Good morning friends! As promised, I gathered all of your comments from my GRIT Tank Top Giveaway a couple of weeks ago and summarized them into the graphic below. I have to be honest, at first I did this for selfish reasons as these quotes became my morning motivation. I was so inspired by your definitions of “GRIT” I just had to share the goodness. Now you can print, Pin or post this graphic anywhere you like. Also, HUGE thank you to 8 Wonder Women who shared what “GRIT” means to them…
On that note, let’s keep the gritty goodness going. I’m hosting another giveaway for this black GRIT tank top (pictured below). Just like last time, post a comment answering the question, “What does GRIT mean to you?” I’ll read through all of your inspiring words and pick a winner – will announce next Wednesday (Oct. 8). Enjoy!