and the amazing power of the tongue!
Now let me keep it real, there were SEVERAL bumps in the road: getting legal clearance for music was a nightmare, writing choreography took many sleepless nights and my credit card is suffering from underestimating the cost of video equipment rentals. However, I feel more alive and energized than I have in years because I did something that most, including myself, considered impossible – and it all starting with SPEAKING out my goal. Even though we still have a lot of post production work to do, this is one of most challenging and inspiring experiences of my life so I wanted to share it with you. Now, I challenge YOU to BELIEVE in whatever it is that you want to achieve. You ARE what you SAY you are. So, NAME it, CLAIM it, and DO it – GRIT!
“Death and Life are in the power of the tongue…” (Proverbs 18:21)
Me and my GRIT girlz chillin’ in between cutsThe amazing Phil Wall to the far right (www.philwallproductions.com) my buddy and partner in crime – the genius one man crew who made the shoot a success!Got free labor from my lil’ bro – he was our “audio technician”Standing AB work – yeah buddy!Celebrating (silly pose) after we finished the shoot!
Focus: Total body toning, core strength, calorie burn
Commentary: Using medicine balls are a FUN and EFFECTIVE way to change-up your home workout routines. I like them because I can always find a new way to workout with them. I highly suggest getting one of your own – you can buy them for pretty cheap ($10-40) depending on the weight.
INSTRUCTIONS: Do 4 rounds of the following circuit. Between each round, do a 1 min cardio interval (i.e. jumping jacks, squat jumps, high knees, ski jump side to side, etc.) You can do this workout at home or at the gym after or before your cardio training – ENJOY 🙂
Push ups (15 reps), with one hand on the medicine ball – 2 rounds w/ right hand, 2 round w/ left hand
Bicep curls (20 reps), holding the medicine ball with both hands
Triceps overhead extensions (20 reps), holding the medicine ball with both hands
Loop through lunges (20 reps), 10 on right leg and 10 on left leg; step one leg forward into a lunge position, pass the medicine ball under your front leg from one hand to the other, bring the ball back up over you head and pass to the other hand, repeat (see example at the bottom)
Wall sits (45 seconds), with lateral shoulder isolation, hold the medicine ball straight out in front of you with both handswhile holding a wall sit
Berry pickers (20R, 20L), holding themedicine ball with both hands – lie on your back, bend your knees, rise to a crunch position and twist left and right so that the ball touches the floor on each side
Plank on medicine ball(45 seconds) – 15 sec w/ ball under right hand, 15 sec with ball under left hand, 15 sec with ball under both hands
Superman extensions (20 reps), lie face down on your stomach, holding the medicine with both hands out in front of your forehead, raise the ball up about 4 in. from the floor, squeeze your back muscles, repeat.
You CAN have a sexy stomach in time for Summer by doing the “Six Pack by Summer” workout 3X per week along with regular cardio workouts!
Duration: 20 minutes
Calories burned: about 100
Focus: Strength and tone of Rectus Abdominis, Obliques
Commentary: Ladies and gents – summer is creeping up a little more every day. Go ahead and get a jump-start on tightening up your tummy. Below is workout I put together to overload your abdominal muscles, build core strength and flatten the belly. No equipment is required so you can do it effectively at home!
Facts: The Rectus Abdominis (front abs) tend to be one of our weaker, under-worked muscle groups so its critical to spend special time strengthening them specifically. Strong abs help balance weight throughout your core and prevent too much weight-bearing and stress on your lower back. A flat tummy is also just nice to look at 🙂
Instructions: Do the following set of exercises – just one time through. The entire workout should take about 20 minutes and your abs will be on FIRE! For best results, do the workout at least 3 times per week along with moderate/high intensity cardio workouts. Be sure to stretch (cobra position) afterwards and enjoy your six pack!