Always be Joyful!

Happy Friday!  I hope you guys are looking forward to an awesome weekend.  I certainly am.  This is my birthday weekend – HEY!  On Sunday, July 14th I will turn 29 years old…the last year of my twenties has come.

To celebrate my b-day I’m having a pool party at my parents’ house.  But this isn’t your ordinary pool party.  My mom ordered the most AWESOME slip-n-slide in the world (see below)!  Talk about being “young at heart” 😉

bday party water slide

So, in the spirit of growing older, wiser and more awesome, I wanted to leave you this little nugget of inspiration….

HAVE SOME FUN THIS WEEKEND!  Choose to be happy!  Reward yourself with some good times and positive energy.  We often take ourselves so seriously that we forget to stop and enjoy this one precious life that we have.  So, rest assured, I will be living it up (and working out) this weekend and I hope that you will too!

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”  –Henri Nouwen

Have a ball!  Lots of luv, Brit

Always Be Joyful

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We can always quit…why start now?

the future

Happiest Thursday to you!  I saw this quote on Twitter, “We can always quit, why start now?”   It made me take a step back and reflect on decisions I’m currently facing in my own life.  I gotta be honest….I’m TIRED.  Work is demanding.  Traveling is draining.  In addition to that, the effort it takes to plan my workouts, blog, volunteer and consciously spend time with the people I love, leaves me with very little in my “Energy Budget” at the end of each day.  BUT I’m happy to say that even though it seems like I’m “running on empty” at least I’m still running.  And that, my friends, is a blessing!

So, I write this blog post for both selfish and selfless reasons:

  1. I hope it motivates you to keep pushing
  2. I needed to give myself a pep talk 🙂

Have a wonderful day – you got this!

Lots of luv,


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Movin’ & Shakin’ in Monte Carlo

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  With that in mind, I don’t have much to say about the Monaco segment of my European Extravaganza  except that it was truly a mind-blowing experience.  From relaxing in the king spa of our posh Hotel Hermitage, gazing at lavish yachts, Bentley’s and Bugatti’s  to dancing under the stars at the final gala, I felt like a BO$$.

While I didn’t work out as planned during my 4 days in “baller’s paradise,”  I did have some much-needed self-appreciation and quality time with amazing friends – equally good for my mind, body and soul.  So here you have it, some of my favorite personal pics from my favorite trip to date.  Enjoy!

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