5 Acts of Gratitude to Boost Your Mood

As you know, this month is all about gratitude = the quality of being thankful.  I’m so grateful to wake up everyday and do something that I love: share fitness & healthy living with people I care about = YOU!  I’m also grateful for the opportunity to share my fitness business start up story with SELF Magazine.  Woo ho0 – check out my article on self.com!

I’ve found that practicing acts of gratitude makes me a happier person. In fact, studies from University of California Berkeley show that grateful people are less resentful, more optimistic and healthier than their ungrateful counterparts. Also, physically expressing gratitude generates a greater happiness return than simply feeling appreciation. So just in time for Thanksgiving, here are five acts of gratitude to ensure you have the happiest holiday!

  1. Savor the Small Stuff – Whether it’s your morning cup of coffee or hot shower after a long day, take a moment to be present and acknowledge your little luxury.
  2. Say Thank You – Actually pick up phone, call someone and tell him or her how much they mean to you. Not only with they feel wonderful, but you will too.
  3. Love Your Body – Go for a sweat session at your favorite fitness studio. Afterwards thank your body for its physical fitness.
  4. Be One With Nature – Step outside and look around. Appreciating nature’s beauty can quickly lift your spirits.
  5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments – Make a list of three personal accomplishments and thank yourself for your dedication and commitment. We often express gratitude to others, but it’s equally important to appreciate ourselves.

This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to not only feel thankful but to also express your gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo, Brit

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  1. Keeping a regular journal is also a great way to practice gratitude, among other benefits. Another method that could resonate with other entrepreneurs (like yourself) is to keep a ‘done’ list, as an alternative (or compliment) to a ‘to do’ list. Seeing what you’ve actually accomplished throughout the day can be much more satisfying that seeing what you still have left to do.