Image: Rockin’ my Onzie Bustier Bra Top and matching Track Leggings
Happy Fitness Fashion Friday! We are officially at week 3 – are guys liking this new tradition? Let me know! (Here’s links to my outfits from week 1 and week 2 in case you missed them.)Today, I wanna show off my new, super sexy activewear from Onzie. Now let me preface this by saying that I NEVER show off my tummy when I’m working out so this was a bold move on my part. This week I stepped out of my “gritty” comfort zone and rocked this bustier and matching leggings to yoga class. The top isn’t super supportive so I couldn’t wear it for a Turbo Kick or cycling workout. I added my Vinyasa scarf from Lululemon for a little coverage before and after class. BTW, this scarf is amazing! You can wear it like 10 different ways, even as a vest (as I am doing below). All in all, I felt strong and sexy in this outfit. Better yet, on the Onzie website they put together cute outfits for styling ideas – you can check them here!

And now it’s giveaway time! First off, the winner of last week’s GRIT tank top giveaway is Chelle! I was very inspired by her personal definition of “grit.” This is what “grit” means to Chelle: “GRIT is that rod of steel that runs through the backbone of every woman out there kicking butt in the world, corporate, fitness or otherwise. She may greet you with a gentle smile or look perfectly polished and pulled together even during the toughest times but the thing that keeps her going when she wants to stay in bed kicking and screaming and crying about the inevitable trials in her life is her inner GRIT.” Congrats Chelle! Your tank top is on it’s way to you!
In fact, I was SO inspired but all of your comments, that I’m actually combining them into a cute quote printable. I’ll post it so you can each have a copy. The energy that I feel from hearing the voices of so many powerful, positive, gritty women is absolutely amazing – thanks again for sharing you guys!
Today I’m hosting ANOTHER giveaway thanks to Onzie activewear! In case you can’t tell, I’m an Onzie junkie. Did you see my outfit from their Spring collection? The wonderful folks at Onzie hooked me up with this adorable, one-size fits all, knot-back tank top from their Fall collection. I’m feeling kind of random (and nosy) today, so I just wanna know what your weekend plans are? Football game, dinner with friends, family time, working out? To win this tank, just post a comment sharing your weekend agenda. I’ll announce the winner next Tuesday, September 23rd. Happy Friday! luv, Brit