Image: Annabel, Kemi and I posing at the IDEA World Fitness Conference – GRIT Fitness Instructors represent!
Hola friends! I hope your week is going well. This week is a bit of a bear as I’m still getting back in the swing of things after being in Los Angeles for the IDEA World Blog Fest & Fitness Convention. This was my 2nd time attending as last year I went for the 1st time and had an absolute blast. Check out my blog post reflecting on my most memorable moments the 2014 IDEA World.
This year’s conference was equally energizing and inspiring and better yet, 2 of my best friends & fellow GRIT Fitness instructors (Annabel and Kemi) came with me! We enjoyed 3 days of workshops, workouts and fitness classes in LA. My adorable aunt (who’s 75 years old and super amazing looking – OMG see photo below) hosted us at her fab house. We had an awesome trip perfectly balanced with relaxation and invigoration. Here are a few pics…

I love attending these conferences because I pick up little nuggets wisdom from fellow fitness entrepreneurs. Here are the Top 5 takeaways that impacted me most…
Top 5 Inspirational Quotes for Business Owners
- Nobody can be you like YOU can – Dare to be different from the masses.
- Only iron can sharpen iron – Surround yourself with positive, smart highly motivated people.
- Work ON your business and IN your business – Don’t get so caught up in your business operations that lost focus on strategic planning.
- Anticipate and prepare for change – Change is inevitable so put lots of energy in continuous improvement and never get too comfortable in your current situation.
- People are your greatest asset, treat them as such – The only thing that truly seperates good business from great business is passionate and loyal human capital.

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I love that you got to hang out with Mark! I miss both of you and your classes 🙂