Movin’ & Shakin’ in Monte Carlo

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  With that in mind, I don’t have much to say about the Monaco segment of my European Extravaganza  except that it was truly a mind-blowing experience.  From relaxing in the king spa of our posh Hotel Hermitage, gazing at lavish yachts, Bentley’s and Bugatti’s  to dancing under the stars at the final gala, I felt like a BO$$.

While I didn’t work out as planned during my 4 days in “baller’s paradise,”  I did have some much-needed self-appreciation and quality time with amazing friends – equally good for my mind, body and soul.  So here you have it, some of my favorite personal pics from my favorite trip to date.  Enjoy!

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Euro Vacay Grind: My Workout Schedule While Traveling to Italy & France

It’s Summer time – yeah buddy!  This week I’m headed out on the ultimate European summer vacation to Monaco & Italy with some of my best friends, including Jan from the 4-week Tone Up Challenge!  I know I’m supposed to be chill and modest and “act like I’ve been there before.”  But let’s be honest, I haven’t, and I’m SUPER excited!

Packed up and ready to go – saved room for my workout toys!

So, knowing that I’m going to be completely immersed in all of the European ‘fabulousity’ I’ve planned ahead to ensure that I keep up with my workouts.  Did you know that it only takes 48 hours to start losing your cardio vascular endurance?  It’s true!

Below is the workout schedule that I put together.  All of these workouts can be done in my hotel  or outside,  so there is NO EXCUSE for me to skip.  I’m packing my trusty Tae-bo workout video, a jump rope and one set of resistance bands.  My goal is to work out 8 out of the 12 days and to multitask by working out/site seeing when possible.

Wish me luck – I hope I can stick to this.  I’ll keep you guys posted while I’m away and send some pics too.  Have a great week 🙂

The following Grit by Brit workouts are incorporated into my plan:

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