What a day – phew! To give you some insight, my Wednesday/Thursday adventures started off with a 5:30am hotel gym workout in Chicago (I’m currently working on an client project there) followed by a full day of client meetings and managing my consulting project team. Finally, around 6pm I headed to Chicago O’hare airport to catch a flight to LAX – officially on my way to Blogfest in Anaheim, CA for the next 2 days!
Fortunately, I got to the airport a little ahead of schedule, so I chilled out in the American Airlines Admirals club, caught up on email and started winding down with a nice class of Malbec – oh hey 🙂
The “type A” neurotic side of me wrote out my plan of attack of the next 2 days at IDEA Blogfest. As you can see, I have a full agenda ahead of me – lots of cool blogging tips, fitness expertise and business advice to soak up! While I’m taking the time off my full-time job, I still have responsibilities to manage, so I’ll sneak in a couple conference calls throughout the day – double duty! No rest for the weary…
I have been looking forward to this event all week. I totally intend to geek out and take selfie with Chalene Johnson, my #1 fitness icon. As a PiYo & TurboKick instructor, it’s going to be so amazing to meet the person who created my 2 favorite fitness formats!
To make sure I’m 100% ready to go in the morning, I went ahead and laid out my outfit. I’ll be rocking’ my GRIT by Brit gear from head to toe. Gotta represent! P.S. isn’t this neon scarf super cute? I think it looks really good with my signature crop top tank.

Alright, I’m off to bed. I can’t wait to meet all of the other bloggers tomorrow! If you are in Anaheim, please let me know so we can meet face to face! Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @GRITbyBrit throughout the weekend – I’ll be posting lots of photos and updates. Nite nite! xoxo, Brit