Lose the POOCH! Complete workout for your LOWER ABS

lose the pooch

FUPA = Front Upper Pubic Area

(aka “pooch”)

Alright, you guys asked for it so here it is – the ultimate workout for our biggest problem area: LOWER ABS!

Now, if you truly want to lose your pooch you have to minimize belly fat.  That means you have to eat clean & sweat.  That’s right folks, hit that treadmill, drink that water and eat those apples – just keepin’ it real.

Also, keep note that there are 3 key mistakes we often make that cause our tummy to look super saggy.  Avoid these!

  1. Slouching – Stand up straight, puff out that chest and suck in that tummy.  Just standing up straight can make us look up to 10 pounds lighter, no joke!  Also, walking around like a hunchback makes us look  sloppy and insecure…not cute.
  2. Too much sodium – Salt makes us retain water and causes stomach bloating.  If you need to slim down for a big event, cut back on the salt!
  3. Not enough water – Dehydration causes “bowel issues” which also causes bloating.  Drink up and flush out 😉

Try the workout along with some CARDIO and let me know how it goes.  Once you get the exercises down, repeat the circuit up to 5 times for a #hardcore burn – enjoy!

Lots of luv, Brit

Lower Abs Workout

(Note: You can click on the image above, to maximize size and print.)


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