TRAIN Like an Olympian to LOOK Like an Olympian

  • Workout: Olympic Athlete Personal Challenge by Brit
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes
  • Calories Burned: 400-600
  • Brit’s Commentary: I was feeling so inspired by the Olympics this week that I designed a workout to challenge my own “Olympic worthiness.”  I’m no where near an “Olympic athlete” but sometimes it’s good to feel my own SPEED, ENDURANCE, STRENGTH and GRIT!  This workout was a nice change up to my usual routine and kept me in the Olympic spirit.  It also allowed me to capitalize on all of the positive energy that the Olympics brings every 4 years!  That said, try the challenge for yourself and go for the GOLD 🙂

*Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes before you start the sprints and stretch for 5-15 minutes after you complete the workout.  

Example: Inch Worm Exercise

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Bye Bye Jiggly Thighs!

Let me get something straight, BIG thighs do NOT = FAT thighs.  You CAN have very sexy BIG thighs as long as they are firm and toned. I hate hearing girls complain to me about their big thighs, which I think look great!  Our thigh muscles give us strength, power, explosive movement and stability so let’s appreciate them and treat them well.  I challenge you to be happy with what you’ve got and do my Extreme Thigh Burn workout (below)  to make your thighs the strongest, firmest and sexiest they can be!

Showin’ off my big, toned, thighs on a night out 🙂

  • Workout: Extreme Thigh Burn
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Calories Burned: ~300
  • Focus: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes, Abductors, Adductors, Overall endurance
  • Instructions: For best results, do this workout at least 2x per week for 4 weeks.  Make sure to do each exercise continuously without rest.  Challenge yourself to get the full workout done in 30 minutes or less! (click on the workout image below to maximize or print and save)

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Breakfast like a KING, lunch like a PRINCE, dinner like a BEGGAR

Studies show, it’s not just HOW MUCH you eat but WHEN you eat that affects weight gain. Long story short, here’s why you should eat your BIG meals EARLY and skip late night snacking…

  • People who eat after 8pm have higher Body Mass Indexes (BMI) than those who don’t
  • Calories consumed at night are not processed as efficiently as those during the day
  • Sleep disruption is likely if your stomach is working hard to process food
  • You are likely to eat larger portions later in the day than earlier (Weil Cornell Medical Research)
  • At night, you are most likely eating out of boredom, NOT because you are genuinely hungry

Yesterday, I took my own advice. Here are pics of my meals and snacks throughout the day. Take a week and try it for yourself – you may be surprised by your results!

7:00AM Breakfast

Egg white omelet filled with veggies (no cheese), salsa, fruit topped w/yogurt and granola, oatmeal topped with nuts/raisins/brown sugar, 1 cup coffee

9:30AM Snack

1 medium orange

12:30PM Lunch

Large spinach salad with feta cheese, almonds, raisins, tomato, olive oil/vinegar

3:00PM Snack

1 medium apple

5:30PM Dinner

Small veggie plate w/humus and pita chips

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