Duration: 1 hour (if done in a group fitness class)
Calories Burned: 400-600
Focus: Total body conditioning + intensity intervals + athletic drills
What is NTC?: A total body athletic circuit set to music. If you take NTC in a class, the instructors usually have pretty decent play lists going on in the background. OR you can download NTC to your SmartPhone and sync your customized workout to your own playlist – sweet! DOWNLOAD HERE NOW! The exercises and drills are very intense – Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Plank Rows, Split Jumps, Clap Pushups, Froggers, etc.
Commentary: I love this workout because it’s HARD and FUN. As you guys know by now, any workout that makes me feel like a “real athlete” is def “GRIT – worthy.” To be honest, some of the drills I’d never do on my own because, let’s face it, they BURN! But boy do they work! When I’m on the road for work, I the use NTC iPhone app for a sick workout right in my hotel room. It’s like having my own ePersonal Trainer. With NTC there are NO EXCUSES – you can get high quality, free, fun workouts anytime, any day. JUST DO IT!
The Facts: To truly change your body, you have to PUSH! NTC is great for this. Did you know that most young adults only begin receiving cardiovascular training and benefits after reaching 70% of our maximium heart rate? To find your max heart rate take 220 – age = Max Heart Rate. Now, multiply your max heart rate by 0.7 and that’s how many times your heart should beat in 1 minute during an effective workout!
Me and Alex (Co-founder of Sporty Afros) relaxing in the sauna after NTC on Friday, April 6, 2012