Hey gang! Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend full of relaxation and sweaty workouts. I am! Today I went to Turbo Kick class (my fav) for 1 hour of high intensity cardio exercise. I usually stay for the Body Pump class for strength training after my cardio workout. Today I was running low on time, so I got to the gym early and did this super efficient 15 minute Fat Burning Barbell workout instead. This workout is considered “fat burning” because it’s designed to efficiently fatigue the some of largest muscle groups – glutes (booty), quads, hamstrings (legs), lats (back) and delts (shoulders). It’s great to add to the end or beginning of your cardio workout.

When weight training, most of us ladies immediately crank out crunches or grab light dumbbells and do arm exercises. This is great for toning, but if you want to transform your body into a fat burning machine you must fatigue your large muscles. The large muscles exert the greatest amount of energy and burn a ton of calories in the process. Better yet, post-workout they continue to burn calories to repair muscles, thus increasing your metabolism! FYI – metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories.
So without further or do, here’s the workout – I encourage you to try it. I also included some instructional photos from this morning 🙂
Enjoy transforming your body into a sexy, strong fat blasting machine! xoxo, Brit