Image: Annabel, Kemi and I posing at the IDEA World Fitness Conference – GRIT Fitness Instructors represent!
Hola friends! I hope your week is going well. This week is a bit of a bear as I’m still getting back in the swing of things after being in Los Angeles for the IDEA World Blog Fest & Fitness Convention. This was my 2nd time attending as last year I went for the 1st time and had an absolute blast. Check out my blog post reflecting on my most memorable moments the 2014 IDEA World.
This year’s conference was equally energizing and inspiring and better yet, 2 of my best friends & fellow GRIT Fitness instructors (Annabel and Kemi) came with me! We enjoyed 3 days of workshops, workouts and fitness classes in LA. My adorable aunt (who’s 75 years old and super amazing looking – OMG see photo below) hosted us at her fab house. We had an awesome trip perfectly balanced with relaxation and invigoration. Here are a few pics…
Day 1- arriving at IDEA World Fitness Convention w/ Kemi (left) and Annabel (right)
After super sweaty Soul Cycle class in West Hollywood! We opted for a fierce workout instead of a fancy dinner on night one (wink wink)
I ran into some of my Dallas Fitness friends while in LA – say hey to the Lync Cycling gang!
And more Dallas Fit Friends – Mark Shipman from the Ride House & Shredded by Mark 🙂
I took a killer workout with Gabrielle Reece – HighX workout – check it out!
And obvi I made lots of new blogging buddies during Blog Fest!
I love attending these conferences because I pick up little nuggets wisdom from fellow fitness entrepreneurs. Here are the Top 5 takeaways that impacted me most…
Top 5 Inspirational Quotes for Business Owners
Nobody can be you like YOU can – Dare to be different from the masses.
Only iron can sharpen iron – Surround yourself with positive, smart highly motivated people.
Work ON your business and IN your business – Don’t get so caught up in your business operations that lost focus on strategic planning.
Anticipate and prepare for change – Change is inevitable so put lots of energy in continuous improvement and never get too comfortable in your current situation.
People are your greatest asset, treat them as such – The only thing that truly seperates good business from great business is passionate and loyal human capital.
Farewell photo with my new selfie-stick! Me, Kemi and my Aunt Nita who hosted us at her beautiful home in Baldwin Hills, CA!
I’m still riding high from attending my very 1st IDEA World Fitness Convention and Sweat Pink Blogfest. IDEA World is largest fitness conference in the world with people traveling from all over the globe to see exhibits of the latest fitness and nutrition developments, share expertise and listen to keynote speakers like Jillian Michaels, Tara Stiles, Cassey Hoe, Chalene Johnson, the list goes on and on… Simply put – it’s fitness heaven!
Fortunately, I made it back to Dallas in time to teach my beloved weekend Piyo and Turbo Kick classes before flying out again on Sunday night for my corporate career (double duty). As I reflect on my time at IDEA World, I want to share the most memorial moments that had the greatest impact on me. In order of occurrence, here they go…
Cool California Vibes
Just arriving to Anaheim,CA and soaking up the sun and cool California vibes!
I love me some “Cali Swag.” Every time I’m on the West Coast I feel young, cool, hip, relaxed and imaginative. Sure enough, when I arrived in Anaheim, CA last week all of those feelings rushed through my mind, body and soul. I woke up each day at IDEA World and basked in the beautiful California sunshine, cool breeze and anticipation of all of the fitness excitement that awaited me. From day 1 I felt welcome, wanted and wonderful. I love California.
Being Surrounded by Passionate People
Hanging out with other fitness bloggers, connecting with old friends and making new ones!
It was so great to run into old friends like my Harvard Business School classmate Minal Mehta, co-founder of BollyX Fitness and also make some new fitness blogger friends like Tiffany and Tasha. To be honest, I was kind of in groupie-mode the whole time because I finally got meet, in person, so many of the bloggers that I stalk on Instagram. “Classy” people say you should “act like you’ve been there before” but, hey, I haven’t been! No shame in my game 🙂
Being Inspired by Jillian Michaels (surprisingly)
In awe listening to Jillian Michaels give the most inspirational keynote address EVER!
Okay so, real talk: I have never been a Jillian Michaels fan. I appreciate hard work and brutal honesty, but I never really got on the Body Shred/Jillian/Biggest Loser bandwagon like most of America. Wow – meeting someone face-to-face can really show you how judgmental you are. That’s what happened to me. I actually teared up during Jillian’s keynote address. She’s so passionate and encouraging, not about weight loss, but about believing in yourself and having the courage and confidence to follow your dreams. I wrote down several things she said that had a big impact on me, but the one statement that stuck the most is the quote I put on the photo I took of Jillian (above) – “Work with passion is purpose. Work without passion is punishment.” The moral of the story is, “Do what you love and work your butt off at it!”
PiYO Workout with Chalene Johnson
Getting an afternoon PiYo sweat session and photo op with my #1 fitness inspiration – Chalene Johnson
Simply put, Chalene is my fitness inspiration. Actually it’s a tie between her andBilly Blanks (who was also at IDEA World). I was obsessed with Tae Bo when I was 15 years old, but Chalene is the person who impacted my new-found love for fitness instruction and blogging. 3 years ago I got my very first fitness instructor certification in Chalene’s format, Turbo Kick. Shortly after I started this GRIT by Brit blog. Since then, group fitness instruction and blogging have been my passions, my obsessions, the things that make me smile when everything else in my life is going wrong. So meeting Chalene in person was a very special moment for me – one that I will cherish forever, for the rest of my life.
Business and Blogging Tips from Cassey Hoe @Blogilates
I felt empowered and inspired by Cassey Hoe who encouraged us to never give up on our dreams!
I totally look up to Cassey Hoe as social media guru and fitness entrepreneur. Cassey writes one of the most well-known fitness and wellness blogs, Blogilates, and quickly grew in popularity because of her effective and fun Pilates videos on YouTube. Needless to say, I totally geeked out when I met her. Since started her blog she’s launched a clothing line, released several signature workout videos for her format, Pop Pilates, and done several top-tier brand partnerships. I learned some really valuable tips for GRIT by Brit, like how I need to start writing a regular newsletter….looks like have work to do this week (P.S. Check your inbox).
In case you can’t tell from my workout photos, I have a very serious headband obsession – I own over 50! My excuse is that I have a big forehead (aka 5 head) so I need the extra coverage – hehe. Any way, I’m always looking for new headbands that A) don’t slip B) are wide/thick C) have cool bright patterns. Ladies and Gentlemen I have found what I’m looking for! I love love love these headbands from Living One Love. I just bought 3 for now, but there will be more…trust.
Winning a Lorna Jane Gift Card (yippee!)
Flipping through the Lorna Jane activewear catalog to pick out me free pieces!
I was already familiar with Lorna Jane active wear becaue my cycling studion in Dallas, Beyond Pedaling, carries their line. Also, they just opened a store in North Park mall. However, I don’t own any of their stuff. After seeing the Lorna Jane exhibit at IDEA World and realizing that their stuff is really freaking cute (i.e. super bright colors and inspirational saying like “run girl run”) I can already tell that I’m gonna be a Lona Jane addict. Yay for winning Blogfest raffle for a Lorna Jane gift card! But I already feel sorry for my bank account when the gift card runs out, eek!
So Much Free Swag
IDEA World free swag
Let’s do the list: A cross-body Zumba bag, Zen Planner water bottle, exercise-pilates ring and DVD, tons of healthy snacks, headbands, Sweat Pink shoelaces, sunglasses, ahh the list goes on and on! Not much to say here – the swag speaks for itself.
Leaving Inspired to Take Risks and Pursue My Dreams!
As I mentioned last week, I’ve had a pressing desire to open my own chain of fitness studios. I want to create a place that manifests the core values of Grit by Brit . Starting a business is risky and stressful, but it’s also so rewarding! After my time at IDEA World, I’m convinced that being a fitness instructor is my calling. There is nothing I’m better at and enjoying doing more than using fitness to encourage people to live their best lives. Most importantly, I want to do it in away that’s fun and positive! That said, I’m riding this IDEA World inspirational high to get cracking on my new fitness studio concept. Lots of work ahead, but I’m a gritty chick and up for the challenge! What do you love to do? What’s your dream?
“You are worthy of happiness and you deserve to sing everyday.”