Hey gang! I’m still on a high from a party we hosted last Friday night at my studio, GRIT Fitness. In addition to the 7 original group fitness classes that we’ve developed, we now offer a signature, super-sweaty indoor cycling class called REVOLUTION! Can you read the full class description here.
To celebrate the expansion of our service our offering, we threw an amazing party complete with vendors, 3 free classes, special guests, sips, bites and special gift for all attendees. Most importantly, we introduced our newest REVOLUTION cycle instructors to the GRIT community!

BONUS – over the past few months, my teammate Anna and I have been working on the very first GRIT Fitness apparel line. On Friday night, we finally launched our first product, GRIT Sports Bras! They say “No Grit No Pearl” around the band because, duh! 🙂

I’m so proud of this accomplishment as an apparel line has always been something I wanted to create but I’ve struggled with the designed and purchasing aspects. Fortunately, Anna is an expert in those areas so together, we were finally able to bring the idea to life! AND, we sold over half of our inventory on the 1st day – woo hoo!

Altogether it was an awesome night. Each day I’m more and more grateful to spend my time in a job that love. Where I get to create, innovate, have fun and serve others. Life is good! I hope you have an awesome week ahead. xoxo, Brit