Hey friends! I just returned to Dallas from a fun-filled, informative weekend in Chicago! My primary purpose was to visit my best friends (Jan and Lakshmi) but in the midst of our patio chillin’ and fine dining I received some valuable business inspiration!
I read #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso during my flight. Have you read it? It was a funny and inspiring read that got me in “empowered entrepreneur mode” for the duration of the trip. My main take away from the book is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND EVERYONE ELSE WILL BELIEVE IN YOU TOO.

The weather in Chicago was absolutely perfect, sunshine with a cool breeze. Lakshmi, Jan and I enjoyed several cocktails on the patio throughout the weekend. Jan is a member of SoHo House so we also had a yummy lunch on the roof. So fancy huh?

I was excited to put on an old dress that I love – it’s a metallic, fitted Alice & Oliva dress – an oldie but a goodie. I wore it 2 years ago the Dallas Autumn Ball (see here at the bottom of the post) and was pumped to get some more wear out of it this weekend. I love fancy events – great drinks, lots of dancing and engaging conversation – what more could I ask for?

The fun didn’t stop there. On Friday morning I got to attend another exclusive event with Lakshmi (yeah – she’s connected). It was a private breakfast and discussion at the Virgin Hotel for a hand-selected group of 1871 entrepreneurs. Alistair Campbell, former spokesman/press secretary British Prime Minister Tony Blair, was the keynote speaker. He talked about his new book, Winners, and having a “winning mindset.”

I found his comments very thought-provoking. Especially this one…

He elaborated with numerous sports examples. But his bottom line was that the feeling of “not being good enough” can really drive some people more than anything. As a small business owner and a “grit” enthusiast, I couldn’t agree more. Nothing motivates me more than overcoming obstacles and proving to myself and to others that I am capable.
The rest of the weekend was filled with laughs, deep conversation, a sweaty ride at SOUL CYCLE and a final farewell home-cooked dinner at Lakshmi’s place. While the fancy events were nice, I gained the most valuable insight and inspiration from my dearest friends. Every time I’m around them I feel so good about myself because I know that they love me for who I am. I can be 100% myself, silly-jokes, crazy comments and all. And this brings me to the last secret to start-up success = CREATE A BRAND THAT IS TRUE TO YOU.
At the end of the day, there are unlimited products and services in the world that are essentially the same. However, winners are able to deliver value in a different/unique way. A way that makes people feel connected to them. The best way to be unique is to be yourself! Let that uniqueness shine thr