10 Thoughts GRITTY People Reject

Happy Hump Day gang!  As I sit in my home office enjoying my week of vacation, I started a stream of consciousness of thoughts/statements that I absolutely hate to hear.  So, I wanted to write a post to reject each and every one of them…

  1. My best days are behind me – Gritty people believe that the best is always yet to come.  If we can’t hope for a brighter and better future, what’s the point of working hard?  Or waking up every day?
  2. My dreams don’t matter – Our dreams are unique. They drive our passions and ultimately our purpose in life.  Gritty people value their dreams and pursue them.
  3. I’ve reached my limit – We have no limits!  We are only limited by our minds and the restrictions that we put on ourselves.  Gritty people continuously work harder, dream bigger and expect more out of life.
  4. I’m cursed – None of us are cursed!  In fact, believing that we are cursed will actually bring about bad situations.  Suffering is a fundamental part of the human experience, but in the grand scheme of things, good always outweighs bad.  Gritty people strive to stay positive!
  5. I’m not supposed to be happy – All of us are given the gift of life and have duty to live life abundantly.  That means we are supposed to experience joy, peace, service, happiness and purpose.  Why even live if we are doomed for gloom?  You are supposed to be happy – gritty people accept this truth!
  6. I’m weak – This is one of the most powerful lies that can ruin your whole life if you start to believe it.  Gritty people know that they are powerful beyond measure.  You are so much stronger than you think!
  7. This is as good as it gets – When we start to accept this thought, we are likely to settle for less than optimal circumstances.  Now I’m not saying that we should never experience bad times, but we must always believe that we can make situations better with hard work, faith and confidence.
  8. What he/she did is unforgivable – EVERYTHING is forgivable.  Gritty people understand that holding a grudge is like “drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Buddha
  9. I have no control over this situation – While we can’t control all of life’s circumstances, we can always control how we respond.  Our responses to situations have so much influence on the outcomes.  Gritty people take control of their lives.
  10. I am the victim – Gritty people accept responsibility for themselves and for their happiness.  Despite wrong doings by others, gritty people refuse to be the victim.  Victims are weak.   Weak is not a good look.

I know each of you are gritty already, so help spread these powerful truths to those you love.

xoxo, Brit

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Believe in Yourself: 10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

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believe in yourself confidence

Confidence really is the “key” to… everything.  After working in 2 totally different environments,  full-time in a conservative corporate organization and part-time in a gym teaching fitness classes,   I’ve noticed that in both contexts the most confident people always fare best.  Notice I didn’t say the smartest, most experienced or even the most talented.  For example, at my corporate job the person who speaks up in meetings and boldly takes on new projects is always first in line for promotion.  Also at the gym, the fitness instructors who risk looking like an idiot to energize their class always have the biggest following.   The consistent trait among these successful folks is a high degree of self-confidence. 

The reality is that we all have insecurities.  We compare ourselves to others and feel shameful at times (or at least I do).  To me, it’s refreshing to see people who are fearless and confident enough to take a stand or risk failing.  Seeing someone who believes in their self makes me believe in them too.  It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.   

That said I did some research on tips that can help us boost our self-confidence.  Below are my 10 favorites.  I hope these tips helps you as much as they’ve helped me.  

10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

  1. Sip coffee – Studies show that just a little coffee increases alertness, energy and confidence.  But remember to skip the cream and sugar, no need for the extra calories.
  2. WIN! do something you’re naturally good at – It’s great to improve on our weaknesses, but it’s really nice to be the best at something.  Make winning a habit by doing something each week that you are naturally good at.
  3. Stick out your chest – “Research suggests that people with good posture have more confidence in their thoughts than slouchers.”  Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Quick-Confidence-How-to-Boost-Self-Esteem#ixzz2qPV2G9gB
  4. Strut some stilettos – High heels make us stand up straighter and walk taller.  Don’t be afraid to stand tall and be big!  Throw on those pumps and “get on wit yo bad self!”
  5. Blog – Sharing your innermost feelings online rather than in a personal journal can help us feel more comfortable with ourselves – flaws and all.  There’s something powerful about taking the risk of sharing your thoughts and experiences with the world.  The vulnerability required to blog can increase self-confidence.
  6. Dance in the mirror – I find dancing in the mirror to be extremely liberating.  I’ve told you guys over and over that I am not a great dancer, so watching myself let loose (and look kinda silly) helps me feel more comfortable in my own skin.  Try it!
  7. Savor compliments – Instead of dismissing compliments, simply say “Thank You” and then repeat the compliment in your head 3 times.  It’s okay, don’t be shy 😉
  8. Smile – “Social psychologist Laura Kray, PhD, has demonstrated that smiling, laughing and engaging in slight physical contact when negotiating can help you win the day.”  Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Quick-Confidence-How-to-Boost-Self-Esteem/5#ixzz2qPVIodQO
  9. Sweat –  Exercise gets endorphins flowing and increases serotonin which makes us feel good.  It’s easier to be confident when you feel good.  Also the physical benefits of exercise makes us feel better about our abilities and our appearance.
  10. Write about a time you felt “powerful” – I was at  women’s brunch a few months ago and the speaker asked the audience how many of us wanted to be powerful.  Only only like 10% raised their hands.  Then she asked how many wanted to be influential and like 90% raised their hands.  I don’t get that?  What’s wrong with being powerful?  Powerful people with good intentions can make the most significant positive impacts!  People possess power because others believe in them. Powerful people exude confidence!  Spend some time writing about your most “powerful” moment to give yourself a confidence boost.

Fake it till you make it!  xoxo, Brit

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SPEAK it into Existence!

“I’m going to shoot a workout video on May 12, 2012”

– Brit on 1/24/12

Guess what?  I did!  In less than 5 months, with help of the most amazing friends and family, yesterday we shot GRIT Ultimate Body Burn Vol.1 – WOW!  Let me preface this by saying that I have ZERO video or audio production experience, I’m not a full-time fitness professional (I’m a management consultant by day) and I’ve only been a group fitness instructor for 1 year.  However, a simple statement that I made to a friend on Jan 24, 2012 became a reality due to enthusiasm and the amazing power of the tongue!

Now let me keep it real, there were SEVERAL bumps in the road: getting legal clearance for music was a nightmare, writing choreography took many sleepless nights and my credit card is suffering from underestimating the cost of video equipment rentals.  However, I feel more alive and energized than I have in years because I did something that most, including myself, considered impossible – and it all starting with SPEAKING out my goal.  Even though we still have a lot of post production work to do, this is one of most challenging and inspiring experiences of my life so I wanted to share it with you.  Now, I challenge YOU to BELIEVE in whatever it is that you want to achieve.  You ARE what you SAY you are.  So, NAME it, CLAIM it, and DO it – GRIT!

“Death and Life are in the power of the tongue…” (Proverbs 18:21)

Me and my GRIT girlz chillin’ in between cuts

The amazing Phil Wall to the far right (www.philwallproductions.com) my buddy and partner in crime – the genius one man crew who made the shoot a success!

Got free labor from my lil’ bro – he was our “audio technician”

Standing AB work – yeah buddy!

Celebrating (silly pose) after we finished the shoot!

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