Over the past few weeks, I’ve been tracking my food intake on My Fitness Pal (because it syncs with my Jawbone) and I’ve noticed how many nutrition and protein bars I eat in a typical week. Contrary to popular belief, all nutrition bars are not made equally. Unfortunately, many of the super nutritious ones taste like poo (real talk). And others that taste great aren’t nutritious at all – they are loaded with sugar and calories. This gave me the idea to do some independent research on the most common nutrition bars that I consume. I evaluated each bar by my personal 5 critical criteria (listed below) and then added in my own personal preference for the official GRIT by Brit Nutrition Ranking.
Brit’s Nutrition Bar Criteria:
High Protein
Low sugar
Great taste (according to me)
High Fiber
Low Calorie
I know some people may care about other things like organic ingredients, other vitamins and minerals etc., but I just chose to focus on these 5 nutrition elements because they are most critical for weight management. Any who, I put the bars to the test and here are the results! I hope you find this information helpful.
Ranking #1 on my List is the Kashi Go-Lean Crips Chocolate Pretzel Bar. Not only am I obsessed with the taste, but these bars are full of fiber and protein and only have 160 calories (which equals 16 minutes on the elliptical) YIPPEE!
Ranking LAST on my list is the Amazing Grass: Super food Chocolate Whole Foods Energy Bar. I mean…how is this even considered “healthy”? It’s loaded with sugar and hardly provides and protein and fiber. I find this to be true with a lot of “energy” bars. Be careful my friends. Organic and Super Food labels don’t always mean healthy…
What are your favorite nutrition bars? Any favorites? Any you hate?
After seeing all of my friends with their fancy “wrist wellness” devices, I decided to jump on the band wagon a purchase one for myself. In case you’re unsure of what I’m talking about, several devices have recently taken over the health/wellness scene for young professionals and hipsters. The Nike Fuel Band, FitBit and of UP by Jawbone are just a few of the most popular. They range in price from $75 – $130 (the Jawbone is $129). Essentially, the devices are worn around the wrist and track daily activity. They sync with a mobile device and have apps that can be downloaded for free to store all of your personal data and activity trends, lifestyle patterns, etc. But what we consumers really want to know is, “Are these devices effective? Does simply having data bout our lifestyle actually promote healthy habits?”
Well, I’ve taken the personal challenge and bought myself an UP by Jawbone. My hope was that having knowledge about my sleep patterns, daily activity and calorie intake/burn would naturally encourage me make healthier decisions. In some cases this has been true and in others it hasn’t. But before I go there, let me tell you a little about the device itself.
I’ve been using the Jawbone UP for about a 2 weeks and overall I really like it! First I’ve been satisfied with the product quality. I bought mine at the Apple store and the customer service/return policy is great. So far it works perfectly. The battery life is really long (like 10 days) before I have to charge it. I also think it has a cool/chic design and, honestly, I hope that people see it around my wrist because it signals that I’m “health conscious.” 🙂
Here’s a quick list of my likes and dislikes of this specific product…
It vibrates will I’ve been sitting for too long (kind of scared me the first time and literally made me jump out of my seat)
It has an alarm clock vibration to wake me up in the morning, only when I’m in a “light sleep cycle”
It tracks my sleep cycles (see the chart that get populated in the app – right) ! I didn’t think this would be that big of a deal but I’m more conscious about what I do during the day and what time I go to bed to ensure I get quality sleep
It syncs directly with “My Fitness Pal” app so I like to log my food and exercise there
It doesn’t track any activity other than my “steps” or so if I’m are doing yoga or riding a stationary bike I don’t get any “points.” At firs this annoyed me, but this makes me actually make me more conscious about remaining active throughout the day. For instance, I get up from my desk during the day and just walk around which is really important, even for those of us who exercise daily. Remember what we learned from our registered dietitian? “Sitting pretty” is unhealthy!
I haven’t found the perfect fit. The small was too tight and the medium is too loose.
I don’t like that I have to actually plug it into my iPhone for my app to update, I wish is had Bluetooth so it will update in real-time
The design is really cool/chic, but sometimes the devices get hooked onto my sleeve because it doesn’t close all the way around (see pics below)
Overall, I think the Jawbone has a leg up over the Nike Fuel Band and the Fit Bit because it has the sleep tracking capability. I didn’t realize just how much my lack of “deep Sleep” was impacting my liveliness and personal vitality.
Has Jawbone Changed My Life?
I would say, definitely YES! First, I’m now knowledgeable of the specific daily habits that prevent me from getting deep sleep. For me it’s drinking wine before I got to bed, going to bed late (after 11pm) or eating dinner too late (after 8pm). If I avoid these things, I’ve found that I get much longer “deep sleep” cycles. Also, I’m more active throughout the day in addition to my morning gym workouts. For instance, I try to take the stairs instead of the elevator, I walk the long way back to my desk during coffee breaks and I park as far away from my building as possible. These small changes usually ensure that I meet my daily step goal of 10,000 steps. In terms of body weight, I haven’t really noticed a significant difference. But this is probably because I haven’t been tracking my calories very diligently. If I got more disciplined with that, I assume the Jawbone would also be really effective for weight management. All in all, at the end of the day, I give the Jawbone a big GRIT by Brit 2 thumbs up!
Do you guys have a Jawbone? Or a Nike Fuel Band? Or Fit Bit? Are they effective for you? Let us know!
Hey gang. I hope your week is off to an excellent start. Blake, my fit friend from binanutshell.com has officially completed Week 2 of my September Shape up plan. Are you trying the plan for yourself? Do it!
If you were around last week, you’ll remember that Blake got off to an amazing start losing over 2 pounds in Week 1 – woo hoo! During Week 2, however, she’s experienced some setbacks. BUT we are all about showing our GRIT – passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Even though Blake had a “less than stellar” Week 2, we KNOW that she will keep on truckin’ and be successful in the end! Here’s her update. Wish her luck, strong to the finish! 🙂
Blake’s Week 2 in Review
Overall, I am saddened by my progress in week 2. I was really excited to keep up with Brit’s Shape Up September, but I wasn’t able to due to health reasons. I am just going to be upfront and say that even knowing that there are 2 weeks left in the month, week 2 was definitely the most difficult. Early in the week, I was plagued with a summer cold that left me lethargic, sneezy and coughing – which of course resulted in my not working out.
Also, I have an inordinate amount going on in my personal life – some really great things that I am not quite yet ready to share on the blog, but stay tuned for a personal life update soon!
Here is how last week panned out:
I managed to get two nights with smoothies in, one night without dinner at all, one business dinner, and two dinners out with friends. Unfortunately, most of those events were planned way before Shape Up September, so I worked around the dinners out by eating really healthy breakfasts and having a smoothie for lunch! Smoothies for the win!
Monday: Brit’s GRIT Ultimate Body Burn workout video – seriously folks, if you don’t own this video, you should. Buy it on Amazon!
Tuesday: Brit’s 10 minute HIIT circuit – I had a super late meeting and didn’t get home until almost 10 and was starting not to feel well
Wednesday: Skinnygirl Yoga at home (note to self: downward dog does not feel good with congestion)
Thursday – Sunday: Sick, sick, sick
Still focusing on having a full glass of water on my desk at all times. Hooray for this. Also, I think the water was really helpful from keeping me on the healthier side of sick… since the hubs was knocked out for twice as long as I was.
Week 3 Focus
This week’s focus is definitely going to be CARDIO! I am excited to get back to working out now that I don’t feel like walking up the three flights of stairs to my bedroom is going to make me winded.
Here’s a quick cardio workout I recommend for Blake in case she is pressed for time time next week – cardio is KING (wink,wink) xoxo, Brit
I hope your answer to this question is, “AWESOME!” While that may be true in the short-term, the day after a tough workout can often be pretty painful – muscle soreness anyone? Sore, achy muscles are a natural part of getting stronger, leaner and fitter. When we life heavy weights or take on a new workout regimen, we get micro tears in our muscles. Now don’t worry, these tears are actually beneficial because they force our muscles to rebuild, which burns a lot of calories and increases lean muscles mass. On the downside, we also feel the aches and pains – not so fun.
The good news is that you can effectively prevent and manage muscles soreness so that you don’t find yourself on the sidelines. Here are some of my “tried and true” tips for keeping the pain at bay:
Keep Moving – Contrary to popular belief, the worse thing you can do is be still. When we stop moving altogether, our muscles build up lactic acid and get stiff. Even though you may feel sore after a booty-kickin’ workout, try to do some light cardio the next day to keep blood flowing and prevent stiffness.
Eat Bananas – Bananas are full of potassium which prevents muscle soreness and cramping. Eating 1 banana post-workout will help prevent aches and pains.
Stretch – When muscles are repairing, they contract. Make sure to stretch and lengthen your muscles often. Fitness experts recommend at least 2 days per week of stretching. Remember to do dynamic stretching (stretching while moving/light stretching) before your workouts and static stretching (stretching while being still/deep stretching) ONLY after your workout. You should NEVER do static/deep stretching before a workout because your muscles are not warmed up and you’re likely over-strain your tendons or pull a muscle.
Stay Hydrated – Sufficient hydration is the magic answer to almost all body issues. Your body needs a lot of water to refuel after a tough workout so make sure your are giving it an adequate supply. Muscle pain is often a result of dehydration.
Ice & Ibuprofen – As a former college basketball player, Ice & Ibuprofen was my ultimate remedy after tough games. If you experience inflammation after working out, place an ice pack the swollen area and take some Ibuprofen. Remember, swelling is often a sign of overexertion or injury, so you may want to take it easier next time or consult with your physician if you experience continuous swelling.
Hope this tips are helpful. Now go get your workout on! Lots of Luv, Brit
So if you’re like me, you LOVE to workout but you also LOVE to eat. I have to admit, I’m a fat kid at heart. Luckily I’ve learned to love healthy food and control my portions (for the most part). However, there are times that I get a little side tracked and don’t monitor my calorie intake the way I should. All of sudden I begin to notice that my favorite skinny jeans are barely zipping up and that’s my reality check that I need to refocus. I put this 2 week plan together about a year ago – it’s an oldie but a goodie. It helps me when I need to regroup my wellness regimen and drop a few pounds. I love that every “rule” is a healthy action that actually does my body good! Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes! You can definitely expect to shed some weight, of course results will vary based on your body composition and your overall calorie intake. Good luck – lots of luv, Brit
For the next 14 days, do the following 5 things each day…
Happy Monday gang! I’m just returning from a wonderful weekend in wine country – Sonoma County, CA. I headed out West to celebrate my bestie’s 30th birthday. I’m so grateful for good friends. I’m also proud to say that despite our busy agenda, I got a solid workout in on Saturday morning = 30 minutes of hills sprints. My thighs are still on fire!
Here are some pics from the weekend for you to peruse. Now that the wining and dining #caliswag style is over, it’s back to work and back to my workouts! Stay tuned for some new routines this week – lots of good stuff in store for you. Love you lots, Brit
Chillin’s pool side at Francis Ford Coppola Winery
A little wine country scenery – I love Sunflowers
My friend Jan (directly behind me) and the rest of b-day celebration crew
Crossing the Golden Gate bridge on my way back to the San Fran airport
Posing with a BIG smile and LOVING heart for all of the GRIT gurls & guys
Since I travel for work every week, I often need a nutritious filling meal on the go. Lately, I’ve gotten really into smoothies (as you know from all of my Dr. OZ Drink Cleanses). I like smoothies because they’re an easy way work in my daily serving of fruit & veggies as well as other vitamins and protein. BUT, I have to be careful to choose the RIGHT smoothies. By “right” I mean smoothies with low to moderate sugar and lots of protein. While smoothies are tasty, they can be loaded with sugar which packs on the pounds and makes us hungry. Keep in mind that smoothies are good forms of “meal replacements” not “appetizers.” Often, I unintentionally consume too many calories in 1 day because I’ll have a smoothie PLUS my meals – not a good look. If you are trying to drop a few pounds, be sure to drink a smoothie INSTEAD of eating a meal. Keep this in mind as you enjoy these 5 Super Smoothie recipes! Lots of luv, Brit 🙂
Brit’s Berry Blast Smoothie
3/4 Grapefruit Juice
1/3 Cup of egg whites
1 Cup frozen or fresh mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries)
Carob Nut Banana Smoothie
1 banana (small) cut into pieces
1/4 cup skim milk
1 tablespoon dried carob powder*
2 tablespoons reduced fat peanut butter
1/2 Cup of ice
Apple Cinnamon Soy Smoothie
1/3 Cup egg whites
1 Sweet, crisp apple (medium size) peeled, chopped red apple (about 1 1/4 cups)
This recipe is great because you can alter it to fit your own preference and change it up as much as you’d like! (My favorite is vanilla protein powder with strawberries and banana!)
1 serving of whey protein powder (any flavor you like)
Guest Post by Lindsay Krasna, GRIT by Brit Registered Dietitian
A client of mine that’s been struggling with her weight recently asked me how she can achieve a healthy body and optimize my health without “dieting” or “restricting.” She has been trying to understand the difference between these concepts for much of her life, and I believe she’s not alone in her confusion! In my work as a nutrition counselor, I come across this all this all the time. Our society’s diet-obsessed culture and conflicting media messages about nutrition make the answer to this question very unclear. Eggs are good for you one day, and bad the next. Low-fat is definitely the way to go one day, no wait, low-calorie, or low-carb the next. Don’t eat above your daily Weight Watchers points allotment, or else you’ll gain weight. Gosh, how discouraging this can be!
So really, how does one find a sustainable approach to eating well and maintaining a healthy body, without going crazy and depriving one’s self of their nutrient needs? How can one healthfully set boundaries around their intake of less nutrient dense foods while honoring their tastes and body’s nutritional requirements?
I believe the answer comes down to blending our natural, intuitive cues with our cerebral knowledge about nutrition.
Here are a few definitions to make these concepts more clear:
Dieting: consistently following a set of (oftentimes unscientifically based) rigid food rules or guidelines while ignoring your body’s intuitive cues and/or food preferences.
Overindulging: consistentlyeating beyond your body’s fullness cues for non-physical reasons, and/or consistently choosing foods that contribute limited nutrition value.
Healthy eating: consistently blending basic nutrition principles (cerebral knowledge) with your body’s intuitive hunger-fullness cues and taste preferences (internal knowledge).
Notice I use the term *consistently* in all 3 definitions. This is because it is totally normal and natural to under- or over-eat from time to time! Intake can vary in quality and quantity in the face of strong emotions, unplanned events, lack of time, special occasions, etc. As long as it’s not a regular reoccurrence. It’s also important not to overlook the fact that there are all kinds of environmental factors out there that can detract from the reliability of our internal cues, and interfere with our ability to eat mindfully and trust our bodies’ natural intuitive cues. Some examples include expanding portion sizes at restaurants, artificial sweeteners and food additives, eating on the go, technology distractions, and social pressures — to name a few). BUT, if you can learn to become more aware of these influences, you will have the power to offset them, and get back to listening to our body’s natural cues. A good nutritionist can help you work towards this.
Sounds simple, I know. And it really is. Not saying it’s easy though. It comes down to practice and trust. Trusting your body’s own internal regulation system is the key to good health. It IS possible to pay mind to good nutrition principles, while still honoring your body. I’ve seen it happen, and experienced it for myself. When you can start connecting your head with your stomach…. This is where the magic of real nutrition happens!
*Disclaimer: this message is targeted for a generally healthy individual. If you have a specific condition such as diabetes, kidney disease, a GI disease, etc., you will certainly need to follow more specified dietary rules to optimize your health.
Hey gang! So a few days ago I completed the Dr. Oz & Joe Cross 3-Day Weekend Juice Cleanse. This is the second cleanse I’ve tried this year, and overall, I had pretty positive experience. I only lost 1 pound, but I do feel cleanand lean. Here are my confessions…
For starters, this cleanse was A LOT harder than the than the Dr. Oz DRINK cleanse. During the day, I was quite hungry which kind of sucked. As I mentioned in a previous post, juice has hardly any fiber and lots of sugar which triggers hunger. Controlling my hunger during the day was really hard on the first day but got better on the 2nd day. On a positive note, it made me drink more water and realize that I don’t really need that much food to get through the day. It’s crazy how often I eat just because I’m bored, not because I’m really hungry.
On that note, the cleanse allowed for 1 solid food meal for dinner every day. The meal could only consist of fruits and veggies. Unfortunately, I tended to go to overboard on this meal (yikes). I think it was because I was hungry and eagerly anticipating real food. Needless to say, my portions got a little out of control. I probably would have had better results with the cleanse if I ate a smaller dinner and didn’t stretch out my tummy so much.
Since I was traveling for work and had to buy my juices, I had to be very conscious of choosing “good juices.” Just because a juice is “all natural” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. Also, veggie juice is MUCH healthier than fruit juice – it has more fiber and protein and less sugar. If you are interested in doing this juice cleanse, but don’t have the time to go shopping all the time, then it might be a good idea for you to check out something like this Cashcoup site. However, just make sure to double check that the juice will be okay for you and your cleanse. I had to make sure my juice purchases met my 3 criteria:
All natural
No added sugar
Fresh pressed/squeezed (not from concentrate)
Believe it or not, it’s REALLY hard to buy juice off-the-shelf meets this criteria. BUT, I did find one that passed the test and also tastes great. It’s “Sweet Greens” by Evolution fresh – I highly recommend it!
All in all, the juice cleanse was an interesting experience. Will I do it again? Probably not. But I may start substituting fresh pressed juice for a meal every now and then, as it can be a good way to slim down quickly for a big event or something. Have you a done a juice cleanse before? What was it like for you? Please do share your words of wisdom 🙂
Hope you have a great week ahead. Love you tons! xoxo, Brit
Jenny is my college roommate and “Fit Sista.” For more nutrition tips, follow her blog http://cookiesmakeyoufat.blogspot.com/. Enjoy this nutritional nugget of wisdom! xoxo, Brit
Alicia and Jenny (right)
I’m very close to my little cousin, Alicia – not only is she incredibly smart – as in, Harvard Law smart – and pretty – as in, Halle Berry pretty – but we have a great deal in common, including a keen focus on healthy lifestyles. While I’m the protein powder/weight-lifting/kick-my-own-booty-in-spinning brand of healthy, Alicia is the vegetarian/Pilates/outdoor-run kind of healthy – which is fun, because we can get a different perspective on health and fitness from each other. However, the whole vegetarian thing has always made me a bit skeptical – so the other evening on Skype, I asked Alicia how she manages to get enough protein in her diet. Aside from beans (which she loves, and I hate), she told me about chia seeds – which she described as a superfood and her new go-to source for protein. Wait, a superfood that I’ve never heard of? Impossible! So immediately I did some research, and happily discovered my new favorite superfood.
So what are chia seeds? Chia seeds are born from a plant in the mint family that is native to the Aztecs and Mayans in Mexico and Guatemala. Among other things, the Aztecs were quite accomplished herbalists, and according to ancient folklore, it was chia seeds that provided strength and courage to warriors and athletes, who were said to have survived on the seeds alone for weeks at a time. It wasn’t until Wayne Coates, a marathon-runner and professor of agricultural engineering at the University of Arizona, investigated these seeds in 1991, that the rest of the modern world started becoming aware of a potential new superfood. Coates told The Huffington Post: “Chia is the highest plant source of Omega-3s. It has tons of fiber, and even a lot of antioxidants and minerals. It’s 20 percent protein — which is, compared to wheat, or even soy, incredibly high.”
So what is it that makes these little seeds a superfood?
Turns out chia is not just a plastic pet covered in grass-like fur!
Chia seeds are high in protein, calcium, and iron
As Coates said, chia seeds are also contain Omega-3 fatty acids and potassium, as well as other disease-fighting antioxidants
Chia seeds are high in fiber – making your digestive system quite happy, and leaving you feeling full and satisfied for many hours.
Chia seeds are gluten free! This is great for people like myself, who are allergic to gluten!
Additionally, one of my favorite properties of chia seeds are that they help the body retain fluids and electrolytes – meaning my body stays hydrated – as well as helping build muscle and tissue, making it popular for athletes and strength trainers. For best results, get chia in the ground form for easier and faster absorption!
So after reading all of that, you’re probably thinking what I was: “What’s the catch? They probably taste horrible or are packed with calories.” To my (pleasant) surprise – one tablespoon of chia seeds is a mere 65 calories – plus, they don’t taste like much at all, making them easy to incorporate into your daily meals. However, these little guys get stuck in your teeth, so keep the dental floss handy.
Currently, my favorite way to ingest these little super seeds is in my morning breakfast shake. With little time for a properly cooked breakfast, I’m often blending up a quick shake before/after my morning workout. If I have the time, I’ll soak one tablespoon of chia seeds in water* for 10-15 minutes – they begin to open and become gel-like, making my smoothie thicker without changing the taste at all. (*One can soak chia seeds in any kind of liquid – including any kind of milk, which will have the same effect).
I was shocked to find the incredible versatility of the chia seeds – there are many uses, including:
1) Use chia as an egg substitute
1 tablespoon of finely ground chia seeds + 3 tablespoons of water = 1 egg in a baking recipe (not, for example, in an omelet :)).
Chia Pudding
2) Make a healthy pudding for dessert
2 cups of coconut milk
1/2 cup chia seeds
2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder (optional)
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 tablespoon of sweetener (optional) – I would use honey!
Put everything in the blender and blend until smooth. Put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and it will thicken nicely! As you’ve probably realized by now, the different flavor combinations are endless!
3) Thicken salad dressings and soups
Just by adding a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds (finely ground or not), will cause any dressing or soup to thicken (just let it stand for a few minutes). This also goes for things like meatballs – which can be thickened with chia seeds instead of breadcrumbs.
Chia Crackers
4) Make grain-free crackers!
There are several variations and recipes available online – I haven’t tried any of them yet, but they sound and look tasty!
5) And yes, as a Chia pet!
Want to reminisce and go back to the 1980s? Instead of buying your chia pet, just get a pot, add some dirt, sprinkle in some chia seeds, and water! Cha-cha-cha-chia! 🙂