Image: Me and my Dream Team at the grand opening of Dallas GRIT Fitness – so blessed to have the most energetic, talented and dedicated team of instructors and friends! View More:
Hello hello my dearest blog community! I hope this post finds you joyous and well. Wow – what a week. My new venture, GRIT Fitness, is growing like crazy. We’ve had record attendance over the past 2 weeks and I couldn’t be more grateful for the early success. In the midst of writing newsletters, planning special events, networking with brand partners, creating playlists, cleaning and developing instructors, I’m trying to take a few moments each day to sit still and savor the moment. Of course I want to grow GRIT Fitness to be the world’s leading fitness/wellness brand BUT sometimes I get so focused on “what’s next” that I forget that I’m actually living my dream TODAY! This time last year, I hoped and prayed for an opportunity to quit my consulting career and wear workout clothes every day. A chance to wake up each morning with a direct opportunity help people reach their fitness goals and simply be a source a positive energy to everyone I encounter. Now I get to do just that. So amazing. For me, learning to savor the moment is easier said than done, but little by little I’m getting better at it and I can see an improvement in overall wellbeing, mood and happiness.
For instance, this morning as I sit at my kitchen table writing this blog post and checking things off of my “to do” list, I try to be really mindful of how yummy my greek yogurt parfait tastes. Usually I just scarf it down while typing an email, but today I paused after I took a bite and thought to myself, “damn, this is pretty tasty.” Sounds so simple, but it really put a smile on my face.

Yesterday, I enjoyed tea time at Sip Stir Cafe with my good friend Megan, founder of the The Lyon’s Share Wellness. We try to get together once a month to share stories and encourage each other. Like me, Megan also quit her consulting career to start her own business. She’s a certified nutrition and running coach whom I very much admire. After our chat, I hung around the cafe and caught up on work and during that time I took a moment simply express gratitude for positive, healthy friendships. I often take those for granted, but boy does being around positive people nourish my soul! So good 🙂

I’m going to continue to mindfully pause throughout my day and savor the good that’s in the present moment. Hopefully it will become a healthy habit!
Alright gang, I’m off to teach my noon spin class for the awesome employees at Fossil corporate HQ. I’ll savor that sweaty ride and endorphin pumpin’ playlist 🙂
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Congratulations! It is wonderful that you have been blessed to pursue your dream! And Yes, absolutely savor it, time goes by so fast. God Bless!
thanks Mia – much appreciated – keep in touch!
I am SO impressed by you, Brit – congratulations on your huge accomplishment!
Thanks Laura! HUGE congrats on your new house! Amazing – I gotta visit soon AND you’ve gotta make a Dallas trip soon!
While it’s so important to never put off your long-term goals, you’re right, it is also super important to live in the moment you’re in. You’ve worked really hard for those moments and it’s time to bask in the rewards you’re experiencing from it now, not just for you but for every other person you touch through your words, your motivating spirit and the will to keep on going every single day.
Seriously huge congrats on the big turnout, you deserve it girl. That’s some hard work you put forward for all of us. I just wish I lived closer, would love to give ya a high five of note.
You ladies are both awesome and have so much to be proud of!