Hello friends! As usual, I hope this post finds you joyous and well! I’m gearing up for a wonderful week ahead… writing out my “To Do” list, making playlists for my classes and drafting our weekly newsletter. Lately I’ve incorporated several parter exercises into my classes at GRIT Fitness, and I’ve been amazed by the positive response! My classes love the personal interaction and the energy is through the roof. This gave me the idea to create a “Buddy Boot Camp” partner workout that my clients (and you) can do on your own. See below!

No equipment is required to complete the workout, all you need is a friend! Here’s a brief explanation of the 5 exercises in the circuit:
- Plank Hold w/ alt. High Fives (Core + Upper Body) – Hold a straight arm plank position facing your partner. While keeping your core tight and hips square to the ground, give each other a “high 5” with alternating hands.
- Squat Jump w/ Turn (Cardio + Legs) – Facing your partner, squat low and when you jump up, turn and face away from him/her. Then squat jump and turn and face your partner again. Keep repeating continuously for 1 min.
- Iso Squat Hold & Hi Knee Run In Place (Cardio + Legs) – One person holds a deep iso squat with both arms extended out in from of them, parallel to the floor. During this time, the other partner does a hi knee run in place and tries make his/her knees to touch their parter’s hands. Switch positions at the half way point (30 seconds in)
- Plank & Agility Footwork (Cardio) – One parter holds a forearm plank (hover position) while the other partner has to hop over his/her legs. Switch positions at the half way point (30 seconds in).
- Straight Leg Throw Downs (Core) – One partner lies down on her back with legs straight and holds onto the ankles/calves of her partner who is standing up behind her shoulders. The lying down partner raises both legs up off the ground so that the standing partner can catch them and try to throw them down. The challenge is for the lying down partner to not let her legs touch the floor while the stand partner throws them down.
After this workout, you and your friend should be covered in SWEAT & SMILES! I’m big believer that workouts are more fun and effective with done with a partner – two are better than one 🙂

Last but not least, if you live in Dallas and want to join a super fun, FREE Buddy Boot Camp, Maria and I are hosting a free class at the Westin Galleria Dallas on Sunday, September 13th. RSVP NOW to join the fun! Wishing you a wonderful week. xoxo, Brit